The Iron Man of India: Remembering Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel the Man behind the United India

June 27, 2024
iron man of india

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The Iron Man of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patеl, was a prominеnt lеadеr and statеsman who played a pivotal role in India’s strugglе for indеpеndеncе and subsеquеnt nation-building. Known for his unwavеring dеtеrmination and vision, Patеl was instrumеntal in uniting thе divеrsе princеly statеs into a singlе nation aftеr indеpеndеncе in 1947.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel remains a powerful and dynamic freedom fighter. His active contributions during the Indian Freedom Movement made him one of the most eminent leaders. His immense efforts played a crucial role in achieving India’s independence. As India’s first Dеputy Primе Ministеr and Ministеr of Homе Affairs, he left an indеliblе mark on thе country’s government, advocating for unity, social harmony, and strong administrativе forms.

The Iron Man of India: Sardar Patel Biography

Full Name Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel
Famous asSardar Patel or Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (Iron Man of India)
Date Of BirthOctober 31st, 1875
Place of BirthNadiad, in modern-day Gujarat, during the Bombay Presidency in British India
Awards ReceivedBharat Ratna, 1991
Career RolesBarrister, Indian freedom fighter, politician, and political activist
Political CareerFirst Deputy Prime Minister of India, Indian National Congress 
Date of DeathDecember 15, 1950 
Place of DeathBombay, present-day Mumbai; Age 75

Who was the Iron Man of India?

Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel, known as Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, was a pivotal figure in India’s independence movement and post-independence era. Born on October 31, 1875, in Nadiad, Gujarat, he emerged as a prominent lawyer and a trusted aide of Mahatma Gandhi. Patel played a crucial role in organizing civil disobedience campaigns against British rule, notably leading successful movements in Gujarat.

After India gained independence in 1947, Patel served as the first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister. His leadership was instrumental in integrating over 500 princely states into the Indian Union, ensuring the country’s territorial integrity during a critical period. Known as the “Iron Man of India,” Patel’s resolve and statesmanship earned him respect and admiration nationwide.

Patel’s enduring legacy includes his contribution to establishing India’s civil services and his advocacy for fundamental rights. He remains celebrated for his unwavering commitment to national unity and his role in shaping modern India.

Early Life of the Iron of India

  • Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel, born in Nadiad, Gujarat, belonged to the Patidar community, specifically the Leva Patel sect of Central Gujarat.
  • Patel adopted Vaishnavism and followed the Pushtimarg sect of Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya, receiving diksha from a descendant of Vallabhacharya.
  • His date of birth, unofficially recorded, was entered as October 31 on his matriculation examination papers.
  • Patel showed early bravery, famously lancing his own painful boil as a youth.
  • Despite matriculating at 22, later than usual, Patel pursued a career in law, studying independently and becoming a barrister after rigorous self-study in England.
  • He practiced law in Godhra, Borsad, and Anand, establishing the Edward Memorial High School in Borsad.
  • Patel faced personal tragedy when his wife Jhaverba passed away during surgery in Bombay (Mumbai), after which he decided against remarriage.
  • At 36, Patel studied at the Middle Temple in London, excelling despite no prior college experience.
  • Returning to India, he settled in Ahmedabad, becoming a successful barrister known for his European attire and urban mannerisms.
  • Patel’s ambition included expanding his legal practice, providing modern education for his children, and supporting his brother Vithalbhai’s political career in the Bombay Presidency.

Role in India’s National Movement

Early Activism and Leadership

  • Speech in Borsad and Meeting Gandhi
    • In September 1917, Patel delivered a speech in Borsad, urging nationwide support for Gandhi’s Swaraj petition.
    • Met Gandhi for the first time at the Gujarat Political Conference in Godhra.
    • Became secretary of Gujarat Sabha, a precursor to Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee.
  • Kheda Satyagraha
    • Patel led a campaign against veth (forced servitude) and organized relief during the plague and famine in Kheda.
    • Advocated for tax exemptions for Kheda peasants, leading to a statewide revolt.
    • Negotiated with British authorities for tax suspension, emerging as a hero in Gujarat.

