Quick Summary
On the Indian subcontinent, the Indus civilization represents the earliest known urban culture. People usually refer to it as the Harappan Civilization. Harappan culture is among the world’s oldest civilizations. They regarded the center of architecture, culture, and the arts to be there. We discover a great deal about our ancestors’ lives. Moreover, the way of life from the discoveries at these iconic structures.
The civilization seems to have existed between 250 and 1700 BCE, according to nuclear dates. The southern sites, however, may have survived into the second millennium BCE. The largest of the three earliest civilizations in the world was the Indus civilization.
Archaeologists discovered Harappa, a subcontinental city, to be 4,700 years old in the 1920s. After identifying some cities, they found others. This includes Lothal, Dholavira, Mohenjodaro, and Kalibangan. These cities are known as the Harappan cities or the start of the Harappan Civilization. The discovery of these cities, especially in the Indus River region, led to the foundation of the Harappan Civilization.
The story of the Harappan Civilization finds its beginning in the 19th century CE with the unearthing of its ruins. James Lewis, also known as Charles Masson, was a British soldier who deserted in 1827 CE and assumed the alias Charles Masson to travel across India undetected. Intrigued by ancient coins, Masson stumbled upon Harappa in 1829 CE but mistakenly attributed its origin to Alexander the Great.
Upon returning to Britain, Masson’s adventures were chronicled in his book, gaining attention from British authorities and Alexander Cunningham, who founded the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) in 1861 CE. Despite Cunningham’s efforts in 1875 CE to interpret Harappa’s significance, the true nature of the site remained obscure.
It wasn’t until 1904 CE, under the leadership of John Marshall, that Harappa’s significance as part of an ancient civilization began to emerge. Marshall’s excavation efforts, alongside the discovery of Mohenjo-Daro in 1924-1925 CE, confirmed the existence of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Further excavations by Sir John Hubert Marshall and Sir Mortimer Wheeler in the early 20th century expanded knowledge of the civilization. However, the Partition of India in 1947 led to the division of archaeological finds, with Pakistan inheriting the majority. By 1999, over 1,056 cities and settlements had been identified, with 96 undergoing excavation.
Since the Harappan Civilization has no written records, many academics have proposed that the Harappan Civilization time period was between 250 and 2750 BC. It was almost the era when Egypt and Babylonia’s ancient civilizations were at their height. The World History Encyclopaedia places civilization’s origin between 7000 BC and 600 BC. At the same time, the Radiocarbon dates place it between 2500-1700 BC.
Locations like Mehrgarh best represent the Neolithic period. The domestication of plants and animals and the advancement of agriculture are evident. It also showed the production of tools and ceramics.
During the early Harappan period, people established trade networks between Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China. Residents of small towns built ports, docks, and warehouses close to waterways.
The construction of significant cities and urbanization occurred in the Aged Harappan period. It was around 1900 BCE. Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa are both in their prime around 2600 BCE. They built other cities like Ganeriwala, Lothal, and Dholavira, as well as the developed land, using the same concepts. This process continued with the construction of hundreds more cities in every direction.
The fall of civilization was accompanied by a wave of Aryan migration from the north. Most likely the Iranian Plateau. Physical evidence indicates a connection between climate change and drought, famine, and flooding. Historians also cite the breakup of economic ties with Egypt and Mesopotamia as a contributing factor.
A population shift to the south occurred around 600 BCE, leaving the cities in ruins. The Indian civilization had already collapsed by that time. It collapsed when Cyrus II invaded the country in 530 BCE.
The Harappan Civilization, also known as the Indus Valley Civilization, is one of the world’s earliest urban cultures, flourishing between approximately 3300 BCE and 1300 BCE in the northwestern regions of the Indian subcontinent, primarily in present-day Pakistan and northwest India. It was contemporaneous with ancient civilizations like those in Egypt and Mesopotamia, and it remains one of the most remarkable and mysterious civilizations in human history.
