Olympic 5 Rings: What do they Mean?

Orange Lightning

The Olympic rings are a globally recognized symbol representing the values and heritage of the Olympic Games, here are some things to know.


Global Unity

The Olympic rings represent the union of the five inhabited continents of the world -  Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.


Diversity and Inclusivity

Each ring's color along with the white background represents the diversity of nations participating in the Olympic Games.


Historical Significance

The Olympic rings were designed by Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games, in 1913.


The Olympic Charter

The rings reflect the core principles of the Olympic Charter, which includes the promotion of peace, the joy of effort etc.


Connection and Solidarity

The interlocking rings symbolize the interconnectedness and solidarity of the Olympic community.


Athletic Excellence

They inspire athletes to strive for their best, promoting fair competition and the drive to achieve their personal and professional goals.


Legacy and Future

They inspire young athletes to dream big and work hard to become part of the Olympic legacy.