International Tiger Day 2024

Orange Lightning

Celebrated annually on July 29, International Tiger Day aims to raise awareness about the endangered status of tigers and promote conservation efforts.


Theme for 2024

This year's theme focuses on organizing events, competitions, and programs to highlight the urgent threats to tiger conservation and the need for collective action.


History of International Tiger Day

Established in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit, the day draws attention to the drastic decline in tiger populations and the importance of conservation.


TX2 Goal

The TX2 goal, created by 13 tiger range countries, aims to double the wild tiger population by 2022, emphasizing international cooperation in conservation efforts.


Significance of International Tiger Day

The day highlights the need to protect tigers from threats such as poaching, habitat loss, human-tiger conflict, and illegal wildlife trade.


Global Conservation Efforts

Efforts include expanding protected areas, promoting sustainable livelihoods for local communities, and maintaining sufficient forest ranges in tiger habitats.


Role in Ecosystem

As apex predators, tigers help control prey populations and maintain the natural order of forests, contributing to ecosystem balance.


Umbrella Species

Tigers are known as "Umbrella Species" because their conservation benefits many other species that share their habitat.


Urgent Call to Action

The international community is urged to intensify efforts for wildlife protection and support measures that ensure the survival and thriving of tiger populations.