JSSC JE 2025: A Complete Guide to Success

January 31, 2025
jssc je

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The JSSC full form means the Jharkhand Staff Selection Committee (JSSC) conducts several examinations to recruit people for different state-level organizations. The JSSC JE exam 2025 (Junior Engineer) is one such post.  JSSC Recruitment 2025  will have vacancies for positions like Junior Engineer, Mine Inspector, Motor Vehicle Inspector, Street light Inspector, and Pipeline Inspector.

The official JSSC JE notification for the JSSC JE exam 2025 is yet to be released. However, the candidates should keep track of all the details like the JSSC JE syllabus, JSSC JE exam pattern, application form 2025, and other important notifications to ace the exam.

There would be a written examination followed by document verification to select the candidates for different positions. This article will discuss the JSSC JE exam date, online application process, eligibility criteria, selection criteria, vacancies, admit card, syllabus, results, salary, and benefits in detail.

jssc je

JSSC JE Exam 2025: Latest update

  • The JSSC CGL Notification 2025 will be released soon by the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission. 
  • For the previous year’s recruitment, 2025 JSSC CGL Vacancies were published. 

JSSC JE Recruitment: Important Exam Dates 2025

ExaminationJunior Engineer
Exam conducting bodyJharkhand Staff Selection Committee (JSSC)
Posts offeredJunior Engineer Mine Inspector Motor Vehicle Inspector Street light Inspector Pipeline Inspector
Total openings To be notified
Selection processWritten round and document verification
Registration datesTo be notified
The Last application fee dateTo be notified
Last date for photograph and signature uploadTo be notified
Application correction datesTo be notified
JSSC JE exam dateTo be notified

JSSC JE exam 2025 apply online: Process

The candidates should be aware of the JSSC JE application form 2025 and its procedure. Let’s look at it in detail.

  • Visit the official website of JSSC.
  • Click on the ‘JSSC JE’ tab on the homepage.
  • An online form will open. The candidate needs to fill in all the required details asked in the form.
  • Upload all the mentioned documents in the required format.
  • Upload your photograph and signature after filling in all the details.
  • Click on submit, and you will be redirected to the payment stage.
  • Pay the required fees and your application is submitted for approval.
  • Keep a printout of the form for future reference.

JSSC JE Application Fee 2025

The latest application fee is yet to be announced. The application fees for the previous year’s JSSC JE exam are mentioned in the table.

General, EBC, BC-1, and BC-2Rs 100
SC/ST Candidates from JharkhandRs 50
PwD Candidates from JharkhandNo Application Fees

JSSC JE Eligibility Criteria 2025

The candidates need to check the eligibility criteria before applying for the JSSC JE 2025 exam. The criteria would give them a clear picture if they are eligible for the government posts provided by JSSC. Let’s look at them in detail.

Education qualification for JSSC JE Recruitment 2025

  • The candidate should have a Mechanical, Civil, or Electrical engineering degree from a recognized university.
  • Candidates with higher educational qualifications can also apply for the profile.


  • The candidate should be an Indian and should be born in Jharkhand. Candidates who have stayed in Jharkhand for over 10 years are also eligible for the exam.
  • These candidates can avail of the relaxation provided to other categories.

Age limit

  • The age limit for candidates of all categories is 18 to 35 years. The candidates have to check the age limit according to their categories.
  • The minimum age for candidates of all categories is 18.
CategoryMaximum Age
General and EWS35 Years
EBC and BC37 Years
Women ( all categories )38 Years
SC/ST40 Years

JSSC JE Vacancies 2025

  • The number of vacancies is yet to be released by the JSSC. The seats will be divided among all the categories.
  • There are some backlog seats among the total seats released. The candidates should check the details before applying. Candidates can check the previous year’s vacancies, this would give them a brief idea of the competition for the seats.
Motor Vehicle Inspector44
Mine Inspector32
Street Light Inspector55
Junior Engineer ( Mechanical )19
Pipe Line Inspector16
Motor Vehicle Inspector2
Mine Inspector1
Junior Engineer ( Mechanical )7
Regular + Backlog176 Seats
Earn Online with Chegg No Investment Required

JSSC JE Selection Process 2025

The JSSC JE exam pattern consists of two phases. The candidates have to clear both rounds to be selected for the different positions given by JSSC.

