What is Claudia Sahm Rule of Recession?

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The Claudia Sahm recession indicator, developed by economist Claudia Sahm, uses unemployment data to predict economic recessions. It is a reliable tool to identify the onset of a recession based on changes in the unemployment rate.


Mechanism of the Sahm Rule

The claudia sahm recession indicator triggers when the three-month average unemployment rate rises by 0.5 percentage points or more from its lowest point in the previous 12 months. This increase signals a likely recession.


Historical Accuracy

The claudia sahm recession indicator has been historically accurate in predicting recessions. It has correctly signaled the start of every recession in the United States since 1970, making it a trusted economic tool.


Recent Activation

The recent increase in unemployment has activated the claudia sahm recession indicator. This suggests that the economy is likely entering a recession, according to the rule's criteria.



The activation of the claudia sahm recession indicator implies potential economic downturns, prompting policymakers and businesses to prepare for possible adverse economic conditions.


Benefits of the Sahm Rule

The claudia sahm recession indicator provides early warning signs, allowing for timely intervention by policymakers to mitigate the impact of an impending recession and implement supportive measures.



While the claudia sahm recession indicator is highly reliable, it is not foolproof. It primarily relies on unemployment data, which may not capture all aspects of economic health.


Comparison with Other Indicators

The claudia sahm recession indicator is often compared with other economic indicators like GDP growth and stock market performance. Its strength lies in its simplicity and historical accuracy.



The claudia sahm recession indicator remains a valuable tool for forecasting economic recessions. Its recent activation underscores its relevance and the need for vigilant economic monitoring and proactive policy responses.