Charlie Munger Book Recommendations For You

Charlie Munger’s book picks sharpen thinking, boost decision-making, and help you master investing, business, and life. 

A treasure trove of Munger’s wit, investing principles, and life lessons—distilled from decades of experience. 

"Poor Charlie’s Almanack" 

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Master psychological triggers behind decision-making to avoid manipulation and become a sharper negotiator and investor. 

"Influence" by Robert Cialdini  

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Daniel Kahneman reveals how biases trick us—Munger swears by it to refine rational thinking. 

"Thinking, Fast and Slow" 

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Munger loves this book for its unconventional CEOs who outperformed big names by thinking differently. 

"The Outsiders" 

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Graham’s principles on value investing shaped Buffett and Munger’s philosophy—essential for long-term wealth building. 

"The Intelligent Investor" 

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Munger admired its unique lens on human behavior—perfect for curious minds who love unconventional insights. 


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Munger sees Sun Tzu’s tactics as essential for business, investing, and outsmarting competitors. 

"The Art of War" 

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