Who is Russian  Spy Whale Hvaldimir?

Orange Lightning

Hvaldimir, a beluga whale with a "St. Petersburg" harness, is suspected of being a Russian Navy spy from a secret facility, here are some things to know.


 Sighting of Beluga Whale

Hvaldimir, a beluga whale, was spotted in April 2019 far south  of the Arctic Circle, in Norwegian waters, wearing a harness.


Discovery and  Significance

A fisherman discovered Hvaldimir's harness, which had a camera mount and the inscription “Equipment St. Petersburg,”


Recent Developments

Hvaldimir is in the news again as activists lobby for a sanctuary in Norway's fjords.


Hvaldimir's Survival Skills

Hvaldimir can live independently as  a free animal, raising concerns about his ability to fend for himself in the wild.


Speculation About Hvaldimir

Hvaldimir is believed to have been trained by the Russian Navy, based on the location and equipment  found on him.


Russia's History

Russia has a history of training beluga whales and dolphins for military purposes, including mine detection.


Possible Origin of Hvaldimir

Hvaldimir may have come from a secret Arctic marine mammal facility in Olenya Bay, known for housing nuclear-powered spy submarines.