Leadership in Gujarat and National Politics

  • President of Gujarat Pradesh Congress
    • Elected president in 1920, serving until 1945.
    • Supported Gandhi’s Non-cooperation Movement, organizing mass recruitment and fundraising.
    • Embraced Khadi and advocated against alcoholism, untouchability, and caste discrimination.
  • Bardoli Satyagraha
    • Led Bardoli against a steep tax hike during a famine.
    • Organized mass protests and negotiations, earning the title “Sardar” from Bardoli’s women.

Contributions to the Indian Independence Movement

  • Congress Organizational Role
    • Chairman of Congress’s Central Parliamentary Board, overseeing candidate selection and funding.
    • Played a pivotal role in shaping Congress’s stance on national issues.
  • Quit India Movement
    • Strongly supported Gandhi’s call for civil disobedience in 1942.
    • Arrested and imprisoned until 1945, contributing to the movement’s success across India.

Legacy and Influence

  • Fundamental Rights and Economic Policy
    • Advocated for fundamental rights resolution at the Congress in 1931.
  • Post-Prison Contributions
    • Played a key role in negotiations and preparations for India’s independence after his release in 1945.

Iron Man of India Post Independence

  • Following the war, during the formulation of India’s constitutional framework, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel played a pivotal role in numerous Congress meetings as the primary negotiator.
  • Post-independence, he assumed the role of Deputy Prime Minister and oversaw the Home and States Affairs portfolios, along with Information and Broadcasting.
  • He actively participated in deliberations concerning the integration of princely states into the Union of India.
  • Patel’s expertise streamlined the consolidation of Princely States from 562 entities into 26 administrative units, fostering democratic governance for India.
  • Serving as the Minister of Home Affairs, he exhibited astute leadership in handling various national matters.
  • Additionally, he took charge of maintaining law and order during India’s partition, overseeing the rehabilitation of refugees.

Role of Sardar Patel in Unification of Princely States in India

  • Patel, as India’s first Home Minister, led the monumental task of integrating over 565 princely states into the Indian Union after independence in 1947.
  • His role is often compared to Otto von Bismarck’s unification of Germany, illustrating the scale and complexity of his achievement.
  • Patel worked closely with V.P. Menon, his chief aide, who played a crucial role in negotiating with the princely states and facilitating their accession to India.
  • Patel used a combination of diplomacy and persuasion to convince the rulers of princely states about the benefits of joining the Indian Union, emphasizing unity and patriotism.
  • He invited princely rulers to Delhi for discussions, where he outlined the advantages of integration with India, including economic benefits, security, and development opportunities.
  • Patel set a deadline of August 15, 1947, for princely states to accede to India, signaling the urgency and commitment of the newly independent nation to achieve territorial unity.
  • While advocating for peaceful accession, Patel also maintained military readiness to enforce integration if negotiations failed or if states resisted accession.
  • As a result of Patel’s efforts, the vast majority of princely states willingly acceded to India, contributing significantly to the nation’s territorial integrity and stability.
  • Despite successes, challenges arose with states like Junagadh and Hyderabad, where Patel navigated complex political scenarios to ensure their eventual integration into India.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s Contributions

Contributions to the drafting of the Indian Constitution

While Sardar Patеl wasn’t directly involvеd in thе drafting committее, the influеncе was fеlt in several ways:

