How to Polietly Reject a Job Offer: Learn Tactful Tips

October 11, 2024
how to reject a job offer
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • Ensure that you maintain a positive reputation and professional relationship with the employer.
  • Hiring managers will not hold it against you if you choose to decline their job offer.
  • Appreciate the interviewing process and its efficiency. It’s always good to leave a door open in case you need it.

Table of Contents

This professional guide will provide you with helpful tips and strategies on how to polietly reject a job offer ensuring that you maintain a positive reputation and professional relationship with the employer.
So if you’re wondering how to turn down a job offer without burning bridges, read on to discover the best practices for saying no in a professional and courteous manner.

How to Politely Reject a Job Offer

Having trouble turning down a job offer? Read these tips and get your first draft ready. Here are 4 sample replies for you to use as a reference.

1. Respond Promptly

Prompt replies are always appreciated. This gives the organization time to offer the job to another candidate. Once you have made your decision, it is better to send a reply as quickly as possible. By being prompt in your reply you show value for both your time and theirs.

2. Draft a Professional Offer Rejection Email

Start with a thank you note and include the position that you have been offered. Follow it up with the reason you are declining their offer. Regardless of the reason, it is better to offer an explanation before rejecting an offer. For instance, you may not be satisfied with the compensation offered. Providing an explanation allows the department time to reevaluate its proposal.

Here are a few ways to politely decline a job offer:

  • Thank you so much for offering me this opportunity. After careful consideration, I have decided to stay in my current role.
  • Thank you for considering me for the position of Administrative Assistant at ABC Corporation. While this is a good opportunity, I have decided to accept another offer.
  • Thank you for extending the offer of Software Developer at your organization. Having carefully considered my options, I have chosen another role that aligns well with my current aspirations.

Also Read: Last Working Day Mail: How to Say Goodbye Professionally 

3. Be Respectful and Gracious

A hiring manager spends time shortlisting resumes, calling in candidates, and evaluating them. Finalizing a candidate best suited for the position requires time and effort. Be respectful of the effort the recruiter has put in while writing your email.
After expressing gratitude and stating your reasons for rejecting the offer, thank them for their time. A polite rejection will allow you to build rapport and improve relations with the hiring manager. It may help you stand out if they have another opening that matches your aspirations. Being polite and respectful goes a long way in cementing your image in the minds of the recruiter.

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4. Finish on a Positive Note

Appreciate the interviewing process and its efficiency. Also, mention something you found inspiring or admirable during the interview. Let them know you are open to working with them if the opportunity ever arises. It’s always good to leave a door open in case you need it. You could use the following examples as reference:

  • I am sincerely grateful for your consideration of me. Thank you for taking the time to interview me and answering all my queries.
  • It was a pleasure interviewing with you and I appreciate your time and attention.
  • Thank you once again for considering me for this position. I would love to work with you in the future if the opportunity presents itself.
  • I appreciate you taking the time to interview me. Thank you for making the interview process seamless and prompt.
A Part-time Job that Pays like Full-time

5. Review Your Email

Proofread your email before you hit send. Ensure there are no grammatical or spelling errors. Here are some things to keep an eye out for before sending the email:

  • Check the email addresses. Ensure the reply is addressed to all recipients on the original mail thread.
  • Ensure the subject of the message includes the job title name. Include a job reference number if you have one.
  • Make sure you spellcheck names, especially the names of recipients. Wrongly addressing a recruiter could leave a bad impression on them.
  • Review the grammar of the message. Make sure sentences are written clearly and understandably.
  • Check your signature. You should include your name, contact information, and website address in your email signature. Your contact information includes your phone number and alternative email address.

For example-
Vikram Dani
Mob: (+91) 878 878 8787
Website: www.vikd.bkm

Also, read: Profession Email Writing – Email Format, Samples & Tips

how to reject a job offer politely

Declining a Job Offer Email Sample

One of the biggest questions each candidate faces is – how to say no to a job offer. You have put in a lot of effort and time and so has the recruiter. One of the biggest concerns candidates have is if declining a job offer will affect their career. Handled incorrectly, it could also jeopardize relationships forged along the way.

Check out the samples below to know how to reject a job offer by learning to draft an offer rejection email professionally.

Sample 1: Accepted a Job with Another Company 

Subject: Job Offer for Marketing Analyst – Shruti Agarwal

Dear Ankita,

How are you doing?

Thank you for considering me for the position of Marketing Analyst at your organization. Having carefully considered my options, I have decided to accept another offer instead.

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity you have given me. However, the other position is in line with my current career objectives. Should an opportunity arise, I look forward to working with you in the future.

Wishing you and the team at ABC Communications continued success.

Shruti Agarwal
Mob: (+91) 123 123 1231

Sample 2: You’re Not Interested in the Role Offered

Subject: Administrative Assitant – Job Offer – Rakul Singh

Dear Jeet,

I hope you are well.

