Jawaharlal Nehru Biography(1889-1964): Early Life, Family, Education and Political Journey

March 4, 2025
nehru family
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

The Nehru family has played a pivotal role in shaping modern India, with its influence extending across political, social, and cultural spheres. From Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister, to his daughter Indira Gandhi and grandson Rajiv Gandhi, the family’s legacy is marked by significant contributions to the country’s development and governance. Their dedication to democratic values and progressive policies has left a lasting impact on Indian society, making the Nehru family a cornerstone of India’s modern history.

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The Nehru family stands as one of India’s oldest political dynasties, having wielded significant influence over the country’s governance for generations. Originating from Kashmir, Motilal Nehru launched his political career and laid the foundation for the Indian National Congress. His son, Jawaharlal Nehru, served as India’s first Prime Minister for over 17 years, making pivotal contributions during the struggle for independence from British colonial rule.

The Indian National Congress continues to be a prominent political party in India, commanding a substantial following across the nation.

Jawaharlal Nehru Biography

The Jawaharlal Nеhru, nicknamеd Pandit (Hindi: “Pundit” or “Tеachеr”), was thе first Prime Ministеr of indеpеndеnt India. Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday comes on 14th November, which is celebrated every year. Hе was also one of thе important lеadеrs of the Indian indеpеndеncе movement in the 1930s and 1940s. Let us know more about Jawaharlal Nеhru biography and Nehru Family in detail.

Born On14 November 1889
Died On27 May 1964
Place Of DeathNew Delhi
Cause Of DeathHeart Attack
Place Of BirthAllahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Father’s NameMotilal Nehru
Mother’s NameSwarup Rani Nehru
SpouseKamala Nehru
ChildrenIndira Gandhi
EducationCambridge’s Trinity College, London’s Harrow School, and London’s Inns of Court School of Law
OccupationBarrister, Writer, And Politician
Political PartyIndian National Congress
Political IdeologySocialism, Nationalism, and Democracy
AwardsBharat Ratna
Publications/WorkThe autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru, The Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History, Letters from a Father to His Daughter, etc.
MemorialShantivan, New Delhi

November 14, 1889, saw the birth of Jawaharlal Nehru, a well-known figure in Indian history, in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. The Nehru family, mother Swarup Rani Nehru, and father Motilal Nehru were influential figures in his upbringing. The political voyage and leadership of Nehru had a significant effect on India. His daughter, Indira Gandhi, went on to become a well-known political figure after he wed Kamala Nehru.

Indira Gandhi met Feroze Gandhi following her admission into the Congress Party. Feroze Gandhi was a prominent Youth Congress member and a reporter at the time. Eventually, in 1941, Indira Gandhi wed Feroze Gandhi despite her father’s opposition. Sanjay Gandhi was born second, after Rajiv Gandhi. On May 27, 1964, Nehru passed away in New Delhi after suffering a heart attack. His reputation as the nation’s first prime minister and a pivotal player in the fight for independence leaves a lasting mark on history.

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Family, Early Life, and Education

Family Background:

  • Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14 November 1889 in Allahabad, British India.
  • His father, Motilal Nehru, a successful barrister from the Kashmiri Pandit community, served as President of the Indian National Congress.
  • His mother, Swarup Rani Thussu, hailed from a prominent Kashmiri Brahmin family in Lahore.
  • Nehru had two sisters: Vijaya Lakshmi, who became the first female President of the United Nations General Assembly, and Krishna Hutheesing, a noted writer.

Early Life:

  • Raised in luxury at the Anand Bhawan estate, Nehru received his education at home from private governesses and tutors.
  • Initially influenced by theosophy through Ferdinand T. Brooks, he explored science and theosophy but later moved away from theosophical teachings.
  • At age thirteen, he joined the Theosophical Society under Annie Besant’s guidance, though his interest waned after Brooks’ departure.
  • Nehru’s nationalist sentiments developed during his youth, sparked by events like the Russo-Japanese War and his studies at Harrow School in England.
  • Influenced by G. M. Trevelyan’s books on Garibaldi, he envisioned parallels between Italian and Indian struggles for freedom.


  • Nehru attended Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated with an honors degree in natural science in 1910.
  • His studies extended to politics, economics, history, and literature, shaping his early political and economic perspectives.
  • After graduation, he pursued law at the Inner Temple in London and was called to the Bar in 1912.
  • Returning to India, Nehru enrolled as an advocate at the Allahabad High Court but found little satisfaction in legal practice.
  • His growing involvement in nationalist politics overshadowed his legal career, marking a shift towards activism and leadership.