  • Unifying Forcе: Patеl’s еxpеrtisе in unifying divеrsе princеly statеs into thе Indian Union aftеr indеpеndеncе showcased his skills in nation-building. This еxpеriеncе was valuablе in еnsuring a unifiеd and cohesive structure for thе Constitution.
  • Fеdеral Structurе: Patеl advocated for a strong cеntеr within a fеdеral framework to maintain national unity whilе accommodating rеgional divеrsity. 
  • Protеction of Minority Rights: Patеl’s commitmеnt to minority rights and social harmony helped shape provisions in the Constitution aimed at safeguarding the interests of marginalized communities.
  • Fundamеntal Rights: Patеl supportеd thе inclusion of fundamеntal rights to ensure citizеns’ libеrtiеs and protеction from arbitrary statе actions. He emphasized the importance of a balancеd approach.
  • Abolition of Untouchability: Patеl’s dеdication to social justicе was rеflеctеd in discussions on еradicating untouchability, which ultimately lеd to its prohibition in thе Constitution.
  • Protеction of Cultural Hеritagе: Patеl strеssеd thе significancе of prеsеrving India’s cultural divеrsity and hеritagе, which influеncеd provisions rеlatеd to cultural and еducational rights.

His advocacy for agricultural and economic reforms

Sardar Patеl advocatеd for comprеhеnsivе agrarian and еconomic rеforms to uplift India’s rural and agricultural sеctors. Hе recognized the importance of addressing rural property and inequality. Patеl supportеd land rеforms to rеdistributе land to landlеss farmers, aiming to crеatе a morе еquitablе agrarian landscapе.

His efforts include advocating for fair compеnsation for farmеrs’ products and improved access to crеdit and irrigation facilitiеs. Patеl’s vision еncompassеd modеrnizing agriculturе through scientific mеthods, promoting coopеrativе movеmеnts, and еnhancing rural infrastructurе. His commitment to improving the economic conditions of farmers and rural communities reflected his dedication to holistic nation-building. He aimed for a self-sufficient and prosperous India. 

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About Sardar Patel’s Death and Commemoration

Patel’s health deteriorated rapidly during the summer of 1949. As his condition worsened, Maniben Patel took measures to limit his engagements and arranged for personalized medical care. Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, heard Patel making light-hearted remarks about his health, but Patel confided to his colleague N. V. Gadgil that he didn’t expect to live much longer. By early November, Patel began experiencing frequent unconscious spells and was bedridden. On 12th December, acting on doctors’ advice due to the critical nature of his condition, Patel was flown to Bombay.

Patel suffered a fatal heart attack on 15th December 1950 at Birla House in Bombay. His passing prompted an unprecedented gathering of over 1,500 civil and police service officers at his Delhi residence to mourn, pledging their continued loyalty to India. Leaders from around the world, including the Secretary-General of the United Nations and heads of state, sent condolences. In homage, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru declared a week of national mourning. Patel’s wish for a simple cremation alongside his wife and brother led to his final rites at Sonapur (now Marine Lines) in Bombay, attended by a million mourners, including Nehru, Rajagopalachari, and Rajendra Prasad.

Legacy of Iron Man of India

  • Sardar Patel is widely revered in India as a prominent freedom fighter and statesman. His eulogy, delivered by Girija Shankar Bajpai, emphasized Patel’s exceptional qualities as a patriot, administrator, and leader.
  • Bajpai highlighted Patel’s pivotal role in ensuring India’s stability post-Independence and during Partition, despite the immense challenges of that era.
  • Patel’s family continued his legacy through initiatives like the Sardar Patel Memorial Trust and the annual Sardar Patel Memorial Lectures.
  • He was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1991, India’s highest civilian honor, in recognition of his monumental contributions.
  • In 2014, his birthday on October 31 was declared Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) to honor his efforts in integrating over 550 princely states into India.
  • Several institutions and landmarks across India bear Patel’s name, including the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial in Ahmedabad and the Sardar Patel University of Agriculture and Technology in Meerut.
  • The Statue of Unity, inaugurated in 2018, stands as the world’s tallest statue at 182 meters, commemorating his enduring legacy.
  • Patel’s contributions are also commemorated through stamps issued by India Post over the years.
  • His name graces numerous public institutions, roads, and stadiums, underscoring his enduring impact on India’s cultural and educational landscape.
  • The Rashtriya Ekta Diwas reaffirms Patel’s role as the “Iron man of India,” credited with uniting the nation during its formative years.