Thank you for offering me the position of Administrative Assistant at HBC Bank Pvt Ltd. Although I appreciate this fantastic opportunity, I regretfully will not be able to accept it. This position does not align with my career goals or skills.

Thanks for taking the time to interview me. As a candidate, I was delighted with how prompt and seamless the interview process was.

Once again, I’m grateful for the offer and your time.

Rakul Singh
Mob: (+91) 345 345 3456

Sample 3: Rejecting a Job Offer Due to Salary

Subject: Job Offer – Vice President of Marketing – Mahima Kapoor

Dear Rakesh,

Thank you for offering me the position of Vice President of Marketing at Rollover Marketing. Following thorough consideration, I must decline the offer of employment. Based on my careful review of the offer letter, I believe the compensation package included is inadequate.

Thank you for taking the time to interview me and answering all my queries. I really enjoyed our in-depth conversation on influencer marketing and its growing impact on advertising.

I wish you and Rollover Marketing nothing but success.

Mahima Kapoor
Mob: (+91) 456 789 0123

Sample 4: Due to Personal Reasons

Subject: Data Analyst – Aditya Ram

Dear Reema,

I hope you’re doing well.

I am grateful for the opportunity you have offered me at Always Analytical. It is with regret that I have to decline the position of Data Analyst at your organization. Despite my keen interest in working with your organization, some personal circumstances have led me to this decision.

I appreciate your time and interest in hiring me. Should a similar opportunity arise a year from now, I request that you consider me once again.

I wish you and Always Analytical the very best.

Aditya Ram
Mob: (+91) 123 456 7890

Also Read:Writing a Follow-up Email After Interview: Expert Tips & Samples

Points to Remember When Rejecting a Job Offer 

I. Introduction

  • Briefly explain the importance of rejecting a job offer with respect
  • Provide an overview of the key points to keep in mind

II. Be polite and gracious

  • Explain the importance of being courteous when rejecting a job offer
  • Emphasize the value of a professional email or call
  • Provide an example of how to request more time to make a decision

III. Be honest and straightforward

  • Discuss the importance of being honest about your reasons for rejecting the offer
  • Provide tips for having a candid yet professional conversation with the recruiter
  • Emphasize the importance of maintaining a good relationship with the company

IV. Refer a suitable candidate

  • Explain the benefits of referring a suitable candidate to the recruiting manager
  • Emphasize the value of demonstrating your knowledge of the organization and the job requirements

V. Be confident and positive

  • Discuss the importance of ending the conversation on a positive note
  • Provide tips for discussing the possibility of working with the company in the future

VI. Stay connected on LinkedIn

  • Explain the importance of staying connected with the recruiter on LinkedIn
  • Discuss how this can lead to future opportunities at the company

VII. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points
  • Emphasize the importance of rejecting a job offer with respect

Polite Job Offer Refusals

Hiring managers will not hold it against you if you choose to decline their job offer. While it can be challenging, it is better to speak to the recruiter about your reservations. When declining a job offer be concise, prompt, and honest.

Inform them of the reason you are rejecting the offer – inadequate salary, better offer, or for convenience. Be as brief as possible. It is just as advisable to show your gratitude for their time and consideration before signing off.

Use the guide above to learn how to politely reject a job offer. Be sure to follow the steps and keep the pointers in mind as you draft your message.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it unprofessional to decline a job offer?

No, it is not unprofessional to decline a job offer.

After appearing for multiple interviews you may receive more than one offer. It is only natural for you to choose the one with the best prospects. Accepting a job offer that suits your goals and monetary aspirations better makes sense. Ensure that you are polite and respectful when declining a job offer.

What is a good reason to decline a job offer?

There are many good reasons to decline a job offer. Be upfront and honest when rejecting an employment offer. The reasons may include an inadequate compensation package or unsuitable company culture. You could reject an offer if you have a better offer from another company as well.

How to reject a job offer because of salary?

Be upfront that you find the salary package unsuitable. If you have an offer from another company you could mention the same. As an example, you could frame the line as follows:

“I appreciate the offer for the role of Marketing Research Analyst at DEF Marketing. However, after carefully reviewing the offer letter, I have regretfully declined the offer. The salary package included in the letter is unsuitable for the position offered.”

How to reject a job offer after accepting another job? 

You can use the following template when turning down a job offer after accepting another one.

“Thank you so much for offering me the position of Associate Lawyer at your firm. While this is an amazing opportunity, I have decided to accept another offer.”

How do I decline a job offer without burning bridges? 

A candidate’s biggest challenge is how to say no to a job offer while maintaining goodwill. These tips will help you establish a good working relationship with potential employers.

– Be confident but polite in your rejection email. 
– Be concise when explaining why you’re rejecting the job.
– End the conversation on a positive note. 
– Mention the possibility of working with them in the future.
– Maintain contact with the recruiter.

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