The candidate has to clear the JSSC JE preliminary exam 2025 and the JSSC JE mains written exam round followed by the document verification round to be eligible for the JE posts. Let’s look in detail at the selection process.

Written round (Preliminary and Mains)

  • The candidate has to clear two rounds of the written exam.
  • The JSSC JE Prelim exam pattern as well as the JSSC JE main written exam 2025 would be an objective MCQ computer-based test. The total time duration of the exam is 2 hours for the preliminary and mains exam.
  • The preliminary written round (Paper 1) consists of questions from General knowledge and General Engineering.
  • The preliminary round would have 120 questions. 80 questions are from the subject questions, whereas the remaining 40 are from the general knowledge section.
  • The Mains written wound (Paper 2) consists of subject-specific questions. The subjects are Mechanical, Civil, and Electrical.
  • The Mains written wound would have 120 questions. All the questions would be from the specific subjects chosen by the candidate.
  • Each correct answer would be awarded three marks. 1 mark would be deducted for every wrong answer. The marking scheme is the same for both papers.
  • The candidate has to clear both rounds. After that, they would be invited for the final round.
  • Both the papers would be in English and Hindi.

Document verification round

  • After the candidate clears both the written rounds, they are invited for the final round where all the important documents are verified before giving them the offer letter.
  • The selected candidates have to carry all the original documents furnished during the application process. They should carry the mark sheet and the letter for the document verification round along with the other documents.
  • The candidate needs to have photocopies of all the documents. They may need to submit them for official purposes.
  • Once all the documents are verified, the candidate is eligible to join the required position. They would be given the offer letter and other details regarding their joining and training.

JSSC JE Exam Pattern 2025

Here is the exam pattern of the preliminary and the main written exam for JSSC JE 2025.

Exam nameJSSC JE exam
Exam roundsJSSC JE Paper 1 (Preliminary) and JSSC JE Paper 2 (Mains)
Mode of examComputer-based MCQ test.
Exam subjectsPaper 1 – General Engineering & General Knowledge Paper 2 – Mechanical, Civil and Electrical.
Total QuestionsPaper 1 – 120  Paper 2 – 120
Total marksPaper 1 – 360 Paper 2 – 360
Marking scheme3 marks for the right answer and -1 for the wrong answer.

The selected candidates from Paper 1 would be allowed to sit for Paper 2. The cut-off marks will be announced on the official website of JSSC.

JSSC JE Syllabus 2025

The JSSC JE syllabus is important for the candidates appearing for the exam. Only after knowing the details of the syllabus can the candidate prepare properly for the exam.

The JSSC JE syllabus would help the students know all the topics and prepare accordingly. Let’s look at the syllabus for all the subjects in detail.

The JSSC JE exam syllabus would help the students know all the topics and prepare accordingly. Let’s look at the syllabus for all the subjects in detail.

JSSC JE Paper 1 Syllabus

General knowledge

General knowledgeIndian polity
The Indian constitution
Indian History
Books & authors
GK on Jharkhand
Important national & international events
Awards & achievements
Current affairs
Science in everyday life
Scientific research & discoveries
Mental AbilityVerbal reasoning
Non-verbal series
Similarities & differences
Arithmetic reasoning
Decision making
Direction test
Coding & decoding
Alphanumeric series
Missing characters
Basic arithmeticMensuration
Simple & compound interest
Problems on ages
Profit & loss
Boats & streams
Time, work & partnerships
Problems on trains
Ration and proportion
Computer KnowledgeProficiency in MS skills
Fundamentals of computers
Transferring files
Formatting documents
Comprehension skills

