China boasts rainbow mountains, a majestic blend of mineral stripes sculpted by time, a colourful wonder in Gansu’s embrace.
China's Rainbow Mountains, also known as Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park, are famous for their vibrantly colored rock formations.
The multicoloured majesty is the result of over 24 million years of accumulated sandstone and mineral deposits.
The Zhangye Danxia National Park covers a vast area of roughly 200 square miles.
The park's unique geological significance earned it a UNESCO World Heritage Site designation in 2009.
The best time to witness the Rainbow Mountains in all their glory is between May and October.
The multicoloured layers, sculpted into towers, pillars, and ravines, create an almost fantastical landscape.
While China's Rainbow Mountains are famous, they're not the only ones, Similar colourful mountains exist elsewhere in the world.