PCR Full Form: 5 Amazing Facts About This Vital Technique

October 3, 2024
pcr full form

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Introduction: What is PCR full form?

PCR Full Form is Polymerase Chain Reaction, a lab technique used to amplify a small amount of DNA into thousands or millions of copies. This process involves the enzyme polymerase, which synthesizes new DNA strands by assembling nucleotides to match a DNA template. Through cycles of heating and cooling, the polymerase duplicates the target DNA exponentially, generating millions of copies in just a few hours. This article delves into the PCR full form, its history, and its significance.

A brief history of PCR

Development of PCR and its inventors    

Before driving PCR Full Form, let’s dive into the history. Kary Mullis invented PCR in 1983. In 1993, he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing PCR technology.

Milestones and Modification in PCR technology   

Since its invention, scientists have improved and modified PCR in various ways. Real-time PCR allows for the quantification of DNA. Nested PCR increases sensitivity. Multiplex PCR allows the enlargement of multiple targets simultaneously. Scientists use digital PCR for the precise measurement of DNA.

Steps of PCR   

Researchers repeat the three main steps of PCR in cycles to amplify specific DNA regions: denaturation, annealing, and extension.

Overview of the steps   

Heating the DNA sample separates the strands, followed by the annealing of primers to complementary sequences, and then the polymerase extends from the primers to synthesize new strands. Researchers repeat this cycle approximately 20-40 times.


Heating the DNA to about 95°C separates the double-stranded DNA into single strands, making them available for annealing with the primers.


The temperature is reduced to around 50-65°C, enabling primers to attach to the complementary sequences on the single-stranded DNA.


The temperature is increased to 72°C, and the polymerase extends from the primers along the DNA template to synthesize new complementary strands.

Importance of each step

Each step of PCR is crucial to replicate the target DNA. Denaturation provides templates, annealing attaches primers, and extension synthesizes new DNA strands, doubling the amount at each cycle and exponentially amplifying the target.

Applications of PCR

It has widespread applications in medicine, research, forensics and more due to its ability to amplify specific DNA sequences accurately and efficiently.  

Medical applications of PCR

  1. Diagnosis of diseases: It detects pathogens causing diseases like HIV, influenza, and tuberculosis.
  2. Genetic testing: PCR-based tests detect genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, and sickle cell anemia.
  3. Forensic analysis: It is used to analyze DNA samples from crime scenes.

Research and scientific applications of PCR

Biological researchers and scientists extensively use it as a fundamental technique in research and scientific applications. It includes cloning and sequencing genes, detecting mutations, analyzing gene expression patterns, and studying genetic variations and evolutionary relationships.

Industrial and agricultural applications

In food microbiological testing, scientists use it to detect spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. It is also utilized for identifying genetically modified organisms, detecting plant pathogens responsible for diseases, and confirming plant varieties for breed registration and intellectual property protection.

Since its invention, PCR has been modified and improved to make it more sensitive, specific and efficient. The different types of PCR are:

Real-time PCR (qPCR) 

Real-time PCR is a type of PCR that allows for monitoring of DNA amplification as it occurs in real time. It uses fluorescent dyes or probes to detect and quantify the amount of PCR product at each cycle.

Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR)

RT-PCR enables the amplification of RNA by first converting it to complementary DNA (cDNA) using reverse transcriptase, followed by PCR amplification of the cDNA. It is used to detect and analyze gene expression.  

Digital PCR (dPCR)

dPCR partitions the PCR mixture into thousands of individual reactions to provide absolute quantification of DNA molecules without using standards. It offers high precision and sensitivity.

Other notable PCR techniques

Others include Nested PCR to increase sensitivity, Multiplex PCR to amplify multiple targets, Long PCR to amplify more extended targets, Quantitative PCR for precise quantification and Isothermal amplification techniques.

Limitations and challenges of PCR

Although it’s a strong method, there are some problems and difficulties we need to deal with.

Factors Affecting PCR Accuracy and Reliability

Factors like DNA concentration, quality and purity, primer design, efficiency of polymerase enzyme and reaction conditions can affect PCR performance. Contamination can also lead to false positives.

Strategies to overcome common PCR Challenges

  • Optimizing reaction conditions and using PCR additives can improve efficiency.
  • Careful experimental design and controls mitigate contamination issues.
  • Using hot-start PCR and exonuclease-treated polymerase reduces non-specific amplification.
  • Optimizing primer design and validating primers can improve specificity.
  • Using high-fidelity polymerases and touchdown PCR decreases error rates.  
  • Real-time PCR allows for monitoring amplification which helps troubleshoot problems.

Prospects of PCR

Emerging technologies and innovations in PCR

Future improvements in PCR include Digital PCR for absolute quantification, Isothermal PCR for field use, Lab-on-a-Chip PCR for point-of-care applications and Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) as an alternative to PCR.

The potential impact of PCR improvements in various fields

  • Medicine and healthcare: Faster and more sensitive PCR tests can improve disease diagnosis and precision medicine.    
  • Research: Advanced PCR techniques will enable discoveries in biology and biomedical sciences.
  • Forensics: Real-time PCR and digital PCR can improve the accuracy of DNA analysis in forensics.
  • Agriculture: PCR innovations will aid pathogen detection, GMO screening and crop improvement.
  • Biosecurity: Portable PCR devices can detect biohazards and pathogens of bioterrorism concern.


PCR Full Form: The PCR technique allows for exponential amplification of specific DNA sequences with remarkable accuracy and sensitivity. It has transformed molecular biology and diagnostics by enabling the analysis of trace amounts of DNA. PCR’s ability to replicate DNA has revolutionized both biological research and clinical diagnostics, and its impact continues to grow with advancing technology. Thus, understanding the PCR full form and its significance is crucial in the field of biology.

Learn more about some other full forms:

DNA Full FormIUPAC Full FormPVC Full Form
ATP Full FormEDTA Full Form
BOD Full FormRNA Full FormHPLC Full Form

PCR Full Form: FAQs

Q1. What temperature is used for DNA denaturation in PCR?

Ans. In PCR, researchers usually use 95 degrees Celsius for DNA denaturation.

Q2. How many cycles are done in PCR?

Ans. Scientists typically perform PCR for 20-40 cycles to achieve sufficient DNA amplification.

Q3. What is a primer dimer in PCR?

Ans. Primer dimer refers to the undesirable binding of primers to each other instead of to the template DNA. It decreases PCR efficiency and purity.

Q4. What is the product of PCR?

Ans. Amplified DNA copies of the specific target region fitting to the primers used.

Q5. What is contamination in PCR?

Ans. Contamination refers to extraneous DNA from previous PCR reactions or environmental sources that can lead to non-specific amplification and false positives.

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