Paper 2 Syllabus for JSSC JE exam

Mechanical Engineering

Theory of Machines & Machine DesignConcept of a simple machine.
Four-bar linkage and link motion.
Flywheels and fluctuation of energy.
Power transmission by belts- V belt and flat belt.
Gears- types, profile, and gear ratio calculation.
Governors- Principles and Classification.
Riveted joint
Friction in collars and pivots.
Thermal Engineeringp-v and p-t diagram of pure substances like H2O
Introduction of steam table with respect to the steam generation process Definition of saturation
Wet and superheated status
Definition of dryness fraction of steam
Degree of superheat of steam- h-s chart of steam (Mollier’s Chart)
Engineering mechanics & strength of materialsEquilibrium of forces
Law of motion
Concepts of stress and strain
Elastic limit and elastic constants
Bending moments and shear force diagram
Stress in composite bars
Torsion of circular shafts
Buckling of columns- Euler’s and Rankin’s theories
Thin-walled pressure vessels
1st law of thermodynamicsDefinition of stored energy and internal energy
1st law of thermodynamics of the cyclic process
Non-flow energy equation
Flow energy and definition of enthalpy
Condition for steady state, steady flow
Steady-state, steady flow energy equation
2nd law of thermodynamicsDefinition of the sink.
Source reservoir of heat.
Heat engine
Heat pump and refrigerator.
Thermal efficiency of heat engines and coefficient of performance of refrigerators.
Kelvin-Plank and Clausius’s statement of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Absolute or Thermodynamic scale of temperature.
Clausius integral
Carnot cycle and Carnot Efficiency.
PMM-2, definition and its impossibility.
Air standard cycles for IC EngineOtto cycle
Plot on P-V, T-S planes
Thermal efficiency
Diesel cycle
Ranking cycle of steamConcept of a simple machine.
Four-bar linkage and link motion.
Flywheels and fluctuation of energy.
Power transmission by belts- V belt and flat belt.
Gears- types, profile, and gear ratio calculation.
Governors- Principles and Classification.
Riveted joint
Friction in collars and pivots.
Fitting and accessories.
Fire tubes and water tube boilers.
Fluid mechanics & machinery Properties and classification of fluid.
Fluid Statics
Measurement of fluid pressure.
Fluid kinematics
Dynamics of ideal fluid
Measurement of flow rate basic principles.
Hydraulic turbines
Centrifugal pumps
Production engineeringSimple Rankine cycle plot on P-V, T-S, and h-s planes.
Rankine cycle efficiency with and without pump