Why is October 31st celebrated as “National Unity Day”?

In 2014, the Indian government instituted Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, also known as National Unity Day. It was established in honor of the great man who truly brought the nation together. The Central government stated in an official statement that October 31 would be designated as National Unity Day. This decision will provide an opportunity to reaffirm the inherent strength and resilience of our nation to withstand the actual and potential threats to the unity, integrity, and security of our country.

Sardar Patel accomplished the amazing feat of convincing nearly 565 princely states. These states had been freed from British rule to join the Union of India. He became known as the “Iron Man of India” due to his dedication to the newly independent nation’s national integration.

Iron of India in Popular Media

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s legacy as the “Iron Man of India” extends beyond historical records into popular media, where his life and contributions have been vividly portrayed in various cinematic adaptations. These films not only celebrate Patel’s pivotal role in India’s struggle for independence but also his efforts in uniting the country post-Partition.

  1. Sardar (1993): Directed by Ketan Mehta, this biographical film stars Paresh Rawal in a critically acclaimed portrayal of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. It delves into Patel’s leadership during India’s independence movement and his role in integrating princely states into the Indian Union.
  2. Sardar Patel (1991): Directed by Shyam Benegal, this biopic also focuses on Patel’s political career and his instrumental role in shaping India’s post-independence governance. Benjamin Gilani’s portrayal of Patel is notable for its nuanced depiction of his statesmanship.
  3. Sardar Vallabhbhai (2007): This Tamil-language film, directed by debutant director Sai Prakash, explores Patel’s life from his early days as a lawyer to becoming one of the architects of modern India. The film highlights Patel’s unwavering determination and strategic acumen.
  4. Bharat Ek Khoj (1988): Although not solely focused on Patel, this acclaimed TV series by Shyam Benegal includes episodes that depict Patel’s interactions with Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, providing insights into his political journey and contributions.
  5. The Making of the Mahatma (1996): Directed by Shyam Benegal, this film chronicles Mahatma Gandhi’s formative years in South Africa but also portrays Patel’s role in supporting Gandhi’s leadership and the Indian community’s struggle against discrimination.


Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, revered as the Iron Man of India, stands tall in the annals of Indian history for his indomitable spirit and unparalleled contributions to the nation’s independence and unity. His pivotal role in integrating over 565 princely states into the Union of India exemplifies his visionary leadership and strategic acumen. Patel’s dedication to national unity and integrity during a critical juncture ensured that India emerged as a cohesive and sovereign nation-state post-independence.

As India’s first Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs, Patel navigated complex political landscapes with finesse, advocating for social harmony and democratic values. His legacy is not merely a chapter in history but a guiding beacon for future generations, emphasizing the importance of unity in diversity and the strength of collective resolve.

Today, as we commemorate his birth anniversary on October 31 as National Unity Day, Patel’s enduring ethos of patriotism and inclusive governance continues to inspire the nation. His life remains a testament to the power of leadership, unity, and unwavering commitment to the ideals of freedom and justice for all Indians.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’s )

Who was known as Iron Man in Indian politics?

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is known as the Iron Man of India for his contributions in the unification of India.

Who gave Sardar title to Patel?

Vallabhbhai Patel received the title of Sardar from Mahatma Gandhi in recognition of his outstanding organizing abilities during the Bardoli Satyagraha. Patel was originally called Sardar throughout the conflict and following the Indian National Congress’s triumph in the Bardoli Satyagraha.

Who is known as the Iron Lady of India?

Indira Gandhi is known as the Iron Lady of India.

Who is called the Iron Man of Assam?

Bishnuram Medhi is indeed known as the Iron Man of Assam. He was a prominent freedom fighter and social reformer from Assam who played a significant role in the Indian independence movement.

Who gave Bharat Ratna to Sardar Patel?

P. V. Narasimha Rao, gave the award to Sardar Patel, 41 years after his death in 1950.

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