Quick Summary
Online part time jobs for students or online job work from home for students not only help them to build new networks but also provide a supplementary source of income. With a plethora of online part-time jobs without investment, you can take up different kind of job that suits you. It also helps determine whether you can make a full-time career out of it in the future. And also helps you to build a strong resume and work portfolio.
With the increasing technology, students have a great option to work in addition to their studies. Even a survey shows that more than 62% of youth have side jobs. And what would be better than having an online part-time job to give you a great start?
Here we have shortlisted some of the best online part time jobs for students that you can start today.
It is not easy to do an internship or to do a full-time job along with studies. Therefore, working a traditional office job tends to be much more hectic than an online job. That is why online part time jobs for students or work from home jobs for students are the right option to help them earn some money without interrupting their studies.
So, here are the best online part time jobs for students.
If writing is something you find fulfilling, you should consider taking a content writing job. Content writing is best for 2 to 3 hours part time jobs work from home for students. Content writers are professional writers who create content in the form of articles, blogs, podcasts, e-books, captions, web content development, etc. The job requires fluency in English, strong writing, and research skills. Also, you may need to be well versed in Ms-Word and Excel.
You can earn an average of ₹18,000 – ₹30,000 per month.
Time to be invested 2-5 hours per day
Related Read :- Guide to Freelance Content Writing Jobs
Graphics designing is one of the best online part time jobs for students in laptop and a work from home jobs for students. Nowadays almost every other company needs and hires a graphic artist to promote their brand. A graphic designer creates and communicates visuals through typography, imagery, and color. You also need to be familiar with design software and techniques such as Photoshop, Adobe, etc. As a graphic designer, you will design posters, web designs, logos, layouts, photos, or unique visuals.
You can earn an average of ₹16,000 – ₹35,000 per month.
Time to be invested 4-7 hours per day
Data entry agents are required to update data from other sources in the company’s servers. You are responsible for keeping the data up to date and ensuring it is readily available to all. If you have a high school degree in English with basic typing and communication skills, and working knowledge of Microsoft Office, you can easily qualify for this job. It is one of the easiest online part time jobs for students in mobile in India which is also considered as a best option for work form home jobs for students.
You can earn an average of ₹14,000 – ₹25,000 per month.
Time to be invested 2-4 hours per day
Related Read :- Online Data Entry Jobs
If you have experience in SEO, SEM, and Digital Marketing, you can work as an SEO Marketer. Their tasks include conducting keyword research and web analysis to optimize SEO strategies for the brand’s web page. They also analyze and report web traffic using various SEO strategies. SEO marketers should know about Google Analytics and other SEO tools. SEO Marketer is considered as best online part time jobs for students.
You can earn an average of ₹20,000 – ₹40,000 per month.
Time to be invested 3-6 hours per day
Social media marketing is about expanding a brand’s audience with the use of multiple social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc. Social Media Manager is best for online part time jobs for students in mobile. As well as coming up with strategies to advertise your brand, and creating content that targets a specific audience. Also, monitoring the social media presence of the brand.
You can earn an average of ₹20,000 – ₹40,000 per month.
Time to be invested 4-7 hours per day
A translator converts information from one language to another. The company hires professionals who can translate and store ideas from one language to another. You must be fluent in speaking and writing in any two or more languages. If you have an advanced degree in any of the high-demand languages like German, French, or Spanish, you can easily qualify for this job. This can prove to be a great online part time jobs for students.
You can earn an average of ₹15,000 – ₹35,000 per month.
Time to be invested 3-5 hours per day
As a web developer, you must be well-versed in the basics of coding and markup languages, including HTML and CSS. Online part time jobs for students, like web development, involve designing, developing, and maintaining company websites. You will use a combination of programming languages and web development tools to create the structure, design, and functionality of websites.
You can earn an average of ₹3,00,000 – ₹8,00,000 per year which is around ₹25,000 – ₹66,000 per month.
Time to be invested 4-7 hours per day
Online tutoring is one of the best online part time jobs for students. If you are good at one or more than one subjects, then you can use your knowledge and expertise to teach online. As an online tutor, you can teach students from anywhere and can charge for your tutoring services.
You can also become a Chegg Q/A expert, where you don’t have to look out for students. Instead, you get to choose which subject you want to teach, and which answers you want to solve and the greatest part is that you can work flexible hours. It can be one of the best part time online jobs for students.
You can earn an average of ₹15,000 – ₹21,000 per month.
Time to be invested 2-4 hours per day
Telemarketing comes on top of part time online jobs for students . As a telemarketer, your role will be to talk to prospective customers. And to inform about the benefits and uses of the product or services your company is selling. Your responsibilities will include making cold calls to customers using the directory provided, achieving daily sales targets, and assisting customers wherever required.
