How To Help Someone With Anxiety?

Orange Lightning

Offer a listening ear, validate their worries, and focus on healthy coping skills like breathing exercises for support, here are some things to know about helping someone with anxiety. 


Validate their feelings

Let them know it's okay to feel anxious, Don't dismiss their worries or try to minimize them.


Listen Actively

Lend them a listening ear without judgment.


Focus on what they can control

Help them identify aspects of the situation they have control over and how to manage them.


Encourage healthy coping mechanism

Simple things like exercise, relaxation techniques and spending time in nature can be very helpful.


Don't dismiss their Fears

Reassure them by focusing on their coping skills  rather than simply saying "everything will be alright."


Be Patient

Anxiety doesn't disappear overnight. Be there for them in the long run.


Take care of yourself too

You can't help someone else if you're burnt out, Set boundaries and prioritize your well-being.