Battle of Buxar: War, Impact, and Causes

August 30, 2024
battle of buxar

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Brief Overview of the Battle of Buxar

The Battle of Buxar was a significant event in Indian history. It took place on October 22, 1764, between the East India Company and Indian rulers. This battle gave the East India Company a foothold in India and ultimately led to their rule over the country. It also showcased the superior military power and leadership skills of the British troops. As a result of this battle, India, once a land-dominating country, became a colony of sea-dominating colonizers.

Battle of BuxarDetails
DateOctober 22, 1764
LocationBuxar, Bihar, India
Opposing ForcesBritish East India Company vs. Nawab of Bengal, Nawab of Awadh, Mughal Emperor
British CommanderHector Munro
Allied CommandersMir Qasim (Nawab of Bengal), Shuja-ud-Daula (Nawab of Awadh), Shah Alam II (Mughal Emperor)
OutcomeVictory for the British East India Company
ConsequencesSolidified British control over Bengal, paved the way for British dominance in India

Importance of the battle in Indian history

For what reason is this battle so significant? The aftereffects of the Battle of Buxar had long-term outcomes. It was a tactical success for the English and a political and financial triumph that prepared for their command over huge regions. The English got the Diwani rights, permitting them to collect revenue from significant pieces of India. This gave them the monetary muscle to grow and combine their standard further.

The war of Buxar is not only about the defeat of India and the victory of EIC, but this war has highlighted a very important aspect of life: what happens when the rulers engage in their internal disputes so even an external and lesser force like ECI can easily defeat them.

The Battle of Buxar Causes and Background

Understanding the Battle of Buxar requires diving into the causes and foundation that prompted this critical clash.

Discussion of the factors leading to the conflict

The mid-18th century was a fierce period in India set apart by the downfall of the Mughal Empire and the ascent of territorial powers. Amidst this mayhem, the British East India Company was consistently making strides basically through exchange yet progressively through military mediations.

Political and Territorial Context

The political landscape was complex. The Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II was a weakened figurehead with little control over his territories. The real power lay with regional rulers like Shuja-ud-Daula, the Nawab of Oudh, and Mir Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal. Mir Qasim was initially an ally of the British but soon fell out with them due to their oppressive trade policies. This led him to join forces with Shuja-ud-Daula and the Mughal Emperor.

The territorial context was equally complicated. The British captured the prosperous Bengal region after the Battle of Plassey in 1757. Their eyes were now set on expanding their territory and influence further into the Indian subcontinent. This territorial ambition was a significant battle of Buxar’s cause as it directly clashed with the interests of the Indian rulers.

Many historians claim that it was not the defeat at Plassey that made India a colony of Britain but the defeat at Buxar that made India a colony and Britain its master.

Role of Various Participating Parties

Each participating party in the Battle of Buxar had its inspirations. The English East India Company, driven by Major Hector Munro, planned to harden its hang on Bengal and gain income privileges over different domains. On the opposite side, Mir Qasim needed to recover Bengal Shuja-ud-Daula meant to safeguard Oudh, and Shah Alam II looked to reestablish the respect of the Mughal Empire.

Roles and Participants in the Battle of Buxar

Understand the participants in the Battle of Buxar and their corresponding roles in the table below;

ParticipantsRespective Roles
Mir QasimThe English terms “Dastak” and “Farmans” offended him. He plotted against the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II and the Nawab of Awadh by forming an alliance.
Shuja-ud-DaulahHe was Awadh’s Nawab. Along with Mir Qasim and Shah Alam II, he established a confederacy.
Shah Alam IIThe Mughal Emperor was he. His goal was to expel the English from Bengal.
Hector MunroHe was a British Army major. He led the English side in the Buxar War.
Robert CliveAfter winning the Buxar War, he made treaties with Shah Alam II and Shuja-Ud-Daulah.

Battle of Buxar: Fought Between and Participants

1. Identification of the opposing forces

The Battle of Buxar was a clash between two opposing forces: the British East India Company and a coalition of Indian rulers. This coalition consisted of Mir Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal; Shuja-ud-Daula, the Nawab of Oudh; and Shah Alam II, the Mughal Emperor.

2. Key Leaders and Commanders

On the British side, the key leader was Major Hector Munro, a great military commander. He was in charge of the British East India Company’s forces and was known for his tactical brilliance. For the Indian coalition, Mir Qasim Shuja-ud-Daula and Shah Alam II were the principal leaders.

3. Military Strengths and Strategies

The English had a thoroughly prepared armed force, having unrivaled big guns and restrained troops. Their technique was to utilize their cannons effectively and keep a tight formation to counter the mush but less coordinated Indian powers. The Indian alliance then again had a bigger armed force; however, it came up short on discipline and high-level weapons that the English had. Their system was to overpower the English with numbers and utilize their insight into the neighborhood landscape for their potential benefit.

