Dr. Rajendra Prasad - Life, Contributions, and Legacy

June 28, 2024
dr. rajendra prasad

Table of Contents

Introduction: Dr. Rajendra Prasad

India was in a crisis after its independence in 1947. During the crisis, they elected Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the first president of an independent India. It was also a journalist, scholar, and lawyer, along with politicians. He emerged as a great leader from Bihar and Maharashtra. He actively participated in the Salt Satyagraha of 1930 and the Quit India Movement of 1942. It was also a supporter of Mahatma Gandhi. They elected him as the first president of the constitution assembly in 1950. He served the nation two times. That’s why he became the only president to serve the nation for the longest time, 12 years.

Each person must have knowledge about Dr. Rajendra Prasad and his significance in Indian history. His integrity and non-partisanship qualities were well-known. He believed in the independence of office bearers. The office bearer should act neutral. That’s why he left the Indian National Congress party immediately after getting the president’s post. He handled the socio-economic crises of India very well. He contributed to the education sector. India’s political parties still follow Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s guidelines for the parliaments. His life journey is itself a source of motivation for every aspiring youth who wants to join politics.

Dr Rajendra Prasad’s Biography

Dr. Rajedra Prasad’s biography consists of early life history and childhood struggles to adulthood aspirations. The biography of Dr. Rajendra Prasad also discusses his involvement in public service. He has played an incredible role in India’s freedom struggle and post-independence history.

Overview of Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s life, from his early years to adulthood

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was born in Siwan district of Bihar in a Kayastha family. His father’s name was Mahadev Sahai Srivastava. His father had expertise in Sanskrit and Persian. Kamleshwari Devi was his mother. She liked to narrate stories of Ramayana and Mahabharat to her son. He had one elder brother and 3 elder sisters. His elder sister took care of him after his mother’s death. He married at the early age of 12 in 1896.

Education, career, and early involvement in public service

Dr. Rajendra Prasad received education in a wide number of fields. He learned Persian language, Hindi, and arithmetic at the age of five through classes. After completing elementary education, they sent him to Chapra District School of Bihar. He studied at TK Ghosh Academy for two years. A secured the first position in the entrance examination of the University of Calcutta. He got a scholarship of Rs. 30 every month as a reward. They admitted him to the Presidency College of Calcutta in 1902. In March 1905, he completed his graduation with the first division. Later, in 1907, he completed his M.A. in Economics with first division.

He started his career as a teacher in various educational institutions. He became the principal of Langat Singh College of Muzaffarpur. Later, he left the college to pursue legal studies. He did law from Ripon College of Calcutta. He passed the Master’s in law examination and won a gold medal. Finally, he earned a Doctorate in law from Allahabad University. A joined the High Court of Bihar and Orissa in 1916. He was also active in the Senate. He practiced law at Bhagalpur of Bihar.

As a student, he also engaged in public services from an early age. He connected with The Dawn Society.. Dr. Rajendra Prasad played a very important role in the formation of the Bihari Students Conference in 1906. They formed it in the hall of the Patna College. It was one of the famous institutions at that time. He provided food and clothing to the victims of the flood in 1914. The flood occurred in Bengal and Bihar. He formed the Bihar Central Relief Committee while he was in jail. They created the committee to raise funds for the victims of earthquakes that occurred in 1934. He was a dedicated student and committed to work for social welfare.

His role in India’s freedom struggle and post-independence era

Dr Rajendra Prasad’s biography also includes his role in the Indian freedom struggle and post-independence era. He became a part of the Indian National Congress in 1911. He faced imprisonment twice in his lifetime. One was during the Salt Satyagraha in 1931, and the other was the Quit India Movement of 1942. He associated with Gandhiji during the Champaran movement. He was also active against the movement of the Rowlatt Act of 1918 and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 1919. During the non-cooperation movement, they called him to participate in non-cooperation in Bihar. After giving up law practice, he started a National College near Patna in 1921. In Bihar, he guided the launch of a Salt Satyagraha. For revolutionary publications like Searchlight and Desh, he wrote many articles. Additionally, he served as the Minister of Food and Agriculture in the interim government of India in 1946.

The newly independent nation chose Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the first President of India on January 26, 1950. It had always upheld constitutional morality and values with honesty and integrity. He had represented India on the global stage and established diplomatic relations with other countries. They re-elected him in 1952 and 1957 as well. Today, people can view the beauty of the Mughal Garden at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. This happened during his presidency. It actively engaged in state affairs, such as the Hindu Code Bill, for the nation’s well-being. He returned to Patna in 1962 after his retirement. He spent the rest of his life in the Bihar Vidyapeeth campus.

Rajendra Prasad’s History and Contributions & Accomplishments

Dr. Rajendra Prasad has contributed significantly to Indian history and constituent assembly. He also won major awards and accomplished fame with his dedicated work.

His major accomplishments, awards, and roles

In 1962, they awarded him Bharat Ratna for his selfless service to the public and his role in Indian independence. He has also penned several books. Look at a few of them.

