UPTET Answer Key 2025: Explore a Comprehensive Guide

February 3, 2025
uptet answer key

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UPTET Answer Key

UPTET is the annual exam conducted for the qualification of primary teachers (class I to VIII) in Uttar Pradesh. Once the exam is completed, the UPTET 2023 Answer Key is released by the Exam Regulatory Authority of Uttar Pradesh. The answer key contains the correct answers to all the questions asked in the exam. Candidates can use it to calculate their expected scores and evaluate their performance.

In this blog, we have covered the important dates and details about the answer key, and how you can challenge the errors. Let’s go!

uptet answer key

Steps To Download UPTET 2023 Answer Key

The UPTET 2023 answer key has been released on the official UPTET website. Candidates can visit the website to download the answer key for their set.

Here’s how you can download the UPTET 2023 Answer Key:

  • Visit the UPTET official website.
  • Click on the UPTER 2023 Answer Key link.
  • Enter your roll number and password.
  • Click on the ‘UPTET Exam Answer Key 2023’ button.
  • Download the UPTET Answer Key in PDF form.
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Important Details Present on UPTET Exam Answer Key 2023

As per the UPTET answer key 2022, each answer key highlights important details such as exam date, session, etc.

To make sure you have downloaded the right answer key, check for these important details:

  1. Exam Details: The answer key contains the exam date, session, paper code, and set number of the UPTET 2023 exam
  2. Marking Scheme: The answer key carries the total questions, the marks allotted for each answer, and the negative marking, if any.
  3. Question IDs: The answer key has a list of question IDs for each question. These IDs identify the specific questions that candidates have answered.
  4. Answers: The answer key has the correct answer options for each question in the UPTET exam.
  5. Candidate response box: finally, the answer key also has a small space to record all of the candidate’s responses. This helps candidates in calculating their final score tally.

UPTET Answer Key Challenging Process

This key holds the correct answers to ensure candidates can calculate their estimated scores after the exam.

Candidates can challenge the answer key on the official UPTET website in case of a discrepancy or incorrect marking. There were a couple of disputes in the UPTET 2021 official answer key, which were quickly resolved.

The fee for raising one objection is INR 500.

Here’s how candidates can challenge the UPTET answer key:

Step 1) Visit the Exam Regulatory Authority’s official website
2) Press on the UPTET link
3) In a new window, click on UPTET answer key objection link
4) Enter your login details (password & roll number)
5) Click on the right question paper set for your exam from options A, B, C, and D
6) Click on the ‘’Click Here to File Objections’ and proceed
7) Select the question you want to challenge and enter any remarks
8) Click on the ‘Submit’ button
9) Pay the INR 500 fee through the SBI payment option.

Download the Category-Wise UPTET exam Answer Key 2023

The category-wise PDFs can be found on the official UPTET website. Here’s how you can get it:

Category-Wise UPTET Answer Key 2023

Set Ahttps://updeled.gov.in/
Set Bhttps://updeled.gov.in/
Set Chttps://updeled.gov.in/
Set Dhttps://updeled.gov.in/

Calculation Process of UPTET Answer Key

UPTET is an offline exam. The candidates are not allowed to take the question paper after they are done. Hence, the answer key is released by the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB).

UPTET answer key is released to maintain exam integrity. It ensures that candidates can estimate their scores before the final result.

UPTET Cut-Off Marks 2023

The cut-off mark for UPTET 2023 Paper 1 and Paper 2 is the minimum qualification mark that candidates must score. Knowing about the cut-off score beforehand allows students to prepare for the exam in a smart way. Out of the four subjects in each paper, candidates can focus on the subjects they are best at and clear the cut-off score.

The UPTET 2023 cut-off list is:

CategoryTotal MarksCut-off PercentageCut-off Score

The UPTET Certificate 2023

The UPTET certificate is granted to candidates who have qualified for Paper 1 and Paper 2 of UPTET 2023. UPTET-certified teachers can apply for primary teachers for 1 to 8 in Utter Pradesh. Candidates can download the certificate and add it to their CVs.

Here’s how you can download the UPTET certificate once it is available:

Step 1) Go to the UPTET official website: updeled.gov.in
2) Go to the “UPTET Certificate” tab on the display page of the website
3) Enter your roll number and password on the login page
4) Click on “Download” and save a PDF copy, or print it out through your computer’s ‘Print’ option.


Getting at least 90 marks (82 for non-general) in the exam is important. Instead of guessing your final score, you can calculate your right to the 150 questions. Download the UPTET answer key to relieve your stress and know your expected score before the final results in July 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I check my UPTET answer key?

You can check the UPTET answer key on UPTET’s official website, updeled.gov.in. Go to the website, click on the UPTET result 2023 tab, and log in with your given roll number and password.

Is the UPTET result announced?

The UPTET result will be announced in July 2023. You can check out the final solution key for UPTET 2023 by going to the UPTET official website, updeled.gov.in.

How can I download the UPTET result?

The UPTET result 2023 will be available online. You can download the UPTET result with this process:
1. Go to UPTET’s official website: updeled.gov.in.
2. Click on the UPTET 2023 result tab
3. Enter your roll number and password
4. Check the result on the screen
5. Download the UPTET result

Is the UPTET exam paper leaked?

The UPTET 2022 paper was unfortunately leaked and sold to 20+ people in 2022. The leak was detected by the police intelligence agencies quickly, and the exam was rescheduled. The UPTET 2023 has not been leaked.

What is a good score in UPTET?

The total mark of UPTET 2023 is 150. As per the past results, the qualifying score for the general category is 90, and a good score can be somewhere between 90 to 100. The qualifying score for SC/ST/OBC/EX-SE/PWD is 82, and a good score is between 82 to 95.

What is the UPTET exam salary?

Here is the updated salary breakdown of the UPTET exam salary: