2024 Resume writing tips: writing a resume that gets you hired

October 25, 2024
resume tips
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • Many resumes are first scanned by ATS, so optimizing for these systems is key.
  • You need to ensure proper formatting, including the use of professional fonts, clear section headings, and consistent bullet points.
  • A visually appealing design, with strategic use of color and possibly infographics, highlighting important accomplishments with strong action verbs can help capture the recruiter’s attention.
  • Customize your resume for each job application and proofread for errors. This can greatly improve your chances of landing an interview.

Table of Contents

Your resume is your ticket to landing that dream job in today’s tough job market. However, with numerous applications being scanned by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and just a few seconds given by recruiters to a resume, yours needs to be different. This complete guide provides the bestresume writing tips for 2024 to make things easier for you.

Whether you are a fresher trying to find your way into the job market or a job hopper looking to explore new opportunities, we have you covered. We will give you tips on formatting, design, and content to ensure your resume highlights your skills and experience in a manner that stands out among others and makes employers pay attention.

Prepare yourself to learn all the Tips for a good resume from experts on creating eye-catching resumes that will result in interviews and jobs that suit you best!

Mastering the resume formatting: making a great first impression

Formatting your resume is the first and most crucial step in enhancing your job search. A well-formatted resume will be easy to read and navigate and ensure that your skills and experience are presented clearly to the employer reading it.  Here are some resume design tips to follow to improve your resume formatting:

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Choosing the right format

  • Chronological: This is the most common format, listing your work experience in reverse chronological order (most recent first). It is ideal for candidates with a clear career progression.
  • Functional: Focuses on skills and qualifications rather than work history. Useful for career changers or those with gaps in employment.
  • Combination: Blends elements of both chronological and functional formats, highlighting skills and relevant work experience.

Keeping it concise

  • One of the best resume tips is to make a short one-page resume. A two-page resume is acceptable for professionals with extensive experience, but you should keep it concise.

Ensuring readability

  • Font-Use professional fonts like Arial, Calibiri, or Times New Roman in a size of 10-12 points
  • Spacing: Maintain ample white space with clear section headings (bold or italics) for easy navigation. Use consistent line spacing (single or 1.15) throughout.
  • Margins: Use standard margins (1 inch on all sides) for a clean and professional look.

Formatting Consistency

  • Use bullet points consistently to showcase your responsibilities and achievements under each work experience or skill section.
  • Maintain consistent formatting for dates, locations, and company names.
  • Ensure consistent use of capitalization and punctuation throughout.

File format

  • Always use PDF format to share your resume to ensure your formatting remains consistent for all devices and avoids issues with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Additional Tips

  • Use a clear and concise naming convention for your resume file (e.g., FirstName_LastName_Resume.pdf).
  • Proofread meticulously for any typos or grammatical errors.

Following these resume formatting tips, you’ll create a professional and easy-to-read document that makes a solid first impression and effectively communicates your qualifications to potential employers.

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Design Your Way to Success: Resume Design Tips for a Stand-Out Application

A well-designed resume goes beyond just presenting your information. It can visually grab attention, showcase your personality, and ultimately increase your chances of landing an interview. Here are some resume design tips to help you create a visually appealing and effective document:

Visual Appeal Matters

  • Clean and Professional: Go for a clean layout that reflects your industry and personal brand. Avoid clutter and unnecessary graphics.
  • Color Power: Use color sparingly but strategically. Consider a bold accent color for headings or critical information to make it pop.
  • Fonts: Choose professional and easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Verdana. Use bold or italics for emphasis sparingly.
  • Balance: Maintain a balanced layout with consistent margins and white space for a visually pleasing document.

Infographics for Impact

Consider using infographics to showcase specific skills or experiences in a visually engaging way. Charts or graphs can effectively display things like project timelines or language proficiency. However, ensure these elements are clear and well-integrated into your design.

By applying these design tips, you can create a visually appealing and informative resume that captures the attention of recruiters and makes a lasting impression. Remember, your resume is a marketing tool for your career, so invest time in creating a design that effectively showcases your skills and personality.

Crafting Compelling Content for Your Resume

The content of your resume is what truly sells your skills and experience to potential employers. It’s where you showcase your accomplishments, highlight your qualifications, and convince them you’re the perfect fit for the job. Here are some essential resume content tips to craft a resume that stands out:

Contact Information

  • Include your full name, phone number, professional email address, and LinkedIn profile URL (optional) to make it easy for employers to reach you. Ensure your email address is professional (e.g., [email address removed]), and avoid using nicknames or abbreviations.

Resume Summary or Objective

  • Summary: A brief overview (3-4 sentences) highlighting your skills and experience relevant to the target job. This is ideal for experienced professionals.
  • Objective: A clear and concise statement outlining your career goals and how they align with the position you’re applying for. This is more suitable for fresh graduates or career changers.

Work Experience

  • List your work history chronologically, starting with your most recent position.
  • Use strong action verbs and quantifiable results to describe your accomplishments.
  • Focus on achievements that demonstrate your skills and the impact you made in your previous roles.
  • You can tailor this section for each job application by highlighting the relevant experiences and skills for the specific position.


  • Include your degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework.
  • List the institutions you attended, including the name, location, and graduation year.
  • For recent graduates, highlight relevant coursework or projects that showcase your skills and knowledge.

