History of Kathak

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Kathak, an Indian classical dance, unfolds stories through expressive gestures and rhythmic footwork, here are some things to know about kathak.


Origins in Storytelling

Kathak's roots lie in ancient North India with traveling bards called Kathakkars, meaning "storytellers."


Bhakti Movement Influence

It became a way to express devotion to deities like Krishna, the Natya Shastra, an ancient Sanskrit text on performing arts, mentions Kathak's roots.


Temple Performances

Early Kathak performances took place in temples, where dancers narrated religious stories through mudras and expressive movements.


Mughal Era Shift

The arrival of the Mughals in the 16th century significantly impacted Kathak,  Mughal emperors patronized Kathak, shifting performances from temples to royal courts.


Evolution of Gharanas

Over time, distinct styles or Gharanas emerged due to regional influences, the Lucknow and Jaipur Gharanas are two prominent styles.


Colonial Decline

British rule brought a decline in Kathak's popularity. Dance was seen as frivolous entertainment and temple performances dwindled.


20th Century Revival

Kathak enjoys renewed popularity worldwide, captivating audiences with its grace, storytelling, and intricate footwork.