World Hepatitis Day 2024

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World Hepatitis Day 2024, observed on July 28, is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness about viral hepatitis, here are somethings to know about it.


Theme and Focus

The theme for World Hepatitis Day 2024 is "Eliminate Hepatitis: Act Now," emphasizing the urgency of combating hepatitis through early diagnosis etc.


Global Burden

Viral hepatitis remains a major global health challenge, affecting 325 million people worldwide. Hepatitis B and C, are the most common forms.


Awareness Campaigns

Various organizations, including the World Health Organization and World Hepatitis Alliance, organize events.


Vaccination and Prevention

World Hepatitis Day 2024 highlights the availability and importance of  the hepatitis B vaccine, encouraging countries to integrate it.


Testing and Diagnosis

On World Hepatitis Day, healthcare providers and organizations offer free or subsidized testing services  to increase detection rates.


Treatment and Care

World Hepatitis Day 2024 promotes access to affordable and effective treatments, advocating for the inclusion of hepatitis.


Advocacy and Policy Change

World Hepatitis Day serves as a platform for advocating policy changes at the national and international levels.