History of Ao Naga

Orange Lightning

The Ao Naga, one of the major tribes of Nagaland in northeastern India, has a vibrant history that spans centuries, here are some things to know about it.


Origins and Migration

The Ao Naga trace their origins to ancient migration patterns from Southeast Asia, believed to have settled in the Naga Hills.


 Village System

Each village operates as an autonomous entity with its own governance system, headed by a village council known as the Putu Menden.


Agricultural Practices

Their expertise in terrace farming and wet-rice cultivation has significantly shaped their economic and social life.


Art and Craftsmanship

The Ao Naga are renowned for their intricate craftsmanship, particularly in weaving and woodcarving.


Head-Hunting Practice

This practice, however, was abolished in the early 20th century with the advent of British colonial rule and Christian missionaries.


British Colonization and Christianity

Christianity helped to unify the Ao villages and played a crucial role in  the eventual abolition of headhunting.


Modern Developments 

The Ao Naga continue to preserve their cultural heritage while adapting to modernity, contributing significantly to the state's educational and political landscape.