Skills Section

  • List a mix of hard skills (technical skills like software proficiency) and soft skills (interpersonal skills like communication and teamwork).
  • Prioritize the skills listed in the job description and tailor this section for each application.
  • You can categorize skills (e.g., Technical Skills, Soft Skills) for better readability.

Additional Sections

  • Consider including sections for awards, publications, volunteer work, or language skills to demonstrate your well-roundedness and commitment to professional development.
  • Only include these sections if they add value and are relevant to the job you’re applying for.


While not a separate section, consider incorporating relevant keywords from the job description throughout your resume. This can help your resume get noticed by (ATS) Applicant Tracking Systems , which many companies use. However, avoid keyword stuffing and ensure the keywords are used naturally within the context of your experience and skills.

Proofreading is Essential

Carefully proofread your resume for typos, grammatical errors, or formatting inconsistencies. A polished and error-free resume creates a positive impression and shows attention to detail.

Your resume content should be clear, concise, and tailored to each job application. Focus on highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences that demonstrate your value to the employer. By following these content tips, you can create a compelling resume that effectively grabs the attention of recruiters and showcases your qualifications.

Launching your career: Resume tips for freshers

As a fresher, you might need some help landing your dream job. But don’t be disappointed. Here are some tips for a good resume that can help:

Highlight your education

  • Your academic achievements will be the most essential part of your resume. Highlight your degree, Including the major, institution name, location, and year of your graduation.
  • Highlight relevant coursework, projects, or research experiences that attest to what you have learned during your years in school.
  • Mark out academic success, such as Dean’s List recognition, scholarships, or awards. These indicate your commitment and high school performance.

Showcase transferable skills

As a fresher, you don’t have experience, but you have transferable skills that are equally valuable.

  • Draw from your extracurricular activities, clubs, or volunteer work. Highlight your leadership position or events that you have organised. These experiences demonstrate your communication, teamwork, and organisational skills.
  • List your internship experiences, emphasising the skills you developed and your contributions.
  •  Even part-time jobs can be valuable. Highlight customer service skills gained through retail work or responsibility and time management skills from a cafe job.

Tailoring is Key

You’re applying for different entry-level jobs, most probably. Don’t just send out the same resume! Take time and tweak your resume based on each application. Highlight any relevant courses, courses, projects, or abilities that directly address any requirements and responsibilities mentioned in the job.

Seek Feedback

Don’t hesitate to ask for help! Consult career counsellors, teachers or mentors about your resume. They can give you valuable insights that will help improve your resume and demonstrate your qualifications effectively.

By following these tips, you can create a compelling resume that stands out from the crowd and positions you as a strong candidate for entry-level positions.

Navigating Change: Resume Tips for Job Hoppers

Transitioning between jobs is a typical career path, but frequent job changes can raise questions for potential employers. Here are some resume tips specifically designed for job hoppers to help you create a resume that highlights your strengths and gets you noticed for the right reasons:

Address gaps and transitions

  • When writing a resume, individuals should fill any gaps or transitions in their career history. These may be caused by further education, personal issues, or switching careers.
  • Be direct and open, but provide only a brief, understandable statement in one sentence.
  • Focus more on Success, not Time: Remember to talk more about what you have accomplished and tangible results at each job role rather than just listing them by time frame.
  • Strong action verbs and metrics that show your impact will, therefore, show how valuable an employee you were across multiple roles as it emphasizes transferable skills.
  • Review Alternative Resume Styles: Job hoppers might only sometimes find chronological resumes most suitable for them.
  • Consider using a functional resume format, which stresses abilities rather than work experience. This format allows you to highlight relevant skills required for your target job regardless of industry specifics or type of company.

Summing Up

The above guide equips you with the best resume tips for 2024, regardless of your experience. Here are a few points summarising the above blog that will help you with your resume. Remember to highlight your education and transferable skills from extracurricular activities or internships and tailor your resume differently for each job application.

Address gaps in your employment with a brief explanation. Focus on your achievements and transferable skills, and consider using a functional or combinational resume format. Finally, Include a section mentioning your previous projects and works you’re proud of. This will attract recruiters to your resume. Also, including a summary of your resume can be beneficial. 

Refine your resume continuously by seeking feedback and optimizing it with the best resume writing tips. A polished and compelling resume that leverages these elements is your gateway to landing that dream interview and securing the job you deserve. Now, get out there and showcase your skills – the world awaits!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the best resume format?

The best format depends on your education, experience, and the job you are applying for. If you are a recent graduate, consider our resume-building tips when creating your resume.

Should I include a photo on my resume?

Usually, including your photo on your resume is unnecessary, but you should check for company guidelines before applying. If they say it’s essential, you can find some resume photo tips on using your photo wisely.

How long should my resume be?

A resume should always be one to two pages long. Recruiters are more likely to appreciate a short resume, but if you have extensive experience, you should make it concise.

What are some common resume mistakes to avoid?

Typo, grammatical errors, inconsistent formatting, and vague or generic content are a few things that you should avoid in your resume.

Should I use a professional resume writer?

Using a professional resume writer can always be beneficial, especially if you are a fresher or are constantly changing jobs for career growth. A professional resume writer will increase your chances of being selected by the recruiters. If you don’t want to use a writer, follow our resume writing tips to make a perfect resume that suits your career.

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