Who is Veena Sikri?

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Veena Sikri, born on October 27, 1948, is a renowned Indian diplomat and academic. Veena Sikri served as the High Commissioner to Bangladesh from 2003 to 2006, the only woman to hold this position.


Early Life and Education

Veena Sikri received a National Scholarship to attend St. Mary's School in Pune. She earned a bachelor's degree in statistics from the University of Pune in 1967 and a master's degree in economics from Delhi University in 1970.


Diplomatic Career

Veena Sikri's diplomatic career in the Indian Foreign Service spanned 37 years (1971-2008). Veena Sikri held key positions, including Director General of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and Consul General in Hong Kong.


High Commissioner to Bangladesh

Veena Sikri served as the High Commissioner to Bangladesh from 2003 to 2006. During her tenure, she emphasized the significance of Bangladesh-India relations and highlighted concerns over regional instability.


Academic Contributions

After retiring from the Indian Foreign Service, Veena Sikri joined academia. Veena Sikri is the convenor of the South Asia Women Network and holds the Ford Foundation endowed Chair at the Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia University.


Personal Life

Veena Sikri is married to Rajiv Sikri, a former diplomat. They have a daughter and a son. Veena Sikri continues to contribute to academic and diplomatic discussions, reflecting her enduring legacy.


Key Diplomatic Roles

Veena Sikri held significant roles in Indian Embassies in Paris, Moscow, and Kathmandu. Veena Sikri represented India at the UN Security Council, ECOSOC, and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summits from 1977 to 1981.


Views on Regional Stability

Veena Sikri expressed concerns over instability in Bangladesh, noting its impact on India. Veena Sikri's insights highlight the importance of diplomatic vigilance in maintaining regional peace.


Contributions to Women's Networks

As convenor of the South Asia Women Network, Veena Sikri promotes women's empowerment and regional cooperation. Veena Sikri's efforts reflect her commitment to fostering collaboration and progress in South Asia.