7 Reasons You Shouldn't Drink  Milk Tea in Morning

Are you someone who drinks Milk Tea first thing in the morning? Here's why you have to leave that habit.

Milk tea on an empty stomach irritates digestion, causing acidity or bloating due to caffeine and lactose. 

Disrupts Digestion 

Tannins in tea reduce iron absorption, hindering nutrient intake when milk tea is consumed first thing in the morning. 

Interferes with Iron Absorption 

Empty stomach? Milk tea's tannins and caffeine can upset your stomach lining, leaving you feeling queasy. 

May Cause Nausea 

Morning milk tea can spike stomach acid levels, leading to acid reflux or heartburn from caffeine and tannins. 

Triggers Acidity 

Caffeine in milk tea boosts cortisol, the stress hormone, causing anxiety, jitteriness.

Raises Cortisol Levels 

Milk tea hampers absorption of key nutrients like calcium and magnesium, lowering bioavailability for meals afterward. 

Affects Nutrient Absorption 

Morning milk tea may trigger caffeine dependency, causing irritability, fatigue, or headaches if you skip it. 

Can Lead to Dependency