APPSC group 1

APPSC Group 1 Exam 2024-25: Your Ultimate Opportunity Guide

March 20, 2025

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ పబ్లిక్ సర్వీస్ కమిషన్), is a state-level body responsible for conducting recruitment exams for various government positions in Andhra Pradesh. One of its most significant exams is the APPSC Group 1 Exam, which selects candidates for high-level administrative positions within the state government. These positions are essential for the efficient functioning of government departments and services, and the recruitment process is highly competitive.

The APPSC Group 1 Exam is designed to identify qualified individuals who can handle administrative responsibilities effectively. The exam covers a wide range of subjects, including general knowledge, current affairs, and specific topics related to governance and public administration. Candidates preparing for the exam must have a well-rounded knowledge base, including a strong understanding of the state’s issues, history, and government policies.

The APPSC Group 1 Exam shares some similarities with the UPSC Civil Services Exam, as both aim to recruit individuals for important government roles. However, the APPSC exam focuses specifically on issues relevant to the state of Andhra Pradesh. Understanding the exam structure, syllabus, and important topics is crucial for candidates aiming to succeed in this exam.

To increase their chances of success, candidates should focus on regular study, practice previous years’ question papers, and take mock tests to improve their time management and problem-solving abilities. By staying dedicated and following a structured study plan, candidates can greatly improve their chances of securing a prestigious position within the Andhra Pradesh government.

Latest Updates from APPSC

The APPSC Group 1 Mains Exam Schedule has been announced, with the Main Written Examination set to take place from 3rd to 9th May 2025. Previously, the screening test for Advt. No: 12/2023 was conducted on 17th March 2024. Candidates who qualify in the screening test will be invited to appear for the Mains examination. Out of 1,48,881 registered candidates for the APPSC Group 1 exam, 72.5% participated in the screening test.

APPSC group 1

Exam Highlights

All the major and important highlights related to the APPSC exam are mentioned in the below table:

Conducting BodyAndhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
Exam NameThe recruitment process for APPSC Group 1 includes three stages: prelims, mains, and interviews. Candidates who qualify in the prelims exam can appear for the mains exam. Those who clear the main exam are shortlisted for the interview round.
Exam LevelState Level (Andhra Pradesh)
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOffline
Recruitment ProcessThe recruitment process for APPSC Group 1 includes three stages: prelims, mains, and interviews. Candidates who qualify in the prelims exam can appear for the mains exam. Those who clear the mains exam are shortlisted for the interview round.
Education QualificationCandidates must possess a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university to be eligible for the APPSC Group 1 exam.
Age Limit18 – 42 years.
SalaryThe salary scale for APPSC Group 1 positions varies depending on the specific post and the pay commission norms. It generally ranges from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 1,50,000 per month.
Official Website

APPSC Group 1 2024-25 Important Dates

The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) conducts the APPSC Group 1 exam to recruit qualified candidates for various administrative roles. The commission provides details about the recruitment process and other important updates on its official website. Applicants are advised to regularly visit the website for the latest announcements. The selection process for APPSC Group 1 involves a Screening Test, a Main Examination, and an Interview.

APPSC Group 1 Recruitment Overview

Exam Conducting AuthorityAndhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC)
Official WebsiteAPPSC website
Selection ProcessScreening Test, Main Exam, and Interview
Application Start Date1st January 2024
Last Date to Apply21st January 2024
Prelims Exam17th March 2024
Mains Exam3rd to 9th May 2025
StateAndhra Pradesh (AP) Government Jobs
QualificationGraduate Government Jobs

APPSC Group 1 2024-25 Vacancies

The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) will conduct the APPSC Group 1 Exam 2025 to fill vacancies across various departments, including Finance, General Administration, Law, Legislature, Municipal Administration & Urban Development (MA & UD), Revenue, and other sectors. The exact number of vacancies will be released along with the official APPSC Group 1 Notification 2025. Below is a summary of the previous year’s post-wise APPSC Group 1 vacancies for reference.