You can earn an average of ₹12,000 – ₹18,000 per month.
Time to be invested 2-5 hours per day
If you have a good reading habit, then working as a book reviewer is one of the best online part time jobs for students daily payment. Every author, publishing house, and e-book platform needs reviewers for their books. As a book reviewer, you need to write reviews for books after reading them. You have to provide unbiased, detailed, and informative feedback on books, novels, graphic books, etc.
You can earn an average of ₹10,000 – ₹15,000 per month.
Time to be invested 2-5 hours per day
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Online part time jobs for students help them upgrade their skills and earn income. Additionally, it also allows them to add experience to their resume and opens up more career opportunities after completing their studies.
Here’s a list of a few more reasons why online part time jobs for students are helpful:
Financial Independence | A part-time job can provide students with the funds they need to pay for living expenses, such as rent, food, and transportation. |
Work Experience | Working in college can provide students with an opportunity to gain valuable work experience in their field of study, which can help them obtain a job after graduation. |
Time Management | Working a part-time job can help students develop good time management skills, which can be beneficial when it comes to balancing course work, a job, and personal responsibilities in their future job. |
Learning New Skills | Part-time jobs for students online provide opportunities for students to learn new skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, etc. |
Building a Network | Having a job allows a student to build a network of professional contacts, which can be useful when searching for future jobs or internships. |
Learn Budgeting | Online part-time work also teaches students how to manage their expenses carefully. This habit will help them in the long run and is also a great way to save money. |
Finding online part time jobs for students is easy, but it requires effort and research. Here’s how you can find the right job for you:
There are several platforms where you can find online part time jobs for students in India. Some of the popular websites include:
Join Facebook groups or LinkedIn communities dedicated to job opportunities. Many students and freelancers share part-time job listings that you can apply for.
Use popular job search engines like Indeed and Naukri to find online part-time jobs specifically for students.
Reach out to your professors, friends, or family members who may know of online part-time opportunities. Personal connections can often lead to the best job referrals.
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Here are a few things that you should keep in mind before applying for a online part time jobs for students at home:
If you are conscious about the work location and how much time you have to dedicate to work apart from your studies, then an online part time jobs for students without investment will suit you best. There is no limit to the job options as you can choose from hundreds of job opportunities as per your interest and skills. Even if you want to explore different career options, online part time jobs for students help you do that.
You can also learn new skills by enrolling in free online courses and applying for jobs that interest you. An on-campus part-time job allows you to gain experience and earn good pocket-money. This will make you independent and also create a strong work portfolio of your work.
It is important to remember that working a part-time job while being a student can be challenging, so it is important to strike a good balance and plan to make the most of it.
Dive in to our guide to explore all about online jobs to fit any lifestyle.
Some of the best online part time jobs for students in India include freelance writing, online tutoring, virtual assistant, social media management, and data entry jobs.
The best part-time online job for students depends on their skills and interests. Popular options include freelance writing, online tutoring, graphic design, or social media management. Students can also consider virtual assistant roles, transcription, and content creation.
1. There is no need for frequent travelling and students can work from anywhere without hindering their studies.
2. Students can gain new skills and experience while studying.
3. They can also earn side pocket money.
4. They have a strong work portfolio to apply to future jobs.
5. Get exposure to different career opportunities.
Chegg India is one of the best online job platform for students as if they have teaching skills and knowledge of a subject, they can earn by becoming a subject expert and earn online easily online.
Yes, students can earn money online through various avenues like freelance writing, virtual tutoring, social media management, online surveys, data entry, graphic design, and content moderation. These opportunities provide flexible hours, making it easier to balance work and studies.
To earn $15,000 per month as a student, consider a combination of high-paying freelance jobs like web development, writing, or graphic design. You can also explore online businesses, affiliate marketing, or becoming a content creator on YouTube or Instagram.
Apps like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are great for students seeking online jobs. Additionally, Swagbucks, TaskRabbit, and Tutor.com offer flexible opportunities for students to earn money based on their skills and availability.
For mobile-based part-time jobs with daily payment, students can consider platforms like Swagbucks, Meesho (for reselling), and user testing websites like (usertesting). These platforms allow students to complete tasks or sell products while earning money on a daily basis.
Government online part-time jobs for students include roles like data entry, content writing for government websites, online surveys, and transcription work. Students can check official government job portals like National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) or Naukri.com or Government job apps like (Sarkari Naukri) for part-time opportunities.
The best online part-time jobs for students without any investment include freelance writing, online tutoring, data entry, virtual assistance, social media management, and transcription. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer allow students to start earning by offering their skills without any initial investment. Additionally, students can explore online survey websites, content creation, and affiliate marketing, which require minimal to no upfront costs.
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