Civil Engineering

Building materials Physical and Chemical Properties.
Standard Tests
Uses and Manufacturing of materials like cement, timber, laminates, paints and varnishes.
Estimating, costing & valuation Estimate
Glossary of technical terms.
Analysis of rates
Methods and units of measurements.
Items of work
RCC work
Timber work
Boundary wall
Brick building
Water tank
Septic tank
Bar bending schedule
Center line method
Midsection formula
Trapezoidal formula
Simpson’s rule
Cost estimate of the septic tank.
Flexible pavements
Tube well
Isolate and combined footing.
Steel truss
Piles and pile caps
Valuation- value and cost
Scrap value
Salvage value
Assessed value
Sinking fund
Depreciation and obsolescence
Methods of valuation
SurveyingPrinciples of Surveying.
Measurement of Distance
Chain Surveying
Working of Prismatic Compass.
Compass traversing
Local attraction
Plane table surveying.
Theodolite traversing
Adjustment of a theodolite.
Definition of terms used in leveling.
Curvature and refraction corrections
Temporary and permanent adjustment of dumpy level.
Methods of contouring.
Uses of contour map
Tachometric survey
Curve setting
Earthwork calculation
Advance surveying equipment.
Soil mechanicsOrigin of soil.
Phase diagram
Grain size distribution curves and their uses.
Index properties of soil.
Atterberg’s limits.
ISI soil classification and plasticity chart.
Permeability of soil.
Coefficient of Permeability.
Determination of Coefficient of Permeability.
Unconfined and confined aquifers.
Effective stress.
Consolidation of soils.
Principles of consolidation.
Degree of consolidation.
Pre-consolidation pressure.
Normally consolidated soil.
E-log p curve.
Computation of ultimate settlement.
Shear strength of the soil.
Direct shear test.
Vane shear test.
Triaxial test.
Soil compaction.
Laboratory compaction test.
Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content.
Earth pressure theories.
Active and passive earth pressure.
Bearing capacity of soils.
Plate load test.
Standard penetration test.
HydraulicsFluid properties.
Measurement of flow.
Bernoulli’s theorem and its application.
Flow through pipes.
Flow in an open channel.
Pumps and turbines.
Irrigation engineeringDefinition, necessity, and benefits.
211 effect of irrigation.
Types and methods of irrigation.
Hydrology- measurement of rainfall, run-off coefficient, rain gauge, losses from precipitation, etc.
Water requirements of crops.
Duty, delta, and base period.
Kharif and Rabi crops.
Command area.
Time factor.
Crop ratio.
Overlap allowance.
Irrigation efficiencies.
Different types of canals.
Types of canal irrigation.
Canal lining- advantage and disadvantage.
Shallow and deep tube wells.
Yield from a well.
Weir and barrage.
Failure of weirs.
Slit and scour.
Kennedy’s theory of critical velocity.
Lacey’s theory of uniform flow.
Definition of flood, causes, and effects.
Methods of flood control.
Water logging and preventive measures.
Land reclamation.
Characteristics affecting the fertility of the soil.
Major irrigation projects in India
Transportation engineeringHighway engineering- cross-sectional elements, geometric designs, types of pavement materials.
Design of flexible and rigid pavements- Water blind Macadam and Wet Mix Macadam.
Gravel road.
Bituminous construction.
Rigid pavement joint.
Pavement maintenance.
Highway drainage.
Railway engineering.
Components of permanent way sleepers.
Track geometry.
Points and crossings.
Track junctions.
Stations and yards.
Traffic engineering.
Traffic survey. Speed, flow, density, and their interrelationship.
Intersection and interchanges.
Traffic signals.
Traffic operations.
Traffic signs and marketing.
Road safety.
Environmental engineeringQuality of water.
Source of water supply.
Purification of water.
Distribution of water.
Need for sanitation.
Sewerage system.
Circular sewer.
Oval sewer.
Sewer appurtenances.
Sewage treatment.
Surface water drainage.
Solid waste management.
Air and Noise Pollution.
Structural engineeringElasticity constants
Types of beams- determinate and indeterminate
Bending moment and shear force diagram of simply supported, cantilever, and overhanging beams.
Moment of area and moment of inertia for rectangular and circular sections. Bending moment and shear stress for tee.
Channel and compound section.
Chimneys Dams and retaining walls.
Eccentric load.
Slope definition of simply supported and cantilever beams.
Critical load and columns.
Torsion of circular sections.
Concrete technologyProperties, advantages, and uses of concrete
Cement aggregates
Importance of water quality
Water cement ratio
Mix design
Storage, Batching, Mixing, Placement, Compaction, Finishing and curing of concrete
Quality control of concrete
Hot weather and cold weather concreting
Repair and maintenance of concrete structures
RCC designRCC beam flexural strength
Shear strength
Bond strength
Design of simple and double-reinforced beam
Cantilever beams
One-way and two-way slabs
Isolated footing
Reinforced brickworks
Retaining wall
Water tanks
Steel designSteel Design and construction of steel columns
Plate and girders

JSSC JE Answer key

After the exam is over, the candidates need to check their answers with the official answer key released by JSSC on their official website.

  • To download the answer key, visit the official website of JSSC.
  • Click on the ‘Answer key’ tab on the homepage.
  • You would be directed to a new page, where there is a downloadable link.
  • Click on the link and download the answer keys for the required subjects.

JSSC JE Admit Card 2025

The admit card is an important document for candidates appearing for the JSSC JE exam. It allows the candidates to enter the exam hall and attend the exam. Follow the steps to download the admit card:

  • Visit the official website of JSSC.
  • On the homepage, click the tab named ‘Admit card’.
  • You will be directed to a new page. Enter the user ID, password, and Captcha and submit.
  • Your admit card will be displayed on the screen. Check the details and download them.
  • Take a printout for future reference.