APPSC Group 1 Previous Year Vacancy

S.No.Post NameTotal Vacancies
1Deputy Collectors in A.P. Civil Service (Executive Branch)09
2Assistant Commissioner of State Tax in A.P. State Tax Service18
3Deputy Superintendent of Police (Civil) Category-2 in A.P. Police Service26
4Deputy Superintendent of Jails (Men) in A.P. Jail Service01
5Divisional/District Fire Officer in State Disaster Response & Fire Services01
6Regional Transport Officer in A.P. Transport Service06
7District B.C. Welfare Officer in A.P. B.C. Welfare Service01
8District Social Welfare Officer in A.P. Social Welfare Service03
9Deputy Registrar in A.P. Cooperative Service05
10Municipal Commissioner Grade-II in A.P. Municipal Administration Services01
11Assistant Prohibition & Excise Superintendent in A.P. Excise Service01
12Assistant Treasury Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer in A.P. Treasury & Accounts Service03
13District Employment Officer in A.P. Employment Exchange Service04
14Assistant Audit Officer in A.P. State Audit Service02

APPSC Group 1 2024-25 Eligibility

The eligibility requirements for APPSC Group 1 are listed below.

Educational Qualification

Verify the special educational requirements listed below.

District Fire Officers in A.P. Fire Service.Any University recognized by the University Grants Commission’s degree program in engineering (fire) or equivalent credentials. Individuals with a degree in any area will be taken into consideration if there are no individuals with B.E (Fire) qualifications available.  
Asst. Treasury Officer/Asst. Accounts Officer in A.P. Treasury & Accounts ServiceA degree in commerce, economics, or mathematics from a university recognized by the UGC with at least a second-class grade in the field or a certificate from a chartered accountant in the UK, India, or London.  
District Social Welfare Officer in A.P. Social Welfare ServiceMust hold a bachelor’s degree from a university in India founded or incorporated by or under a central act, a state act, a provincial act, or an organization approved by the University Grants Commission. With the caveat that individuals with degrees in sociology or social work will be given preference.  

Physical Requirement

 See the table below for the physical requirements for each position.

Post Code     CategoryPhysical Requirement
For Post Code No. 03 to 05GeneralThe candidate must be at least 167.6 cm tall, 86.3 cm around the chest when fully expanded, and have a minimum 5 cm chest expansion.
For Post Code No. 03 to 05S.T.Must have a chest expansion of at least 5 cm, at least 164 cm tall, and 83.8 cm around the chest at full expansion.
For Post Code No. 03WomenBe at least 152.5 cm tall, 86.3 cm around the chest when fully expanded, have a chest expansion of at least 5 cm, and weigh at least 45.5 kg.
For Post Code No. 08MenMust be at least 165 cm tall, 86 cm around the chest when fully expanded, and have a minimum 5-centimetre chest expansion.

Age Limit

Name of PostAge Limit
Deputy Collector18 to 42 yrs.
Assistant Commissioner18 to 42 yrs.
Deputy Superintendent of Police (Cat -2)21 to 28, yes.
Deputy Superintendent of Jails (Men)18 to 28 yrs.
District Fire Officer21 to 26 yrs.
Asst Treasury Officer/Asst Accounts Officer18 to 42 yrs.
Regional Transport Officer18 to 42 yrs.
Asst Prohibition & Excise Superintendent18 to 26 yrs.
Mandal Parishad Development Officer18 to 42 yrs.
District Registrar18 to 42 yrs
District Employment Officer18 to 42 yrs
Deputy Registrar18 to 42 yrs
District Tribal Welfare Officer18 to 42 yrs
District Social Welfare Officer18 to 42 yrs
District BC Welfare Officer18 to 42 yrs
District Panchayat Officer18 to 42 yrs
Municipal Commissioner Grade-II18 to 42 yrs
Administrative Officer/Lay Secretary & Treasurer Grade-II18 to 42 yrs
Asst Audit Officer18 to 42 yrs

Age Relaxation

Category of  CandidateRelaxation to Upper Age Limit
SC, ST and Backward Classes5 years
Physically Handicapped persons10 years
Ex-Servicemen3 years + Service Period
A.P. State Government EmployeeUp to a maximum of 5 Years based on the length of regular service.  

APPSC Group 1 2024-25 Application Form

APPSC Group 1 Online Application will be released through the Commission’s Website for the eligible candidates.

Application Steps

The following procedures must be followed by applicants to apply for any APPSC exam:

  • Finish the One-Time Profile Registration (OTPR) procedure.
  • Click New Registration for Direct Recruitment on the page that appears.
  • The candidates must enter the following data: Aadhaar details, basic details, address details, educational qualifications, photo and signature upload, etc.
  • After carefully checking your entry, click “Submit.”
  • On a screen, the Reference ID will be generated and shown.
  • Visit the login page and enter your information.
  • Complete the form’s requested information and double-check it.
  • Complete the application submission and payment process.
  • The payment reference ID will be generated following the completion of the transaction.
  • Submit the form, then save or print the receipt.
  • Use the application receipt for any upcoming communication or references.

