Types of Forest in India: A Complete Guide

February 27, 2025
Types of Forest in India
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • India is home to a wide variety of forests, which can be grouped into four main types: tropical, subtropical, temperate, and alpine. Each type of forest in India has its own unique climate and geography.
  • The main types of forest in India include tropical rainforests, deciduous forests, thorn forests, montane forests, and mangrove forests. 
  • Forests in India are essential for many reasons. They help maintain biodiversity, conserve water, support agriculture, and regulate the climate.

Table of Contents

Did you know that almost a quarter of India is covered by forests? The India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2021 reveals that forests comprise 21.72% (713,789 sq km) of the country’s geographical area. This makes India one of the top ten forested nations in the world. From Kerala’s tropical rainforests to Ladakh’s alpine meadows and Rajasthan’s dry woodlands to the lush greenery in the Northeast, the types of forest in India are incredibly diverse.

Here’s the issue, though: farming is responsible for nearly 90% of global deforestation. That’s a huge problem. To tackle it, you need to know what types of forests in India exist. Forests in India are classified based on factors like climate, soil, altitude, and topography.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the six main types of forests in India. We’ll also break down their subcategories, highlight their most prominent threats, and discuss how the government protects them.

Definition of Forest:

Currently, India does not have a universally accepted national definition of “forest.”
Each state holds the authority to define forests within its jurisdiction.

This authority originates from the 1996 Supreme Court judgment in the case of T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad vs. Union of India.
In this judgment, the Supreme Court stated that the term “forest” should be understood based on its dictionary meaning.

As per this interpretation, the term encompasses all forests recognized by law, whether classified as reserved, protected, or otherwise.

Constitutional and Legal Framework:

  • Constitutional Provisions: Forests fall under the Concurrent List of the Indian Constitution, allowing both the central and state governments to legislate on forest-related matters. Article 51A(g) of the Constitution mandates citizens to protect the environment, including forests and wildlife. Furthermore, Article 48A directs the state to protect and improve the environment and safeguard forests and wildlife.
  • National Forest Policy (1988): This policy emphasizes environmental balance and sustainable livelihoods as guiding principles for forest management.
  • India State of Forest Report (2019): According to the report, tree and forest cover together constitute 24.56% of India’s land area, with the country aiming to achieve 33% forest cover in the long term.

Classification of Forests in India

Classification BasisCategoryDescription
Administrative JurisdictionReserved ForestsUnder strict government control; no public access for commercial activities.
Protected ForestsManaged by the government; limited use allowed for locals, like grazing cattle.
Unprotected ForestsNo restrictions on usage; accounts for 18% of the Total Forest Area (TFA).
OwnershipState ForestsFully owned and managed by the government.
Community ForestsManaged by local bodies like municipal corporations or village councils.
Private ForestsPrivately owned; covers slightly more than 1% of the TFA.
Commercial ValueMerchantable ForestsAccessible forests available for commercial use.
Non-Merchantable ForestsLocated in remote or high-altitude areas, inaccessible for commercial use.
CompositionConiferous ForestsFound in the Himalayas and northeastern states; covers 6.5% of the TFA.
Broadleaf ForestsFound in plains, plateaus, and mountains; covers 94% of the TFA.
Temperate ForestsTropical and subtropical monsoon forests spread across climatic zones.
Canopy DensityVery Dense ForestsCanopy coverage >70%.
Moderately Dense ForestsCanopy coverage between 40%-70%.
Open ForestsSparse canopy coverage ranging from 10%-40%.

Types of Forest in India

These are the 6 significant types of forest in India, depending upon their climatic conditions, vegetation, and distributions. Here we provide a complete overview of the types of forest in India chart:

Tropical Evergreen Forest

Tropical evergreen forests grow in areas that receive a lot of rain and have steady temperatures year-round. They are filled with thick, tall hardwood trees that form several layers. Because of the constant rainfall, these forests stay green all year. They also play an essential role in protecting wildlife.

TemperatureBetween 15°C – 30°C year-round
DistributionWestern Ghats, Ganga Delta, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and North Eastern States
FloraTrees (Mahogany, ebony, rosewood, bamboo), Epiphytes (Orchids), Ferns and Mosses.
FaunaMammals (Elephants, tigers, rhinos, monkeys), Birds (parrots, hornbills, hummingbirds), Reptiles (snakes, lizards), Amphibians (frogs, toads), Insects (butterflies, ants, and termites).
Tropical Evergreen Forest

Tropical Deciduous Forest

Tropical deciduous forest is India’s most prevalent type of forest, with 65.6% cover. These forests are less dense than tropical evergreen forests; instead, they are a mix of tall and short trees in wet and dry regions. Based on their regions and water availability, these forests are classified in India as moist deciduous forests (37%) and dry deciduous forests (28.6%). 

