What is High Frequency Trading?

Orange Lightning

High-frequency trading uses computers to analyze markets and make lightning-fast trades, aiming to profit from tiny price movements, here are many things to know.


Super Speed Trading

Relies on super-fast computers and complex algorithms to make a huge number of trades in milliseconds.


Algorithmic Advantage

These algorithms analyze vast amounts of market data in real-time to identify and capitalize on tiny price discrepancies.


Short-Term Focus

HFT focuses on very short-term investment horizons, entering and exiting positions within seconds or fractions of a second.


Tech is Key

Specialised hardware and low-latency networks are crucial for HFT firms to achieve the highest possible speed.


Market Making

HFT firms often act as market makers, placing buy and sell  orders to tighten bid-ask spreads and earn profits from the difference.


Liquidity Boost

HFT can add liquidity to markets by increasing the number of orders, but some argue this liquidity is fleeting.


Controversy Exists

HFT raises concerns about fairness for slower investors and the potential for market manipulation due to its high speed and complexity.