10 Unique Benefits of Reading Books

October 3, 2024
benefit of reading books
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • Discover the magic of reading with these 10 unique benefits! Improve your mindset, emotional intelligence, and vocabulary.
  • Become a better writer and boost your memory. Develop critical thinking, gain knowledge, and enhance communication skills.
  • Let books be your stress-buster and empathy enhancer. Cultivate creativity, problem-solving, and empowerment.
  • Promote cultural understanding and lifelong learning. Ready to start?
  • Dive into bestsellers like ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Outliers’ to kickstart your reading journey and unlock a world of possibilities!

Table of Contents

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.

-George R.R. Martin

 These days, a bookshelf has merely been reduced to an aesthetic in our homes and our Instagram feeds. People fail to understand that there are several benefit of reading books.  

Studies have shown that the habit of reading can- 

  • improve cognitive function,  
  • reduce stress,  
  • enhance empathy,   
  • improve understanding. 

Despite this, a small percentage of people read books regularly. In fact, according to a 2017 survey, only 0.5% of Indians, that is only 83.4 million people, read books for leisure.

Although nearly half of the people in the survey state that the reason why they don’t read it is because of the distraction caused by the Internet and smartphones.  

It’s never too late to develop a reading habit. In this article, we’ll discuss the unique and unexplored benefit of reading books every day.  

Top Benefit of Reading Books

There are endless benefit of reading books. From discovering new ideas to learning about new people – a book is a gift that never stops giving. Here are the 10 unique benefit of reading books every day:

benefit of reading books

Improves Your Mindset  

Reading books allows you to discover new and exciting worlds right from your couch. As Stephen King says, “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” The process of reading expands your mind, elevates your mindset, and plants new seeds of imagination. We can never tell what a person is thinking. But books allow us to learn all about a person’s inner thoughts.  

Improves Emotional Intelligence  

Another benefit of reading books is improvement of emotional intelligence. Books introduce us to the inner complexities of humans from all walks of life. It encourages us to see their humanity and cheer them on as they go through life’s challenges and hardships. Reading books increases our self-awareness and acquaints us with our inner thoughts.  

Helps Build Vocabulary  

An undeniable benefit of reading books is vocabulary improvement. It helps us in expanding our knowledge about our native and foreign languages. Access to different terms and writing styles increases vocabulary and grammar, hence improving language abilities. With a regular reading habit, you learn to express your thoughts and emotions in a more precise and nuanced manner.  

Makes You a Better Writer  

The best way to become a better writer is to become an excellent reader. Reading is so important because it allows you to study the art of storytelling, sentence structure, and so much more. And writing is how you discover your inner thoughts and get in sync with your subconscious. With a daily reading habit, you get better at writing, even if it’s for personal use.  

Improves Your Memory  

Another undeniable benefit of reading books is memory retention. Reading improves your memory by building neural connections in the brain. When you sit down to read, you engage the core parts of your brain that are in charge of learning, listening, visualising, and memorising things. The more you read, the better your memory gets. Another benefit of reading books is it also strengthens the brain by improving its ability to concentrate.  

Develop Critical Thinking Skills  

Apart from the above listed benefit of reading books ,one of the biggest reasons why we should read is because reading exposes you to new information, ideas, and perspectives. When you read, you evaluate arguments, analyse evidence, and ask questions. Reading increases mental processes, which improve cognitive abilities including comprehension, problem solving, and critical thinking. As you begin to bridge information, you seek answers and fulfil your curiosity. All of these aid you in developing critical thinking skills, which can grant you further career advancement.  

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Gain More Knowledge  

Reading books is important because this habit allows us to learn about a variety of topics, cultures, historical events, scientific concepts, and so much more. The knowledge acquisition of new information stays with us for a long time. Reading books on science, technology, and history develop our critical thinking and builds our expertise on everyday topics.  

The kind of knowledge you gain vastly depends on the genre of books you’re reading. If you’re into personal growth and self-help books, then you’ll be learning about the tools and habits required to improve your life. And if you’re into non-fiction categories, then you’ll be expanding your knowledge on the subject matters at hand. Books include a wide range of topics, allowing you to broaden your knowledge and comprehension of them.

Develop Communication and Conversational Skills 

One of the underrated benefit of reading books is the development of your communication and conversational skills. Reading books helps you in improving your language and vocabulary skills. You learn first and second-person narratives, develop a knack for storytelling and gain cultural understanding about people from all over the world.  

Also Read: How to Be an Effective Communicator in 5 Easy Steps

Books are a Stress-buster  

Books are a form of escapism from the hustle and bustle of your daily life. It is one of the relaxation techniques that improve your mood and give you better sleep at night. Reading provides a very special and underrated form of cognitive stimulation that has proven to be a stress relief and mood-boosting habit. 

Enhances Empathy & Social Awareness   

Reading introduces you to characters that you may never be able to meet or talk to in real life. It allows you to get into the minds of leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, and even serial killers.  

As American author C.S. Lewis famously said, “We read to know we are not alone.” Books remind us that our struggles and hardships aren’t unprecedented, but a part of the human experience. 

Of course! Here are five more benefits of reading books:

Cultivates Creativity

A key benefit of reading books is it cultivates creativity. Engaging with different narratives, perspectives, and imaginative worlds stimulates your creativity. Whether it’s through fiction or non-fiction, reading encourages you to think outside the box, imagine possibilities, and explore new ideas.

Enhance Problem Solving Skills

Many books, particularly mysteries, thrillers, and even some non-fiction works, present readers with puzzles and challenges to solve. By following characters as they navigate through obstacles, readers learn to think critically and develop problem-solving strategies that they can apply in their own lives. It is a significant benefit of reading books.