Battle of Buxar Date and Location

Date and Geographical location of Buxar, where the battle occurred

The battle took place on October 22, 1764. The war’s geographical location is in present-day Bihar, India. The battle of Buxar’s date and its location are significant because the area provided a strategic advantage to the British, allowing them to utilize their artillery effectively.

The Battle of Buxar was a complex military engagement with multiple participants, each with their leader’s strengths and strategies. The British East India Company emerged victorious largely due to their superior military tactics and discipline, forever altering the course of Indian history.

The Course of the Battle

The Battle of Buxar was a day-long conflict that unfolded with intense ferocity. Both sides had their strategies and objectives, but as the day progressed, it became clear that the British had the upper hand.

1. Detailed Narrative

The battle commenced early in the morning with artillery fire from both sides. Major Hector Munro, leading the British forces, had positioned his artillery strategically to maximize damage. The Indian coalition led by their rulers responded with artillery but was less effective due to inferior technology and positioning.

As the morning progressed, the British infantry advanced in tight formations along with their bayonets at the ready. The Indian forces attempted to counter this by launching cavalry charges, but the disciplined British ranks held firm. By midday, it was evident that the British artillery and infantry were dominating the battlefield.

2. Key Events and Turning Points

One of the key defining moments was the point at which the English figured out how to break the left flank of the Indian alliance, causing a far-reaching influence through their positions. This prompted disarray and chaos among the Indian soldiers, making them easy targets for the British guns.

Another huge occasion was the catch of some Indian artillery pieces by the British. This debilitated the Indian alliance’s capability and lifted the English soldiers’ confidence.

3. Strategies Employed

The British had a clear strategy to utilize better artillery than weaken the foe and advance with disciplined infantry formations. The Indian coalition again aimed to utilize its numerical advantage to overpower the British. However, their lack of coordination and inferior weaponry made their strategy less viable.

The British carefully executed the Battle of Buxar military operation. Their unrivaled strategy and disciplined troops drove them to a conclusive triumph, marking a significant turning point throughout the entire existence of India.


  • The Buxar Turning Point: The 1764 Battle of Buxar stands as a pivotal moment in India’s history. This victory solidified British control over Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, and Bangladesh.
  • Beyond Bengal: While the Battle of Plassey in 1757 weakened the Nawab of Bengal, Buxar’s outcome extended British influence. They not only decisively defeated the Nawab’s forces but also gained leverage over the weakening Mughal Empire and the Awadh region.
  • Foundation for Dominance: This decisive win established a strong foothold for the British in India. It paved the way for their eventual expansion and eventual dominance over a large part of the country.

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Timeline of Buxar War

Here’s a timeline of events leading up to and following this decisive clash:

  • 1757: Plassey Paves the Way: The British East India Company defeats the Nawab of Bengal, Siraj-ud-Daulah, at Plassey. This victory establishes their foothold in Bengal.
  • 1760: A Fallen Emperor Seeks Allies: Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II loses his throne and seeks support from Indian rulers to regain power.
  • 1762: Discontent in Bengal: The British-appointed Nawab of Bengal, Mir Qasim, rebels due to disagreements over trade and revenue.
  • 1764: A Coalition Forms: Shah Alam II joins forces with the Nawabs of Oudh and Bengal to challenge the British East India Company.
  • October 22nd, 1764: Decisive Battle at Buxar: The British, led by Hector Munro, overpower the Indian coalition with superior weaponry and tactics.
  • November 1764: Surrender and Treaty: Shah Alam II surrenders to the British and signs the Treaty of Allahabad.
  • August 1765: The Company’s Dominance Secured: The Treaty of Allahabad grants the British East India Company the right to collect revenue from Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa, solidifying their control over these regions.

This timeline highlights the rising tensions, the formation of a resistance against the British, and their ultimate victory at Buxar. The treaty that followed cemented their dominance in the region.

Outcome and Result of the Battle of Buxar

1. The ultimate victory

The winner of this battle was the British East India Company. Their disciplined troops and strategy led to a win for them and altered the course of Indian history.

2. Impact on the Political Landscape

The result of the Battle of Buxar had a great impact on the political landscape of India. The British East India Company gained immense power. They secured the Diwani rights, which allowed them to collect revenue from Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. This financial gain enabled them to strengthen their military and administrative capabilities, setting the stage for further territorial expansion.

The Indian rulers involved in the battle suffered big losses. They dethroned and exiled Mir Qasim. Shuja-ud-Daula lost control over parts of his territory, and the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II became a puppet ruler under British protection. The defeat weakened the political dominance of these rulers and made it clear that the British were the new dominant force in the region.

3. Territorial Changes or Implications

The territorial implications of the victory were vast. The British now controlled rich regions, which they used to fund their colonial endeavors. The Treaty of Allahabad, signed in 1765, rectified these territorial gains and revenue rights. This treaty gave the British control over large parts of India and legitimized their rule, making it easier for them to expand further.

