World's Fastest Declining Jobs in 2025

AI, automation, and industry shifts are wiping out jobs—find out which careers are disappearing fastest in 2025! 

Automation and AI-driven software are replacing human data entry clerks, making this job nearly obsolete. 

Data Entry Clerks – AI is Taking Over 

With online booking platforms like Expedia and AI trip planners, traditional travel agents are losing ground. 

Travel Agents – DIY Bookings Rule 

Retailers are replacing human cashiers with self-checkout kiosks and AI-powered payment systems—efficiency over employment. 

Cashiers – Self-Checkout is the Future 

Robocalls and AI-driven chatbots are making human telemarketers redundant.

Telemarketers – AI Handles the Calls Now 

ATMs and digital banking apps are reducing the need for human tellers at traditional bank branches. 

Bank Tellers – Mobile Banking Takes Over 

Newspapers are declining as readers shift to online platforms, shrinking opportunities for print journalists. 

Print Journalists – Digital News is King 

Factories are replacing human workers with robotic automation, cutting costs and boosting production efficiency. 

Assembly Line Workers – Robots Do It Faster 

With emails and digital communication dominating, the demand for postal services is rapidly fading. 

Postal Workers – Who Sends Letters?