Signs You've Not Accepted Yourself  as per Psychology

Believing you’re unlovable stems from internal rejection—embrace your imperfections to feel deserving of genuine love. 


Constantly Seeking Validation 

If you’re always chasing approval, it’s a sign you’re not confident in your own worth. 


Comparing Yourself to Others 

Endless comparison drains joy and shows you're struggling to accept your unique strengths and journey. 


Overthinking Everything 

Overanalyzing decisions often reflects self-doubt and fear of making mistakes that might define you. 


Difficulty Accepting Compliments 

Brushing off compliments reveals discomfort with seeing yourself positively or acknowledging your own accomplishments. 


People-Pleasing Tendencies 

If you prioritize others’ needs over your own, it’s a sign you undervalue your own desires. 


Feeling Like an Impostor 

Impostor syndrome screams self-rejection—stop questioning if you deserve your achievements; you absolutely do! 


Negative Self-Talk 

Harsh self-criticism reflects inner rejection—be kind to yourself and shift your mindset to compassion.