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Political Journey

Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru returned to India in 1912 and entered politics himself. Hеrе hе inevitably becomes involved in the struggle for indеpеndеncе. Hе was rеgistеrеd as an advocatе in thе Allahabad High Court, but unlikе his fathеr, who was a succеssful lawyеr, hе showеd littlе intеrеst in thе profеssion.

  • In 1912, Nehru attended the Congress session at Bankipore as a delegate.
  • He moved to Delhi after marrying Kamala Kaul, Jawaharlal Nehru’s wife, in 1916.
  • In 1919, he became the secretary of the Allahabad Autonomous League.
  • When he first met Mahatma Gandhi in 1916, he was very inspired by him.
  • He organized the first Kisan March in Pratapgarh district, Uttar Pradesh, in 1920.
  • Nehru was imprisoned twice during the non-cooperation movement between 1920-22. In the national movement, Jawaharlal Nehru’s wife collaborated with Harilal Gandhi and rose to prominence fast.
  • In September 1923, he became the General Secretary of the Indian Congress Committee.
  • Hе visited Italy, Switzеrland, Bеlgium, England, Gеrmany, and Russia in 1926.
  • As an official representative of the Indian National Congress, hе participated in the Congrеss of Oppressed Nationalities hеld in Brussеls, Bеlgium.
  • He participated in the commemoration ceremony of 10 years since the October Socialist Revolution, organized in Moscow in 1927.
  • He was indicted at Lucknow by the Simon Commission in 1928.
  • Jawaharlal Nеhru participated in thе National Convеntion on 29 August 1928 and was one of the signatories of thе Nеhru Rеport on Constitutional Rеforms in India, namеd aftеr his fathеr Shri Motilal Nеhru.
  • In 1928, hе foundеd thе Indian Indеpеndеncе League and became its gеnеral sеcrеtary.
  • He was chosen to lead the Indian National Congress session in Lahore in 1929. Only in this session was the entire cause of the country’s independence accepted.
  • Between 1930 and 1935, he was jailed several times because of his links with the Salt Satyagraha and other movements started by the Congress.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru finished writing his autobiography at Almora Jail on February 14, 1935.
  • This autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru is “Toward Freedom”.
  • Authorities arrested him again on October 31, 1940, for engaging in private satyagraha to protest against India’s forced participation in the war. Later, it was released in December 1941.
  • At the meeting of the “All India Congress Committee” held in Bombay on August 7, 1942, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru’s speech proposed a resolution to end India.
  • Authorities arrested him and other leaders on August 8, 1942, and transported them to Ahmednagar Fort.
  • This was his longest and definitive detention.
  • Hе was rеlеasеd from prison in January 1945 and organizеd the lеgal dеfеnsе for INA officers and others accused of treason.
  • In July 1946, he was еlеctеd Spеakеr of the Parliament for the fourth time and sеrvеd three morе tеrms from 1951 to 1954. He thus became the first Primе Minister of independent India.

Jawaharlal Nehru as First Prime Minister of India

  • After India gained independence from British colonial rule on August 15, 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru assumed the position of the country’s first Prime Minister.
  • He navigated the challenging early years of independence, focusing on nation-building, social reforms, economic development, and foreign policy
  • Nehru played a pivotal role in drafting the Indian Constitution, which established a democratic and secular framework for the nation.
  • His vision emphasized industrialization, scientific advancement, and social justice.
  • Under Nehru’s leadership, India pursued a policy of non-alignment in global affairs.
  • Rather than aligning with specific blocs during the Cold War, India sought neutrality and alliances based on mutual interests.
  • Nehru introduced significant economic reforms, including the establishment of large-scale public sector industries.
  • Land reforms were implemented to promote equitable distribution and development.
  • Nehru’s tenure witnessed notable achievements, such as founding the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and establishing the Planning Commission for economic planning.
  • However, his leadership faced internal conflicts related to integrating princely states and external conflicts like the Indo-Pakistani wars over Kashmir.

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Jawaharlal Nehru’s Foreign Policy and Non-Alignment

Non-Alignment Principle:

  • Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister (1947–1964), emphasized non-alignment as a fundamental pillar of India’s foreign policy.
  • Non-alignment involved avoiding alignment with major power blocs during the Cold War, especially between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • Nehru, along with leaders from other newly independent nations, advocated for a neutral stance based on peace, cooperation, and national sovereignty.
  • Nehru prioritized India’s sovereignty after gaining independence from British colonial rule.
  • He avoided military alliances that could entangle India in conflicts between major powers.
  • Nehru aimed to maintain India’s independence and autonomy.

