"No" Budget Method of Budgeting

Orange Lightning

The No-Budget Budget simplifies finances by automating savings and fixed expenses, leaving remaining funds for discretionary spending, ideal for consistent incomes, here are some things to know about it.


Simple Savings Approach

Automatically funnel at least 10% of your take-home pay into a separate savings account each payday.


Automated Fixed Expense

Set up autopay for all fixed expenses, including house payments, utilities, phone bills, and retirement contributions.


Freedom with Remaining Fund

After savings and fixed expenses, the remaining money is free for discretionary spending.



Minimal effort required for setup, allowing more time for hobbies and other interests.


Reduced Worry

Autopay ensures bills are covered, reducing the risk of forgetting payments and potential discounts for going paperless.


Not Ideal for Debt

Not suitable for those with significant debt or new to budgeting, as it offers less control over spending.


Inflexibility with Income Change

Can be challenging to adjust if income fluctuates or decreases, requiring a more detailed budgeting plan.