10 ways to come up with New Content Ideas

Content marketing is crucial for online success, as entrepreneurs create new topics for various formats like blog posts, podcasts, vlogs, infographics, and e-books to stand out in the industry.


Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups provide a constant stream of content ideas, so join multiple relevant ones and participate in discussions for 10 minutes daily.



Follow influential thought-leaders on social media, especially Twitter, to find recommended articles and engage with potential blog readers.



Forums are a valuable source of topics, especially those with numerous replies, and online communities cater to various subject-matter interests.


Ask Your Email List

Utilize email lists to identify subscribers' interests in valuable content ideas, leading to increased purchase conversions and customer lifetime value.


Quora and Yahoo

Quora and Yahoo Answers are excellent sources for blog topics, offering a vast array of relevant questions and answers related to your industry.


Read Comments

Identify the top 10 blogs in your industry and monitor their comments to attract potential customers. Curate topics answering common questions, increasing conversion rates.


Google Analytics

Analyze Google Analytics data to identify views, longest page time, and social shares for future blog posts, as industries evolve.


Media Outlets

Major media outlets like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, and Inc. publish industry-related stories, enabling businesses to cover local topics before competitors.


Google Search

Google's search box offers users suggested searches, promoting creative thinking and content ideas by allowing exploration of topics and niche-related terms.



Flipboard curates global content, suggesting writing topics, and sharing helpful content among consumers is likely to result in well-received blog content on similar topics.