Narayanmurthy's Insights on Good Parenting

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Narayanmurthy, the co-founder of Infosys, is not only a visionary entrepreneur but also an advocate for effective parenting. His insights emphasize values, discipline, and responsibility.


Value of Hard Work

Narayanmurthy stresses the importance of teaching children the value of hard work from an early age. Success, he believes, should be earned, not handed down.


Encourage Responsibility

He advises parents to foster a sense of responsibility in their children by involving them in decision-making and letting them face consequences for their actions.


Teach Humility

According to Narayanmurthy, parents should nurture humility in their children, teaching them to remain grounded regardless of their achievements.


Limit Technology

Narayanmurthy believes excessive screen time hampers creativity. Parents should regulate technology use and promote reading, outdoor activities, and face-to-face interactions.


Teach Empathy

Empathy is an essential value, according to Narayanmurthy. Teaching children to understand and respect others' feelings is crucial for emotional intelligence.


Lead by Example

Parents are role models. Narayanmurthy advises demonstrating the qualities you want to instill in your children, such as discipline, respect, and kindness.


Nurture Curiosity

Encouraging curiosity and fostering a love for learning is vital. Narayanmurthy urges parents to allow children to explore and question the world around them.


Focus on Long-term Values

Narayanmurthy emphasizes teaching values like integrity, perseverance, and respect, which are essential for long-term success and happiness.