TemperatureAround 30°C (86°F)
DistributionCentral India, Northern India, Southern India, Eastern India 
FloraTeak, sal, sandalwood, rosewood (shisham), bamboo, acacia, neem, grasses and shrubs
FaunaMammals (tigers, leopards, deer), Birds (hornbills and migratory birds), Reptiles (snakes and lizards), Amphibians (frogs and toads), Insects (butterflies and other insects)
Tropical Deciduous Forest

Tropical Thorn Forest (Deccan Forest)

Tropical thorn forests are usually found in dry regions. They cover around 2.6% of the forest area, mainly in Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, and some dry regions of the Deccan plateau. These forests have long-rooted trees that penetrate the soil for nutrients and water. The leaves of tropical thorn trees are thick and small, helping them minimize water loss. 

TemperatureBetween 25°C to 30°C
SoilDry and nutrient-poor
DistributionSemi-arid regions and some regions of the Deccan Plateau.
FloraTrees (Babul, Khair, Acacias, Cactus, Plums, and Dates), short thorny shrubs and bushes, and climbers.
FaunaCamels, Great Indian bustards, blackbuck, donkeys, blue bull (Nilgai), and desert foxes.
Tropical Thorn Forest (Deccan Forest)

Montane Forest

Montane forest refer to unique forest ecosystems commonly found in hilly or high-altitude regions. They are characterised by high rainfall, lower temperatures, and lush vegetation. These mountainous forests cover 3.5% of the total forest area and have rich and unique biodiversity. 

TemperatureBetween 11°C to 14°C
DistributionHimalayas, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats, and Nilgiri Hills
FloraOak, birch, Rhododendron, Indian chestnut, blue pine, deodar, maple, and fir
FaunaMusk deer, red panda, snow leopard, Himalayan tahr
Montane Forest

Subtropical Forest

Subtropical forests are the types of forest in India commonly found in the foothills of the Himalayas and other elevated regions. Trees in these forests experience moderate temperatures and average rainfall (between 75 and 125 cm), mainly oak, maple, and pine. These forests are categorized into two types: subtropical broad-leaved hill forests occupy around 0.4% of the total forest area, and subtropical pine forests cover 6.6%. 

TemperatureBetween 18°C to 21°C
DistributionNorth-Western Himalayas, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh
FloraChir pine, Oak, Jamun, Maple, Rhododendron, chestnuts, and a wide range of orchids, shrubs, ferns, and mosses
FaunaMammals, birds, reptiles, and insects (particularly Kashmir stag, wild sheep, jackrabbit, yak, snow leopard, and squirrels)
Subtropical Forest

Mangrove Forest

In India, the mangrove forest covers 0.15% of the total geographical area. Mangrove forests are a unique ecosystem usually found in intertidal regions (where freshwater and saltwater mix), coastal areas, and river deltas. They help protect coastlines and support unique biodiversity. Mangrove forests are classified into three types: red, black, and white.

TemperatureBetween 26°C to 35°C
SoilFertile but low-oxygen levels
DistributionDeltas of rivers, Gujrat, Ratnagiri, Goa, and Andaman Nicobar.
FloraAvicennia, Rhizophora, Sonneratia, Canes, Screw pipe, Palms, and Sundari.
FaunaBig royal Bengal tiger, Gangatic dolphin, olive ridley turtle, saltwater crocodile, and horseshoe crab
Mangrove Forest

Importance of India’s Forests

Forests are natural terrestrial ecosystems with a significant biodiversity. They contribute to several environmental activities and have many economic and cultural significance. Let’s understand them in detail:


Forests in India are home to many species of plants, animals, and insects. The survival of all these organisms is interconnected, even the dead leaves (litter). On the terrestrial level, these dead leaves are rich in nutrients that help a wide range of flora grow, while under the surface, trees form a fungal network to exchange nutrients. Many microorganisms help decay the dead matter into nutrients. 

Climate Regulation

Forests work as natural air purifiers, absorbing much carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in the daytime. They also absorb harmful greenhouse gases like ammonia and sulfur dioxide and maintain an oxygen level in the atmosphere. These pollutant gases are stored in the trees’ trunks, branches, leaves, and bark. 

Economical Significance

Forests also contribute economically to local communities and nationwide. They offer several timber and non-timber products and encourage ecotourism and forest-based industries. In addition, they provide several medicinal plants used to treat malaria, cancer, and other ailments. Forests are also a good source of extracting raw materials to create products.

Cultural Significance

Forests’ ecological and sociocultural significance extends far beyond their physical presence. Every culture has different beliefs about diverse wildlife species reflected in their stories, arts, and traditions. Many believe forest areas, like nature’s temple, are unique and sacred. 

