Interview Questions to Ask to Check Company's Culture

Orange Lightning

These questions can help you gauge alignment with your values and preferences regarding work environment and company ethics.

How does the company handle work-life balance?

This will give you insight into expectations regarding working hours and flexibility.


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Can you describe the company’s approach to employee development and career growth?

It helps you understand how much the company invests in its employees.


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What does success look like in this role and at the company?

This can reveal the company's values and expectations for performance.


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How does the company recognize & celebrate team or individual achievements?

This shows if the company appreciates and rewards efforts, revealing its recognition culture.


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What are the key challenges the team is facing right now ?

This provides insight into the team dynamics, collaboration, and the company's transparency.


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How does the company approach feedback?

It gives you an idea of communication patterns, openness, and how feedback is delivered.


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What do you enjoy most about working here?

Hearing a personal perspective from an interviewer can offer a genuine look into what’s enjoyable about the company culture.


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