Origin of the Harappan Civilization
Development of the Harappan Civilization
Legacy of the Harappan Civilization
Although the Harappan Civilization declined around 1300 BCE, its legacy has continued to influence the development of subsequent cultures in the Indian subcontinent. Many aspects of Harappan culture, such as urban planning, trade, and craft techniques, can be seen in later Indian civilizations.
In conclusion, the Harappan Civilization was a remarkable early civilization that laid the foundation for many aspects of modern society. Its origin and development are characterized by advances in agriculture, urban planning, trade, and technology, creating a sophisticated and prosperous society that lasted for centuries.
The infrastructure, architecture, and governmental structures in the urban centers of the Indus Valley Civilization were well-planned and organized in the Indus Valley Civilization. By 2600 BCE, the tiny villages of the Early Harappans had expanded into vast cities. These cities are Harappa, Ganeriwala, and Mohenjo-Daro in contemporary Pakistan. Kalibangan, Dholavira, Rakhigarhi, Lothal, and Rupar in contemporary India. These are found on the Harappan Civilization map.
Most cities are located in the Indus River and its tributaries, as per the Harappan Civilization map. More than 1,052 cities and settlements have been discovered in this location. The Indus Valley Civilization may have once housed five million people. Towns built during the Indus Valley Civilization were remarkably well-organized. They had public granaries and baths. They also have sophisticated systems for garbage and sewage collection.
Craftsmen and business owners made up the majority of the population of cities. They tended to cluster in particular areas. The high standards of urban planning are a result of efficient municipal administrations. This placed a high value on hygienic practices and religious observance.
The Harappan Civilization, also known as the Indus Valley Civilization, was one of the world’s earliest urban cultures, flourishing around 3300 to 1300 BCE in the northwestern regions of the Indian subcontinent, primarily in present-day Pakistan and northwest India. One of the most remarkable features of the Harappan Civilization was its advanced use of bronze casting, which played a crucial role in its cultural and technological achievements.
Key Aspects of Bronze Casting in the Harappan Civilization:
Importance of Bronze Casting:
In conclusion, bronze casting in the Harappan Civilization reflects the culture’s technological sophistication, artistic achievement, and economic vitality. The skills in metallurgy laid the foundation for innovations that would influence future cultures across the Indian subcontinent and beyond.
The Harappan society was characterized by its town planning. Mohenjodaro and Harappa had an acropolis or citadel that may have been home to the ruling class. Each city has a lower town with brick homes underneath the citadel. It is where the common people resided. It is exceptional that the city housing arrangements adhered to the grid system. Granaries played a significant role in the Harappan cities.
Dried bricks were used in Egyptian constructions at the time for the town planning of the Harappan Civilization. The use of burnt bricks in the Harappan cities is unusual. The drainage system in Mohenjodaro is very efficient. In almost all cities, each large or modest home had its patio and bathroom. In many homes in Kalibangan, there were wells. The entire settlement of the town planning of the Harappan Civilization became fortified in Dholavira and Lothal (Gujarat). The walls additionally divided the town into various sections.
Mohenjo-Daro’s Great Bath is also known as the “first public water tank in the ancient world.”. The Great Bath was occasionally used for bathing. The great bath was mostly used for religious rituals. A massive citadel complex was discovered at Mohenjo-Daro during excavations in the 1920s. One of the most significant Indus cultural centers is The Great Bath.
The artifacts of the Harappan culture that display a degree of consistency indicate some authority or system of government. These are pottery, seals, weights, and bricks with regulated sizes and weights. Over time, three important theories have surfaced regarding the Harappan system of rule or governance.
Measurement Systems:
Architectural Achievements:
Seal Carving and Trade:
The Indus Valley Civilization is the earliest known example of this culture. It is generally referred to as “urban” (or focused on large communities) on the Indian Subcontinent. This group of four ancient civilizations also included Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China. It has been established that the Bronze Age, or 3300–1300 BCE, was the time of the Indus River Valley’s civilization.