Foster Empowerment

Reading about characters who overcome adversity, achieve their goals, or make positive changes in their lives can be incredibly empowering. It inspires readers to believe in themselves, pursue their dreams, and take action to create the life they desire.

Promote Cultural Understanding

A major benefit of reading books is that books offer insights into different cultures, traditions, and perspectives from around the world. By reading stories set in diverse settings and featuring characters from various backgrounds, readers gain empathy and a deeper understanding of the complexities of human society.

Encourages Life Long learning

Reading is a lifelong journey of discovery and growth. It instils a love of learning and encourages a curious mindset. Whether you’re delving into a new subject area, exploring a hobby, or simply expanding your horizons, books are invaluable companions on the path of lifelong learning.

Extends Lifespan

A study done to discover the benefit of reading books showed a surprising advantage. Readers have a survival edge over non-readers. Book reading resulted in a considerably higher survival benefit than reading newspapers or magazines. Book readers had a 4-month survival advantage over non-readers at the 80% survival level. Book readers also had a 20% lower risk of death throughout the 12 years of follow-up compared to non-readers.

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 How to Start Reading Books in 5 Steps

Developing any habit isn’t easy, but the benefit of reading books make it worth it. Here are 5 easy and actionable steps that you must take to start reading books regularly.  

Step 1 – Pick a Genre 

There are numerous genres of books, namely fiction, non-fiction, romance, thriller/horror, mystery, fantasy, memoir, biography, history, etc. Discover a genre that intrigues you and make a list of 5 bestsellers in that field.  

Step 2 – Commit to 10 Pages per day 

Start small and commit to reading at least 10 pages every day. In due time, you can increase the goal to 50 or 100 pages per day. 

Step 3 – Create a Reading Nook 

Dedicating a corner of your house solely to reading can help in building a strong foundation for your daily habit.  

Step 4 – Block Out the Distractions 

Wear noise-canceling headphones, put your phone on “do not disturb,” and alert your family members/housemates to not call upon you during your reading time.  

Step 5 – Set a Goal 

Make a modest goal and track your progress every day.  

 The benefits of reading books go far beyond a fancy Instagram aesthetic. An avid reader reaps numerous mental and health benefits such as enhanced mental capacities, boosted creativity, and increased empathy.  

Where to Start Reading?

Reading benefits have an overwhelmingly positive impact on almost every area of your life. By making it a habit, you will see a long-term improvement in your well-being, vocabulary, and emotional intelligence. 
If you’re having a hard time picking your first book, this list can help you out. Here are some of the best sellers and epic page-turners to get you started:

1. Fiction: The Harry Potter series, “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, and “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen.

2. Non-fiction: “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell, and “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl.

3. Personal growth: “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brené Brown, “Think Like a Monk” by Jay Shetty, and “Do Epic Sh*t” by Ankur Warikoo.

4. Biography: “Unfinished” by Priyanka Chopra, “Becoming” by Michelle Obama, and “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah.

What shapes your reading habits

Customized Choices and desires : Personal interests and preferences are important variables in determining reading habits. They influence what people read, how frequently they read, and how much they enjoy reading in general.Some readers enjoy fiction for its narrative, creativity, and escape from reality, whilst others prefer nonfiction for its accuracy and educational value. Reading habits can be influenced by genre preferences such as mystery, romance, science fiction, history, or self-help. When you read the content you like, you indulge in it more and experience the benefit of reading books.

Reading Objectives :Benefit of reading books vary as per objectives. People seeking academic or professional growth may choose books that help them expand their knowledge and abilities in a certain sector. This might include textbooks, scientific papers, or publications tailored to a certain sector. Readers seeking self-improvement or personal growth may prefer self-help books, biographies of inspirational personalities, or motivational literature.

Reading Environment : Preferences for reading locations, such as calm areas or comfortable settings, might influence reading frequency and enjoyment. Some readers like cozy corners, but others love reading in more sociable or active situations.

Cultural and Social conditioning : Reading preferences may be shaped by cultural heritage and background, which influence the sorts of tales, subjects, and writers that readers connect with. Recommendations from friends, family, or social media might introduce readers to new genres or authors, gradually altering their reading tastes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of reading a lot of books?

There are numerous mental, spiritual, and physical benefits of reading books. Studies have shown that avid readers have improved cognitive abilities, better communication skills, a vivid sense of imagination, and a greater sense of awareness. 

What happens if you read books every day?

Here are some of the things that happen when you read books every day:  
1. Improved cognitive abilities: Habitual readers see a lasting improvement in their comprehension and analytical skills.  
2. Enhanced creativity: Reading helps develop a vivid imagination and creativity.  
3. Broadened perspective: Reading increases contextual and objective knowledge. 
4. Improved memory: Daily reading requires focus and concentration, which has a positive impact on your memory.  
5. Greater self-awareness: Daily reading helps people understand their personal biases and subconscious thoughts. 

How to start reading for beginners?

Beginners can develop a reading habit by picking up a book in the genre that appeals to them and committing to reading 10 to 50 pages every day. A special trick is to place a bookmark at the end of a chapter and set a personal challenge to at least reaching to it in a single session.

What are the best books to read?

Some of the best books to read are the Harry Potter series, the Twilight series, “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini, “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, and “Eat Pray Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.  

What are the purposes of reading?

Children who read are exposed to new ideas, acquire critical thinking abilities, and enhance their cognitive abilities. Children benefit from early book exposure in terms of vocabulary and language development.

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