Exam Tips & Strategies

How to Convert SGPA to CGPA: A Comprehensive Guide-2025

March 7, 2025
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • SGPA to CGPA Conversion: SGPA measures semester performance, while CGPA tracks overall academic progress. Converting SGPA to CGPA involves dividing the sum of all semester GPAs by the number of semesters.

  • Practical Use: Students can use SGPA to CGPA conversion methods and calculators to track their academic growth, aiding in course selection, and planning further studies.

  • Efficiency: Online SGPA to CGPA calculators simplify the conversion process, minimizing errors and saving time for students.

Table of Contents


Understanding academic grading systems can be challenging, especially when dealing with cumulative scores like SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). If you’re a student aiming to calculate your overall performance, knowing how to convert SGPA to CGPA is essential. The traditional percentage-based marking system for evaluating student performance in the Indian education system underwent a paradigm shift in 2009 when CBSE replaced it with the grading system.

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The new grading system evaluates students’ knowledge using semester and cumulative GPA systems and assigns grades based on a standardized scale. This comprehensive guide for 2024 will walk you through the process, explain key differences, and help you seamlessly convert your semester grades into an accurate cumulative score, giving you a clearer picture of your academic achievements.

Converting SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) to CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is a common requirement for students in various educational systems. Understanding how to convert SGPA to CGPA can help you keep track of your overall academic performance across multiple semesters. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform this conversion.

Step 1: Understand the Definitions

  • SGPA: This is the average grade point earned in a semester, calculated based on the credit hours of the courses taken during that semester.
  • CGPA: This is the cumulative average of grade points earned across all semesters completed.

Step 2: Gather Your SGPA Data

To convert SGPA to CGPA, you need to know the SGPA for each semester and the total number of semesters completed. For example, if you have completed 4 semesters, you will need the SGPA for each of those semesters.

Step 3: Use the Formula

The formula to calculate CGPA from SGPA is as follows:

[ \text{CGPA} = \frac{\sum (\text{SGPA} \times \text{Credit Hours})}{\text{Total Credit Hours}} ]


  • SGPA is the grade point average for each semester.
  • Credit Hours is the number of credits for each semester.

Step 4: Calculate CGPA

  1. Multiply Each SGPA by Its Corresponding Credit Hours: For each semester, multiply the SGPA by the number of credit hours for that semester.Example:
    • Semester 1: SGPA = 8.0, Credit Hours = 20 → 8.0 × 20 = 160
    • Semester 2: SGPA = 7.5, Credit Hours = 20 → 7.5 × 20 = 150
    • Semester 3: SGPA = 9.0, Credit Hours = 20 → 9.0 × 20 = 180
    • Semester 4: SGPA = 8.5, Credit Hours = 20 → 8.5 × 20 = 170
  2. Sum the Results: Add all the products from the previous step.Total = 160 + 150 + 180 + 170 = 660
  3. Sum the Total Credit Hours: Add the credit hours for all semesters.Total Credit Hours = 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 80
  4. Divide the Total Points by Total Credit Hours: Finally, divide the total points by the total credit hours to get the CGPA.[ \text{CGPA} = \frac{660}{80} = 8.25 ]

What is SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average)?

Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is a grading system used in colleges and universities to evaluate a student’s academic performance at the end of each semester.
The student’s grade points in all subjects of one semester are weighted and averaged to calculate their SGPA.

The process to calculate SGPA is as follows:

  • Determine the grade points earned by the student in each subject by multiplying the grade received in that subject by the credit hours assigned to it.
  • Add up the grade points earned in all the subjects.
  • Add up the total credit hours of all the subjects.
  • Divide the total grade points earned by the total credit hours to obtain the SGPA.

Students need to understand how their grades are calculated and what their SGPA means in terms of their academic performance. By following this systematic process, students can accurately calculate their SGPA and evaluate their progress each semester.

To comprehend the point average of semester grades, consider the following illustrations:

Illustration 1

Course CodeCreditEarned CreditGradeGrade pointPoints
  • SGPA = Sum of Grade points/ sum credits
  • So here is the Semester Grade Point Average= 81/12= 6.75


Course CodeCreditEarned CreditGradeGrade pointPoints
  • Here Semester Grades Point Average = 81/12 =6.75

What is CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average)?

A system of grading used in education is the cumulative grade point average or CGPA. It is employed in schools and universities to gauge a student’s general academic achievement. Students are given grades based on the calculation of their CGPA (A, B, C, D, or F). Each nation has its grading guidelines. India has a percentage-based grading system. CGPA is beneficial to evaluate students’ knowledge.

However, its certain benefits are:-

  1. It helps to assess strengths and flaws.
  2. A set range for grades eliminates disappointment and encourages students to work more without taking any extra pressure to improve their grades.
  3. Additionally, it aids colleges in doing reliable analyses.

