Top Problem Solving Interview Questions and Answers

August 23, 2024
problem solving interview questions
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • Problem-solving skills are important in the workforce as they enable employees to tackle challenges, develop solutions, and contribute to overall productivity and innovation.
  • To be Prepared for an interview, you should be able to anticipate problem solving interview questions about hypothetical scenarios, and numerical problems, which helps in showcasing your fit for the role.
  • Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to prepare for behavioral interview questions. This ensures that your responses are structured and impactful.

Table of Contents

Problem-solving skills are present in almost every organisation. These skills play a vital role in the progress of a business venture. They assist you in finding and solving such issues that occur in your daily life, making rational decisions, and increasing your performance. Companies see these as valuable abilities because they are part of the organisation’s operations and performance. In interviews, critical thinking skills are often tested by asking candidates how they would handle typical work situations. Interviewers asked several problem solving interview questions to test their critical and creative thinking and stress tolerance levels. 

This guide will help you in preparing for problem solving interview questions. Understanding how to answer them can improve your chances of landing the job. Here, we will discuss the most frequent problem solving interview questions and how to answer them.

Common Problem Solving Interview Questions

By being ready for these popular problem solving questions, you will be able to prove that you can solve problems and create a favourable atmosphere at work.  Here are some problem solving interview questions:

Describe a time when you faced a difficult problem at work. Explain how you handle it.

First, it is necessary to describe the problem to be solved. Describe the steps you made to solve it and the way of thinking that led you to those steps. Emphasise any special techniques or aids that you employ. For example, if there was a problem with the deadline, describe how you managed the tasks and informed the team about the deadlines. Finally, state the result and what was gained from the activity.

Give an example of a problem you solved in a creative way.

Creativity in problem-solving highlights your ability to find unique solutions. Give an example of a situation in which you had to come up with a solution when the conventional ones wouldn’t do the job. Explain the issue, the new strategy you used, and how it helped in solving the problem. For example, suppose you enhanced a process by implementing new software or optimising the process that reduced time and cost. In that case, you should focus on the benefits of creativity.

How do you approach problems when you don’t have all the information?

This question tests your analytic ability and your ability to find information. Explain how you will deal with missing data. Explain how you can determine some of the features of the problem, collect data, and explain the reason. Stress the need to be adaptive and ready to change the strategy when new information is received. Describe how you engage the stakeholders to address the gaps and support the decision-making process.

Creative Problem Solving Questions and Answers

Here is your guide to approach creative problem solving test questions and answers:

Describe a situation where you had to think outside the box.

For example, our team had a sharp decrease in customer satisfaction because of the response time issues. Then, I suggested the introduction of an automated chatbot for frequently asked questions to relieve the pressure on the customer service department. This new approach effectively increased the response time and customer satisfaction level. 

What’s the most innovative solution you’ve implemented at work?

When implementing a particular marketing campaign, we faced difficulty drawing the audience’s attention. I proposed the integration of AR in the ads, allowing users to engage with the products virtually. This creative approach resulted in enhanced engagement of the customers and higher conversion rates of about 30%. 

Examples of creative problem solving answers with context and results.

Once, during a product launch, we realised a logistics problem, particularly in the supply of products by courier services. I suggested we engage a local courier company for the final mile deliveries since they have local knowledge. This solution ensured that deliveries were on time and that customers would trust the company. Thus, we saved a great deal of money and improved the relations with local businesses. 

Analytical and Problem Solving Skills Interview Questions 

Lets understand some analytical and problem solving skills interview questions and answers:

How do you analyse a problem before making a decision?

I pull all information that may be needed, find out the cause, and assess possible outcomes. This styled structure makes it possible for me to engage all the steps before arriving at a decision. 

Describe a time when your analytical skills helped solve a problem.

In a previous role, we faced a continuous decline in sales without any apparent cause. Based on the sale records, customer feedback, and understanding of the current market, I realised that a competitor had come up with a similar product at a cheaper price. We adjusted our pricing strategy and enhanced our product value, successfully recapturing lost market share.

Sample answers showcasing analytical and critical thinking.

They asked me to cut down operational expenses, and I was able to analyse the expenses of the business organisation. Some issues I found in the supply chain include excess supply, and I proposed merging the vendors. This approach improved customer satisfaction and reduced expenses by 15%.

Problem Solving Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Explore how freshers can tackle problem solving interview questions with practical tips: 

How do you handle unexpected challenges?

I analyse the situation when I encounter something I did not expect. I organise my activities, and if unsure about what to do, I look for a supervisor’s advice and try to solve the problem. For instance, in a college project, one of the team’s most important members got sick. I had to change the working plan and inform the professor about the situation to meet the required time. 

Describe a project you worked on that required problem solving

During my last year of study, I supervised a project to create an application for students. We encountered a challenge in data security. After identifying the best practices and consulting with professionals, it was possible to establish proper security measures. 

Tips and sample answers for fresh graduates

You should answer the questions in STAR formatSTAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This method helps you give clear, structured answers about your experiences. Emphasise how you take initiative, how you find solutions, and that you know how to ask for assistance. 

For instance, once, when interning at a certain company, I realised that the filing system was not as effective as it could be. I have put in place measures that helped increase the ease and effectiveness of the filing system through a digital filing system. 

Maths Problem Solving Questions with Answers

In finance and banking interviews, you’ll often encounter maths-based questions. These test your numerical reasoning and ability to apply basic mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios. Here are some common types of math problem solving questions with answers:

Percentage Calculations

Question: “If a product costs Rs. 1000 and is discounted by 20%, what’s the new price?”


a) Calculate the discount amount: 20% of Rs. 1000 = Rs. 200

b) Subtract the discount from the original price: Rs. 1000 – Rs. 200 = Rs. 800

The new price is Rs. 800.