Also Read- Biggest Forest in the World

Threats and Conservation Efforts

Several natural and human activities affect biodiversity, climate, and resources available in the forests in India. Let’s understand those major threats and how they will affect Indian forest covers:


Deforestation occurs when people cut down trees and clear forests to make space for farming, factories, or buildings. When forests are destroyed, they harm the homes of many animals and plants, leading to biodiversity loss. Forests also help absorb carbon dioxide from the air. So, when trees are removed, more carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere, which can worsen climate change.


As cities grow, they occupy more space and divide natural habitats into smaller, isolated patches. Roads, buildings, and infrastructure cut through these areas, making it harder for wildlife to survive. As urban areas expand, animals are forced out of their natural homes, leading to biodiversity loss.

Illegal Logging

Illegal logging is an unlawful practice where greed cuts down trees, and timber is extracted, transported, and traded without authorization. These activities come under serious offences such as tax evasion, bribery, and violating local communities’ rights. Illegal logging can cause biodiversity loss as many species lose their natural habitat and become extinct.

Climate Change

Climate change is the most prevalent threat resulting from human activities. Burning fossil fuels, industrial emissions, advancement of technology, and other activities contribute to the greenhouse effect. It affects every part of the planet, from melting glaciers to rising sea levels and coastal wildlife. These extreme weather conditions may also result in frequent hurricanes, droughts, and heat waves.

Government Initiatives

Although human activities primarily affect biodiversity in the forests of India, the government has taken many initiatives to maximize forest conservation. Here’s a look:

  • Project Tiger: It is a wildlife conservation project initiated by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in 1973 to protect the endangered tigers. Under this project, the government has designated 55 conservated areas as tiger reserves.
  • Project Elephant: Project Elephant is another wildlife conservation initiative by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, initiated in 1992 to protect endangered Indian elephants. Under this project, the central government provides technical and financial aid to the states to ensure elephants’ longevity and viability in their natural habitats.
  • Compensatory Afforestation: This initiative promotes afforestation and regenerative activities as compensation for destroyed forest land diverted to non-forest activities. This initiative puts a price on forests, as companies that use forest resources must pay money to plant new trees. 
  • Role of Communities: People can play a significant role in forest management. For instance, local people can make rules to protect natural habitats by prohibiting hunting or other activities. 

A Lifeline to Conserve

Different types of forest in India reflect the country’s unique biodiversity, varied by climatic and geographical factors. Each forest type has distinct features that contribute to maintaining ecological balance. Besides that, these forests have a wide variety, from tropical evergreen forests to mangrove forests or alpine scrubs, providing wildlife support and essential resources. However, this forest cover is affected significantly due to urbanization or other human practices like deforestation and industrialisation. 

This climate change encourages the Indian government to initiate some forest conservation initiatives that help preserve the forest ecosystem along with a sustainable country’s growth. Local communities can also contribute to these initiatives or create their own guidelines in their local area. That’s why to reap most of their efforts, people may find this guide on the types of forest in India an invaluable tool in developing tailored strategies accordingly.

FAQs: Types of Forest in India

1. How many types of forests are there in India?

India has six main types of forests: Tropical Evergreen, Tropical Deciduous, Tropical Thorn, Montane, Subtropical, and Mangrove. Each type has its unique composition and characteristics. These forests are also classified further based on factors like rainfall, geography, and government regulations.

2. Where are tropical evergreen forests found in India?

Tropical evergreen forests are found in high-rainfall regions, including the Western Ghats, Ganga Delta, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, and Northeastern states like Assam, Odisha, and Meghalaya. These areas receive over 200 cm of rainfall annually.

3. What makes mangrove forests unique?

Mangrove forests grow in areas where freshwater meets saltwater. These forests are built to thrive in low-oxygen environments and can absorb nutrients from their surroundings. They also help conserve water and play a key role in supporting marine ecosystems. Mangroves store large amounts of carbon, which helps fight climate change. Despite their importance, mangroves are facing serious threats.

4. Why are montane forest important for biodiversity?

Montane forests grow in high-altitude areas. They are home to many species that thrive in cooler temperatures and higher rainfall. These forests do more than support wildlife. They help prevent soil erosion, improve water quality, and reduce sediment downstream. They also fix carbon, regenerate soil, and offer a home to various plants and animals.

5. How do thorn forests adapt to arid climates?

Thorn forests survive in dry regions with less than 70 cm annual rainfall through specialised adaptations. Trees develop roots to access water, grow small thick leaves to minimise water loss, and develop thorns to protect themselves from animals.

6. Where are rainforests mainly located?

Rainforests are primarily found near the equator in regions like the Amazon Basin (South America), Congo Basin (Africa), and Southeast Asia.

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