Formula to calculate CGPA = Earned parentage/9.5

To calculate CGPA, the following illustration can be considered:-

  • Total marks in an exam = 500
  • Obtained marks = 300
  • Percentage of obtained marks = 300/500*100=60%
  • CGPA = 60/9.5= 5.23

CGPA calculators are also present to determine the faster and error-free CGPA. These calculators are partially manual as grades and credits need manual effort. After that, CGPA is free to calculate and show the CGPA on screen.

Semester-wise average grade to Cumulative grade conversion

Calculating grades is a significant part of college and school life. Although there are several ways to perform the identical activity, the GPA technique is the most frequently used to determine scores. The translation from semester-wise to Cumulative GPA is the only part of this procedure that seems a little perplexing but is a very straightforward idea. Although the ideas of Semester and cumulative GPA have a similar goal, they differ and are computed in various ways.

How to convert SGPA to CGPA?

A semester-wise GPA is used to evaluate semester-wise marks, and CGPA evaluates a student’s overall performance. Take the total number of credit points earned throughout a semester; divide it by the total number of credit points to calculate SGPA to CGPA for one semester. Usually, the following steps are used to convert SGPA to CGPA-

  1. The credit point for each topic should first be multiplied by the grade point you received for that subject.
  2. Add all of your grade points together after that.
  3. Divide this amount by the total number of semester credit points. Your Semester GPA will be given.

                  CGPA= Semester GPAs of all semesters in an academic year/Number of semester

Illustration 1 (SGPA to CGPA)

A B.Tech student’s average grade points of Semester Grades for the first year are 6 and 9, then his year-wise CGPA will be the sum of both semesters’ GPA divided by the number of the semester, and that is (6+9)/2 = 7.5 CGPA

Illustration 2 (SGPA to CGPA)

B. TechSemester GPA in First Semester-Semester GPA in Second SemesterCGPA = Sum of CGPA/no. of semester

Convert SGPA to CGPA free calculator is also present to convert semester to Cumulative GPA. CGPA to SGPA calculator takes all semesters’ grades and the number of semesters as input and presents CGPA as the output on the screen. Semester to Cumulative GPA calculator is a one-kind automatic method to convert Semester to cumulative GPA, which helps eliminate addition and division mathematical errors.

How to convert SGPA to a percentage?

The obtained marks in percentage are tough conventional but still in trend and demand and can be calculated from the Semester Grade Point Average.

                  Semester wise GPA to Percentage conversion= (SGPA*10) – CGPA

In the above-mentioned illustration 1, the percentage of

  • First semester = (SGPA*10) – CGPA = (6*10) – 7.5 = 62.5%
  • Second Semester = (SGPA*10) – CGPA = (9*10) – 7.5 = 92.5%

Illustration 1

B. TechSGPA in First Semester-SGPA in Second SemesterCGPASem. 1 Marks in %Sem.2 Marks in %

Since Semester GPA is the semester grade system, the Semester GPA to percentage method implies one semester at once. It is a step-by-step process to calculate the percentage for each semester. Semester GPA to percentage calculators also perform this conversion easily and error-free.

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Convert SGPA to CGPA for SPPU and VTU

Savitribhai Phule Pune University (SPPU) and Visvesvaraya Technology University have a distinct method for converting the SGPA to CGPA.

SPPU determines Semester to Cumulative GPA by dividing the product of the total grade score and the subject-specific credit scores from the total credit scores. For instance, if C is the credit score and G is the average grade point, then CGPA would be (C*G)/C.



  • C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5 are course credits scored by the student.
  • SPPU assigns grade points as G1, G2, G3, G4, and G5 for the courses.

For instance-

GradeGrade Value (G)Course Credit (C)Scored grade (G*C)

SGPA to CGPA for SPPU = (G*C)/C = 167/25 = 6.68 CGPA

                SGPA to percentage SPPU=  (SGPA*10)-7.5

Convert SGPA to CGPA through a converter for Visvesvaraya Technology University

Visvesvaraya Technology University is one of the famous universities in India. The university uses the following method to calculate Cumulative GPA from Semester GPA:-

                SGPA to CGPA for VTU = ∑(Ci*Gi)/∑Ci


  • Ci = Course Credit assigned by VTU
  • Gi = Grade points for that course


Credit-24SGPA- 7Credit-25SGPA- 6.5Credit-25SGPA- 7.86Credit-23SGPA- 5Credit-29SGPA- 8.26Credit-24SGPA- 7

CGPA after final semester = ∑(Ci*Gi)/ ∑Ci

Here, CGPA after the final semester= [(24*7)+(25*6.5)+(27*7.86)+(23*5)+(23*5)+(29*8.26)+(24*7) ]/24+25+25+23+29+24



=8.41 CGPA

Convert SGPA to CGPA Percentage

Although there are numerous occasions where institutions disclose scores in the form of CGPA, ratings in percentage are required when applying to universities outside India. For this reason, determining CGPA in percentage becomes essential. So if the grade point average of all the semesters is present, then the CGPA percentage can be easily calculated through the given below method:-

  1. Convert SGPA to CGPA
  2. Multiply the total CGPA by 9.5 to get the percentage.


B. TechSGPA in First Semester-SGPA in Second SemesterCGPACGPA % = (CGPA*9.5)

What is GPA?