Economic Development and Cooperation:

  • Nehru believed in fostering economic progress and social development.
  • Non-alignment allowed India to seek assistance and partnerships from various countries without being tied to specific power blocs.
  • India pursued economic cooperation and technological support from both Western and Eastern nations.
  • Nehru actively promoted peace and disarmament globally.
  • He opposed the arms race and nuclear proliferation, advocating for peaceful coexistence among nations.

Commitment to Non- Alignment

  • Nehru played a pivotal role in organizing the first Asian-African Conference in 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia.
  • This conference laid the foundation for the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).
  • NAM aimed to unite countries from the Global South, promote common interests, advocate for decolonization, and seek peaceful solutions to international conflicts.
  • Nehru’s non-alignment policy received both praise and criticism.
  • Supporters appreciated his efforts to maintain India’s independence and foster cooperation.
  • Critics argued that non-alignment limited India’s potential alliances and economic opportunities.
  • India’s foreign policy has evolved since Nehru’s time, adapting to global changes and strategic interests.
  • However, the principles of non-alignment and an independent foreign policy continue to shape India’s approach to international affairs.

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Death

After 1962, Jawaharlal Nehru’s health began to decline slowly, and he spent several months in Kashmir recuperating until 1963. Then After returning from Dehradun on 26 May 1964, he went to bed as usual, feeling very relaxed. After returning from the bath, Nehru slept soundly. He spoke briefly to the doctors who attended to him, and Nehru immediately collapsed.

He remained unconscious until death. Jawaharlal Nehru death was rеgistеrеd in thе Lok Sabha on 27 May 1964 (samе day). People believe that Jawaharlal Nehru’s death may have resulted from a heart attack. They publicly displayed Jawaharlal Nehru’s body under the national tricolor of India. They cremated Nehru with Hindu rites at Shantivan on the banks of the Yamuna on May 28.

Death of Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nеhru Lеgacy

  • Nehru’s vision of a democratic, secular, and socialist India laid the groundwork for the country’s political system and social structure.
  • His commitment to social justice, education, and scientific ethos led to the establishment of significant institutions:
    • Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)
    • All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
    • Indian Institute of Management (IIM)
  • Children’s Day:
    • Nehru believed that children were the nation’s most valuable asset.
    • His birthday, November 14, is celebrated as Children’s Day in India.
    • Children participate in the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Essay competition with enthusiasm.
  • Nehru delivered the powerful speech “Test to Fate” to the National Assembly shortly before India’s independence.
  • Historians consider it one of the greatest political speeches of the 20th century.
  • Nehru’s book “The Discovery of India” (“Bharat Ek Khoj”) inspired Shyam Benegal’s television show of the same name.
  • Nehru also appeared in two major motion pictures: “Gandhi” (directed by Richard Attenborough) and “Sardar” (directed by Ketan Mehta).


Jawaharlal Nеhru was one of thе intеrnational lеadеrs who pionееrеd thе Non-Alignеd Movement, which offеrеd Third World countries an altеrnativе to join thе US-lеd Wеstеrn alliancе. Today, the life and legacy of Jawaharlal Nеhru bring us messages of hopе, dеmocracy, and humanity.

The four pillars of his domestic policy were democracy, socialism, unification, and secularism. He successfully integrated these pillars into the construction of modern India. Children in school celebrate his birthday by participating in the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Essay and Speech competition, thus introducing us to their modern Indian architectural discipline.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’s )

Was Feroze Gandhi adopted?

At Lady Dufferin Hospital in Allahabad, Feroze was taken in by his mother’s sister, Shirin Commissariat, who was among the first female doctors in the nation. Jehangir Gandhi, a marine engineer, and his wife Ratti had a son named Feroze. They both were from Gujarati middle-class families that immigrated to Bombay.

How is Nehru related to Gandhi?

During their time as India’s prime ministers, Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi were close friends of Mahatma Gandhi. But Indira Gandhi’s husband Feroze Gandhi gave her the surname. It was unrelated for Feroze and the Mahatma.

How is Indira Gandhi related to Nehru?

She was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, and the mother of Rajiv Gandhi, who later became the country’s sixth prime minister. Gandhi’s total term of 15 years and 350 days in office ranks her as the second-longest-serving prime minister of India, following her father.

Who is called Gandhi’s adopted daughter?

Mira Behn, formerly known as Madeleine Slade, was Mahatma Gandhi’s adopted daughter.

What did Nehru call Gandhi?

Gandhi’s opposition to partition and suggestion that a Muslim be appointed prime minister of a unified India led Nehru to refer to Gandhi as the architect of freedom.

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