It was believed that the Harappans used an alphabetical writing system. This system is called Indus Script to communicate. Written texts with trident-shaped, plant-like patterns were found at Harappa on clay and stone tablets.
The religious practices of the Harappan civilization remain a subject of inquiry. It is commonly proposed that they venerate a mother goddess representing fertility. Unlike the civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley Civilization seemingly lacked prominent temples or palaces indicative of specific religious customs or deities. Some seals discovered from the era feature a swastika symbol, later adopted by religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
Animal forms are prevalent on many Indus Valley seals, depicting them in processions or as hybrid creatures, prompting speculation on their significance in religious contexts. For instance, a seal from Mohenjo-Daro portrays a half-human, half-buffalo creature engaging a tiger, possibly alluding to the Sumerian myth of a similar creature fashioned by the earth goddess Aruru to challenge Gilgamesh, a legendary figure in Mesopotamian lore. Such parallels hint at the potential influence of international trade on Harappan religious beliefs.
The Harappan farmers and herders employed various agricultural and husbandry practices, including:
Cultivating crops such as wheat, barley, pulses, peas, rice, sesame, linseed, and mustard, utilizing innovative tools like the plow for planting seeds and soil cultivation due to limited rainfall. They also implemented irrigation techniques to manage water scarcity.
In terms of animal husbandry, the Harappans raised cattle, sheep, goats, and buffalo, taking advantage of nearby water sources and pastures. Additionally, they supplemented their diet by gathering fruits, fishing, and hunting wild game.
Notably, urban centers like Mohenjodaro, Harappa, and Lothal featured large granaries for storing grains. Ritual practices were evident with the discovery of significant fire altars in Kalibangan and Lothal, presumably used for sacrificial ceremonies. Furthermore, Lothal boasted an extensive dockyard facilitating the transportation of goods, highlighting the civilization’s advanced infrastructure and trade networks.
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The Harappan Civilization fell into disarray around 1800 BCE, though its exact causes are still a matter of discussion. The Indo-European tribe known as the Aryans, according to one version, invaded and conquered the Indus Valley Civilization. Various pieces of the Harappan Civilization have been seen in later societies. This indicates that the civilization did not end abruptly due to an invasion. On the other hand, many academics believe that the decline of the Harappan Civilization was brought on by natural causes, such as:
The inhabitants of the Indus Valley gave the world some of the first cities. This also includes town planning and stone and clay architecture. It showed evidence of their concern for hygienic conditions. In their urban centers, they constructed an advanced drainage system. There is proof that some of Hinduism’s earliest ideas originated in the Harappan Civilization.
The Indus Valley’s contribution to the current civilization is a composite result of the fusion of several different cultures. It is of utmost importance.
The first known “urban” (i.e., concentrated on big towns) culture on the Indian subcontinent is the Harappa Civilization. It spanned a territory as big as Western Europe and was situated in what is now Pakistan and India.
The Harappan culture created the earliest precise system of regulated weights and measures, sometimes called the Indus River Valley culture; some of its measurements were as precise as 1.6 mm. Terracotta, metal, and stone were among the materials used by the Harappans to produce jewelry, sculptures, and seals.
The Harappa or Indus Valley Civilization was dicovered by Dayaram Sahni. Its estimated time of existence is between 2500 1700 BCE. It was initially found at Mohenjo Daro and then at Harappa in Punjab.
First discovered in 1921 in the Punjabi region at Harappa, the civilization was later discovered in 1922 in the Sindh (Sind) region at Mohenjo-daro (Mohenjodaro), close to the Indus River.
The Harappan Civilization, or Indus Valley Civilization, is divided into three phases: the Early Harappan Phase (3300–2600 BCE), the Mature Harappan Phase (2600–1900 BCE), and the Late Harappan Phase (1900–1300 BCE).
The decline of the Harappan Civilization is attributed to climate change, shifting river patterns, declining trade, overexploitation of resources, and possibly invasions, leading to urban collapse and dispersal of populations.
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