The grade point average is GPA. A scale of A to C and 1.0 to 5.0 is a standardized grading system that awards grades to measure the various marks. The GPA system helps students feel better about themselves and eliminates marking discrimination. There are fewer opportunities for mathematical errors because all student’s performances are graded. The technique has made evaluating grades simpler and quicker than percentage and numerical calculations.

Difference between SGPA, CGPA, and GPA

SGPA, CGPA, and GPA are interconnected, but each has its distinct differences, some major differences between Semester’s cumulative GPAs, and GPAs are as given below:-

  1. The total Semester GPAs for an academic year are divided by the number of semesters to produce the cumulative GPA or CGPA. , to put it simply, CGPA is computed for the entire course, the Grade point average for semesters is calculated for a certain session, be it a year or so, and GPA is calculated for the semester.
  2. Several universities and colleges employ different evaluations of a student’s academic talents.
  3. Many schools favour admitting students with higher GPAs over those with higher CGPAs when making admission decisions.
  4. Since CGPA measures how well a student did in the entire course, it can only be higher if he also has a higher GPA and Semester GPA. Another notable distinction is that Cumulative and semester GPAs always vary on a scale of 0.0 to 10.0.

Examples of How to Convert SGPA to CGPA

Illustration 1

Course codes in the mentioned table are BBA three-degree program codes for all six semesters. Where

  1. BBA02211 BBA first year first semester
  2. BBA02212 BBA First year, second semester
  3. BBA02321 BBA Second year, first semester
  4. BBA02322 BBA Second year, the second semester
  5. BBA02421 BBA final year first semester
  6. BBA02422 BBA final year final semester
Course CodeCourse CreditGrade AwardEarned CreditGrade PointsSecured Point
Total24 1736125


Secured point = Earned Point*Grade Points

SGPA= Secured point in the semester/number of semester

=36/6 =6

CGPA= sum of secured points in all semesters/sum of course credit


=3.58 CGPA

Illustration 2

Credit-26SGPA- 7Credit-25SGPA- 6.5Credit-25SGPA- 7.86Credit-24SGPA- 5

CGPA after final semester = ∑(Ci*Gi)/ ∑Ci

Here, CGPA after the final semester = [(24*7)+(25*6.5)+(27*7.86)+(23*5) ]/26+25+25+24



=8.54 CGPA

Illustration 3

GradeGrade Value (G)Course Credit (C)Scored grade (G*C)

SGPA to CGPA for SPPU= (G*C)/C=216/32

=6.75 CGPA


The Method to Convert SGPA to CGPA is a crucial aspect of grading systems used by colleges and universities. By following the step-by-step instructions and using the online calculator provided in this blog, students can effortlessly convert their grades from one scale to the other. Students need to evaluate their academic performance accurately, and mastering the SGPA to CGPA calculator is a vital part of that. If you’re a current student or planning to pursue higher education, this blog is an excellent resource for understanding how to use the SGPA to CGPA calculator and how to convert them accurately.

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Frequently Asked Question

Is SGPA and CGPA same?

1. SGPA is a semester-wise grade average, but CGPA is a cumulative grade average system for the entire course
2. Points’ average of Semester Grades is ideally a sub-part of CGPA calculation and helpful in determining CGPA.
3. The semester grade points determine a student’s performance in a given semester, while the CGPA evaluates his overall performance in the course.

How to convert SGPA from SGPA?

CGPA is the cumulative grade point average of a student’s overall performance during the course. You can compute the CGPA by averaging the grade points of all semesters and then dividing the result by the total number of course credits.

What does SGPA mean?

SGPA is a grading system used in colleges and universities to calculate the overall performance of a student in a particular semester.

What does SGPA 10 mean?

SGPA 10 serves as a scale. It computes a student’s performance over a semester. The SGPA 10 scale has a 0–10 range.

How to convert SGPA to Percentage?

To convert SGPA to percentage, multiply the SGPA by 10. For example, if the SGPA is 8.5, then the percentage would be 85%.

What is SGPA Full Form?

SGPA stands for “Semester Grade Point Average”. It is a grading system used in colleges and universities to calculate the overall performance of a student in a particular semester.

What is CGPA Full Form?

CGPA stands for “Cumulative Grade Point Average”. It is a grading system used in colleges and universities to calculate the overall performance of a student throughout their academic program, taking into account all the semesters.

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