  1. Satyagraha at Champaran – This book discusses the Champaran movement in detail.
  2. Division of India – Dr. Rajedra Prasad talked about the events of Indian independence. It discusses challenges faced by India after independence along with it
  3. Atmakatha – The book discusses the life and experiences of Rajendra Prasad in detail.
  4. Mahatma Gandhi and Bihar, Some Reminiscences – The book gives a brief of the experience of Rajendra Prasad with Mahatma Gandhi.
  5. Bharatiya Shiksha – Dr Rajendra Prasad has a vision for the development of education. He has discussed the importance of education in this book.

About Rajendra Prasad’s Birthday: Celebrating the Leader  

The journey of Dr. Rajendra Prasad has been incredible. That’s why Rajendra Prasad’s birthday is an important day to celebrate. The day is not only to celebrate his birth but also to celebrate his ideas.

Overview of Rajendra Prasad’s birthday and its commemoration as Rajendra Prasad Jayanti

Rajendra Prasad was born on December 3, 1884. The village name was Jiradei, located in the Siwan district of Bihar. He was a very popular leader across India. Other titles, such as Rajendra Babu and Desh Ratna, were also known by him. That’s why people celebrate Rajendra Prasad Jayanti every year on December 3. Bihar has declared Rajendra Prasad’s birthday as ‘Medha Diwas’.

Discussion of the significance of celebrating his life and legacy

The celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Rajendra Prasad is a source of motivation for all political parties. This is an ideal for honest political parties. He has created a base for the building of constitutional traditions in India. He has kept his personal life aside from his political life. There is an incident. On January 25, 1960, he received the news of the death of his elder sister. The next day, they expected him, as the President, to attend the Republic Day function. A controlled his emotions and attended the Republic Day function. He was a man of morality and ethics. He has always worked for the development of people and the nation. The nation, along with the political parties, should admire and adopt his ideals.

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Rajendra Prasad’s Death and Legacy

Every good time ultimately comes to an end. Future generations need to follow the legacy that Rajendra Prasad’s death has left. There were certain circumstances under which he died. But the mark is still visible that he has left behind him.

Explanation of the circumstances of Rajendra Prasad’s death

In 1962, Dr. Rajendra Prasad lost his beloved wife. His wife’s name was Rajvanshi Devi. This was one of the major reasons for the deterioration of his health. He lived in the Sadaqat Ashram of Patna in the last few days. Four months after the death of his wife, he passed away on February 28, 1963. Rajendra Prasad’s death was the end of his era. His final resting place is located at Mahaprayan Ghat in Patna. The Rajendra Smriti Sanghralaya established itself to preserve his artifacts and share life details with future generations. The Sangrahalaya is located in Patna.

Discussion of the enduring impact of his contributions to India

Rajendra Prasad’s contributions will continue to inspire future generations. He was the living soul of

humanity. He selflessly dedicates his life to the service of people. He has contributed to the framing of the Indian constitution. When India was facing the challenges of partition, he took responsibility for the nation as the first President of India. He teaches people to believe in ethical politics. Dr. Rajendra Prasad maintained a balance between his personal and professional life. His son also joined politics later on. Dr Rajendra Prasad is a true mark of dedication, honesty, and impartiality.


The contribution of Dr Rajendra Prasad to the Indian independence struggle and the nation’s development is unforgettable. That’s why Rajendra Prasad’s birthday is like a festival in India. His personal and professional life has indelibly impacted the nation’s development. He created an identity of India in the world after the independence through his diplomatic skills. A completed his education at renowned institutes. He believed in the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi and followed his ideals. Rajendra Prasad’s death has left a legacy for upcoming youths. So that youth can contribute to the socio-economic development of the nation. His remarkable accomplishments are unforgettable.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How many times did Rajendra Prasad was elected as the President of India?

Dr Rajendra Prasad served the nation two times. He became the only president to serve the nation for the longest time, that is, 12 years.

Dr Rajendra Prasad has participated in which movements?

Dr Rajendra Prasad has actively participated in the Non-cooperation Movement, Salt Satyagraha, and Quit India Movement.

Describe the family background of Dr. Rajendra Prasad in brief.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was born in Siwan district of Bihar in a Kayastha family. His father’s name was Mahadev Sahai Srivastava. Kamleshwari Devi was his mother. He had one elder brother and 3 elder sisters. He got married at the early age of 12 in 1896.

When was the birth anniversary of Dr Rajendra Prasad celebrated?

Rajendra Prasad was born on December 3, 1884. The village was Jiradei, located in the Siwan district of Bihar. December 3 is celebrated as Rajendra Prasad Jayanti every year.

Under what circumstances did Dr Rajendra Prasad die?

In 1962, Dr. Rajendra Prasad lost his beloved wife. His wife’s name was Rajvanshi Devi. This was one of the major reasons for the deterioration of his health. Four months after the demise of his wife, he passed away on February 28, 1963.

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