Psychological Tricks to Make New Friends as Adult

Orange Lightning

Making new friends as an adult can sometimes feel challenging, but there are psychological tricks you can use to build connections more easily.


Show Genuine Interest

Ask thoughtful questions, listen actively, and give positive affirmations when others share their thoughts or stories.


Mirror Body Language

Subtly mimicking someone's body language is a non-verbal way to build rapport.


Use Their Name

Addressing someone by their name helps personalize interactions and fosters closeness.


Share Personal Stories

Share personal experiences or stories that reveal a bit about yourself.


Find Common Ground

Highlighting these commonalities strengthens your connection and gives you more opportunities to spend time together.


Compliment Sincerely

Pointing out something you genuinely admire in them whether it's their humour, intelligence, or kindness boosts their confidence.


Spend Time Together 

Make plans to hang out regularly, even if it’s just grabbing coffee or attending an event together.