The outcome and result of the Battle of Buxar were pivotal. The British ultimately prevailed, obtaining enormous financial and geographical benefits. After the Indian coalition was defeated, the balance of power changed, making the British control India’s dominating force for many years.

4. Key Facts: Battle of Buxar

  • On October 22, 1764, Mir Qasim, Shuja-Ud-Daula, and Shah Alam-II were defeated.
  • Robert Clive played a significant part in the decisive battle that Major Hector Munro won.
  • In northern India, English grew to be a dominant force.
  • The districts of Midnapore, Burdwan, and Chittagong were given to the English by Mir Jafar (Nawab of Bengal) so they could maintain their army.
  • In Bengal, the English were also allowed to trade duty-free, with the exception of a 2% salt duty.
  • Najimud-Daula, Mir Jafar’s younger son, succeeded him as nawab after his death, but the naib-subahdar, whom the English could appoint or remove, held actual administrative authority.
  • In the Treaty of Allahabad, Clive reached diplomatic agreements with Shuja-Ud-Daula of Awadh and Emperor Shah Alam II.

Treaty of Allahabad

The Treaty of Allahabad, a major agreement, was signed on August 16, 1765, following the Battle of Buxar in 1764. The following are the treaty’s principal points:

  • The East India Company received revenue rights—the ability to collect taxes—from the treaty in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa.
  • The Mughal Empire and the local authorities had previously been in charge of collecting taxes in these areas, but the Company was now able to do so directly from the populace.
  • After complying with Shah Alam II’s directive and paying an annual sum of Rs 26 lakh, the Company was given authority to handle taxes.
  • Shah Alam II paid the Company Rs 53 lakhs in exchange for performing certain administrative tasks for the defense, police, and justice departments.
  • The Nawab of Awadh was also recognized by the treaty as an independent ruler, but in exchange for the East India Company’s assistance in the Battle of Buxar, he was forced to pay a hefty price.
  • The Mughal Empire, already weakened by numerous conflicts, began to decline with the signing of this treaty, which also signaled the beginning of British dominance in India.
  • Bengal’s economy, which is renowned for its wealth, was taken over by the East India Company through the acquisition of tax control (Diwani rights). The Company was able to grow financially and gain clout in other regions of India thanks to this control.

Battle of Plassey and Battle of Buxar: Differences

AspectBattle of PlasseyBattle of Buxar
DateJune 23, 1757October 22, 1764
LocationPlassey, Bengal, IndiaBuxar, Bihar, India
Opposing ForcesBritish East India Company vs. Nawab of BengalBritish East India Company vs. Nawab of Bengal, Nawab of Awadh, Mughal Emperor
British CommanderRobert CliveHector Munro
Local CommandersSiraj-ud-Daulah (Nawab of Bengal)Mir Qasim (Nawab of Bengal), Shuja-ud-Daula (Nawab of Awadh), Shah Alam II (Mughal Emperor)
OutcomeVictory for the British East India CompanyVictory for the British East India Company
ConsequencesStart of British political control in BengalSolidified British control over Bengal, expanded British influence in India

Battle of buxar short summary

The 1764 Battle of Buxar stands as a pivotal moment in British expansion across India. The British East India Company, led by Major Hector Munro, clashed with a formidable Indian alliance comprised of the Mughal emperor, the Nawabs of Bengal and Awadh, and the Maharaja of Banaras. Despite being outnumbered, the British emerged victorious due to their superior military tactics and weaponry. This decisive win proved to be a turning point. It not only bolstered British control over Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa, but also weakened the remaining Indian powers, allowing the Company to gradually extend its influence throughout the subcontinent.


In Indian history, the Battle of Buxar denoted a defining moment that introduced British control. The result of the conflict had wide consequences, including political changes and territorial additions for the British East India Company. The Indian alliance’s loss diminished their power and arranged the way for British control. This battle wasn’t simply tactical but a defining moment in Indian history. Because of its results, it positions among the main conflicts in Indian history.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’s )

When and where did the Battle of Buxar take place?

The Battle of Buxar was fought on October 22, 1764, in today’s Bihar.

Who were the key participants in the Battle of Buxar?

The battle was fought between the British East India Company led by Major Hector Munro and a coalition of Indian rulers, including Shuja-ud-Daula (Nawab of Oudh) Mir Qasim (Nawab of Bengal) and the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.

Who won the Battle of Buxar?

The British East India Company won the Battle of Buxar on October 22, 1764, defeating the combined forces of Mir Qasim, Shuja-ud-Daula, and Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.

Why was the Battle of Buxar considered a turning point for British rule in India?

The battle demonstrated the British forces’ military superiority and weakened the indigenous rulers’ power. It paved the way for the British to establish a stronghold in India, eventually leading to colonial rule.

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