Simple Interest

Question: “You invest Rs. 5000 at 5% simple interest for 2 years. How much interest will you earn?”


a) Use the formula: Interest = Principal × Rate × Time/100

b) Interest = 5000 × 5× 2/100

c) Interest = 5000 × 5 × 2/100 = Rs. 500

You’ll earn Rs. 500 in interest.

Profit Margin

Question: “A product costs Rs. 400 to make and sells for Rs. 600. What’s the profit margin?”


a) Calculate the profit: Selling Price – Cost = Rs. 600 – Rs. 400 = Rs. 200

b) Use the formula: Profit Margin = (Profit ÷ Selling Price) × 100

c) Profit Margin = (200 ÷ 600) × 100 = 33.33%

The profit margin is 33.33%.

Compound Interest

Question: “If you invest Rs. 10,000 at 8% compound interest for 3 years, what will be the final amount?”


a) Use the formula: A = P(1 + r/n)nt, where A is the final amount, P is the principal, r is the interest rate, n is the number of times interest is compounded per year, and t is the time (in years)

b) A = 10000(1 + 0.08)3

c) A = 10000 × 1.259712

d) A = Rs. 12,597.12

Accounting Problem Solving Questions and Answers

Questions on accounting-related problem solving test the candidate’s skills in dealing with financial issues. Here are some common accounting problem solving questions answers:

How do you resolve discrepancies in accounting records?

Here is how I handle it: 

  • First, I go through all the entries and documents to determine the source of the error. 
  • Second, I employ reconciliation procedures to analyse the dissimilarities between similar statements and ledgers. 
  • I conduct a detailed audit trail to trace the transaction in certain situations. 
  • When I have identified the problem, I make the necessary corrections and provide a record. 
  • I also consider additional tests to prevent similar errors in the future.

Describe a time when you identified a financial error and corrected it

In my previous organisation, I saw an increase in our accounts payable that was never expected. I discovered that the supplier’s invoice of ₹5,00,000 was entered twice due to a technical issue in the accounting software. I corrected the accounts, reversed the wrong entry, and corrected the organisation’s financial reports. I also recommended that a double check be made on large transactions and that the organisation update its accounting software. 

Sample answers demonstrating accounting problem solving skills

If I had a suspicion of fraud, I would first gather irrefutable proof by carefully analysing all the financial records and transactions I can access. Then, depending on the organisation’s structure, I would report the suspected case of fraud to my direct manager or the head of internal audit or compliance officer. I would be ready to present a detailed report of my findings and cooperate fully with any subsequent investigation, all while maintaining strict confidentiality throughout the process.

Strategies/Tips For Problem Solving Questions in an Interview 

Master interview problem solving interview questions with these key strategies and tips that will assist you in handling difficulties in the most suitable manner. 

  • Break the problem into parts

When faced with a complex problem, first identify its key components. Take it one step at a time, and treat each component separately. It helps in completely understanding the issue that is to be dealt with and ensures that you deal with it systematically, hence avoiding overcomplicating the issue. 

  • Use the STAR method of answering 

The STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method ensures that your answers are precise and to the point. Provide a situation you found yourself in, the Task that had to be done, the Steps you took, and the Outcomes. This structure ensures that your responses are well organised, thus making it easy for the interviewers to follow your problem solving method. 

  •  Build confidence by practising common problem solving questions

 You can improve the level of confidence and familiarity with the questions of the type by regularly solving typical problem solving interview questions. Recalling and being exposed to various situations, practising your answers, concentrating on the structure of the responses, and your ability to explain your reasoning. Such preparation will enhance your speed of answering questions and make you more relaxed during interviews. 

Mastering Problem Solving: Your Path to Interview Success

The ability to solve problems is also considered relevant in the current business world, and the selection decision focuses on this aspect. When you go through the most frequently asked questions and different sample problems, your confidence increases, and you become better at interviews. Make it a point to answer each question method systematically, such as the star or any other method, dividing the problem and solutions into sub-problems. While preparing, ensure your thinking is compelling, and you can properly express your solutions. 

With practice and the right approach, the participants can show their problem solving skills. This helps them showcase why they should be considered the best candidates in the interview. However, knowing the usual problem solving interview questions, and constantly rehearsing will help you enhance your analytical skills. Additionally, that will help you demonstrate that you are a competent and proactive candidate for a job. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are some common problem solving interview questions?

Common questions include: “Tell me about a time you encountered a challenge at work? How did you solve it?” and “How do you work through a problem if you have insufficient information?”

How can I improve my problem solving skills for interviews?

To enhance and solve various problems, learn the STAR method of answering questions and read more problem solving success stories based on your achievements.

What are the best ways to answer creative problem solving questions?

When responding to creative problem solving interview questions, ensure that you centre on cases where ordinary problems could not be solved typically. Explain the issue, your proposed new approach, and the observed favourable outcomes. For instance, you could recall a case where you were able to cut the time taken on a particular task since you introduced the use of a particular software.

How should freshers prepare for problem solving interview questions?

As a fresher, you should use the STAR approach and showcase what academic/internship experiences you have had where you have solved critical problems. Stress your flexibility and capacity to remain clear-headed and rational when dealing with new information.

What are some examples of analytical problem solving questions?

Some potential problem solving interview questions and answers examples might include: How do you approach a problem before coming to a decision? and “Give an example of a time when your analytical skills were of benefit in solving a dilemma.  and Tell me about a time when you had to use figures to underpin your decision.

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