History of Gond Art

Orange Lightning

Gond art, a vibrant folk tradition from India, uses natural pigments to depict nature's wonders on walls, floors, and now even modern canvases, here are some things to know about it. 


Ancient Origin

Gond art has a long and rich history, estimated to be around 1400 years old, Its roots can be traced back to the Mesolithic period in central India.


Tribute to Nature

Traditionally, Gond art was created as a way to honour "Dharti Mata", Gond artists expressed their gratitude for nature's bounty through their vibrant paintings.


Folk Art Form

Primarily found in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Odisha, Gond art is an integral part of their cultural identity.


Natural Pigments

Gond paintings were made on mud walls and floors using natural materials like charcoal, coloured soil, and leaves.


Geometric Pattern

These patterns, often including  dots, lines, and dashes hold symbolic meaning and represent various aspects of the Gond people's lives and beliefs.


Shifting Canvas

Artist Jangarh Singh Shyam, a member of the Pardhan Gond sub-tribe, is credited with being the first to bring Gond art onto paper and canvas.


Thriving Tradition

Gond art continues to thrive, It's  no longer restricted to walls and floors but adorns a variety of objects, including furniture, textiles, & even metal.