JSSC JE: Salary & Benefits

The candidates who have cleared the JSSC JE exam are entitled to a good salary and benefits. These include:

Basic PayRs 35,400
Grade PayRs 4,200
House Rent Allowance (HRA)Rs 2,832 – Rs 8496
Dearness Allowance (DA)Rs 9,912
Travelling Allowance Rs 3600 for cities and Rs 1800 for others
Gross SalaryRs 49,944 – 57,408

SSC JE Cut-off marks 2025

  • The cut-off marks will be announced on the official website after the exam. They would differ for different categories.
  • The cut-off marks depend on factors like:
    o The difficulty level of the question paper.
    o The number of vacancies.
    o The number of candidates who attended the exam.
    o Average marks obtained by the students.

JSSC JE Recruitment Results 2025

The process to check the results of the JSSC JE exam is as follows:

  • Visit the official website of JSSC.
  • Click on the ‘Result’ tab on the homepage.
  • Click on the link provided on the page.
  • A page will open where the roll numbers of all the candidates have been mentioned.
  • Check your roll number in the list.

Preparation Tips

The JSSC JE exam 2025 is a significant opportunity for aspirants aiming to secure state-level engineering positions. To excel, candidates need a focused preparation strategy, covering the syllabus, exam pattern, and regular practice. Here are five simple tips to help you succeed:

  1. Understand the Syllabus and Exam Pattern
    Familiarize yourself with the JSSC JE syllabus and exam pattern. Identify important topics for each section and focus your preparation on areas with higher weightage to maximize your score.
  2. Create a Structured Study Plan
    Develop a study schedule for the JSSC JE exam. Allocate time for each subject, set achievable daily goals, and ensure consistent progress throughout your preparation journey.
  3. Practice with Mock Tests
    Solve mock tests and previous year’s papers for the JSSC JE exam. This helps improve time management, accuracy, and understanding of the question patterns while boosting confidence.
  4. Focus on Technical Subjects
    Strengthen your knowledge of technical subjects relevant to the JSSC JE exam, such as Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical Engineering, as these are critical for scoring well in the exam.
  5. Revise Regularly
    Regular revision is essential to retain key concepts. Schedule dedicated revision sessions to revisit important topics and avoid last-minute stress before the JSSC JE exam.


Preparing for the JSSC JE exam 2025 requires a well-structured approach and consistent effort. Understanding the syllabus, exam pattern, and key topics is the foundation of your preparation. With a clear study plan and focused practice, you can systematically cover the necessary subjects and improve your chances of success.

Regular practice with mock tests and previous year’s papers will enhance your time management and accuracy, giving you a better understanding of the exam format. Equally important is revising regularly to retain crucial concepts and staying updated on any new notifications or changes related to the JSSC JE exam.

By dedicating time and effort to mastering the technical subjects and refining your preparation strategy, you can confidently approach the exam. Success in the JSSC JE exam opens doors to prestigious state-level engineering positions with promising career growth and benefits. Stay determined, stay consistent, and work toward achieving your goal!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the salary of JSSC?

Ans. The salary of JSSC lies between Rs 49,944 – Rs 57,408. There are many benefits attached to the salary.

Q2. What is the Qualification for JSSC?

Ans. The candidates should have a Mechanical, Civil, or Electrical engineering degree from a recognized university.

Q3. Is the JSSC exam tough?

Ans. The JSSC exam is not tough if the candidate has prepared properly and practiced several mock papers. However, it is a highly competitive exam as several candidates participate in the exam.

Q4. What jobs come under JSSC?

Ans. The jobs under JSSC are:
1 Junior Engineer
2 Mine Inspector
3 Motor Vehicle Inspector
4 Street light Inspector
5 Pipeline Inspector

Q5. When will the JSSC JE 2025 notification be released?

Ans. The JSSC JE 2025 notification will be released soon. Stay updated on official websites for the exact date and further details regarding the application process and eligibility.