APPSC Exam 2024-25 Application Fees

We’ve included the APPSC Group 1 Application Form pricing schedule based on the previous year’s notification. We will update this page if there are any changes to the pricing structure for this year.

CategoryApplication Processing FeeExam Fee
UnreservedRs. 250Rs. 120  
SC, ST, BC, PH & Ex-Service Men    Rs. 250Exempted
Families having Household Supply White Cards issued by Civil Supplies Department, A.P. Government. (Residents of Andhra Pradesh)Rs. 250Exempted
Unemployed youth as per G.O.Ms.No.439, G.A (Ser- A) Dept.Rs. 250Exempted
A Part-time Job that Pays like Full-time

APPSC Group 1 2024-25 Admit Card

The APPSC Group 1 Exam admit card is often made available ten days before the exam. Each stage’s APPSC Group 1 Admit Card will be available individually on the official website. Only those candidates who pass the prelims exam will be given access to the mains exam admit card.

Steps to Download Admit Card

Candidates can access their admit card by doing the following:

  • Visit the APPSC’s official website.
  • Using the registration ID and password, access your account.
  • Find the link to the admission card download for the appropriate exam phase (prelims, mains, etc.).
  • The admit card will appear on the screen when you click the link.
  • Check the name, roll number, exam center, date, time on the admit card, and any other information.
  • Take a printout of the admit card after downloading it for your records.

Admit Card Details

The APPSC Group 1 admit card contains important information such as:

  • Candidate’s name and photograph.
  • Roll number and registration number.
  • Exam date, time, and duration.
  • Exam center details, including address and instructions.
  • Reporting time and gate closure time.
  • Instructions for the exam day.

Exam Centre Details

According to the preferences specified by the applicants throughout the application process, the APPSC Group 1 exam centers are assigned. The official notification or the admit card will include a list of the exam locations. Candidates will be assigned a testing location within their desired district or zone.

Preliminary Exam Centre

  1. Visakhapatnam
  2. Nellore
  3. Srikakulam
  4. Vijayawada
  5. Kadapa
  6. Kurnool
  7. Ongole
  8. Vizianagaram
  9. Eluru
  10. Tirupathi
  11. Guntur
  12. Kakinada
  13. Anantapur

Mains Exam Centre

  1. Visakhapatnam
  2. Tirupati
  3. Vijayawada
  4. Anantapur

APPSC Group 1 2024-25 Exam Pattern

To hire officers for the provincial civil services, APPSC administers the APPSC Group 1 exam. The APPSC Group 1 exam pattern consists of three phases.

  • Preliminary Exam
  • The Mains Exam
  • Interview

Prelims Exam Pattern

The preliminary exam is qualifying only. So, the candidates need to score the cut-off marks to move on to the next stage. All the details and patterns of the prelim exam are discussed below:

Total No. Of PapersTwo ( Paper 1 and Paper 2 )
Total no. of QuestionsPaper 1 – 120 Marks
Paper 2 – 120 Marks
Total Marks240 Marks
Nature Of QuestionsObjective Type (MCQ)
DurationPaper 1 – 120 minutes Paper 2 – 120 minutes
Negative Marking1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question 
Name of the Sections and Marks DistributionPaper 1:
History and Culture – 30 Marks
Constitution Social Justice and International Relations – 30 Marks
Indian Economy and Andhra Pradesh Economy and Planning – 30 Marks
Geography – 30 Marks
Paper 2:
General Mental Ability and Administrative and Psychological Abilities – 60 Marks
Science and Technology – 30 Marks
Events of Regional, National and International Importance – 30 Marks

APPSC Group 1 Mains Exam Pattern

After clearing the prelims, the candidates take the APPSC mains exam. The Main examination for the APPSC Group 1 posts has seven papers for 3 hours each. Out of which two are language papers and qualifying in nature, English and Telugu. The pattern of the APPSC main exam is discussed below in detail:

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarks (Total Marks – 750)
EnglishThree Questions Each Of 50 Marks150
TeluguThree Questions Each Of 50 Marks150
Paper 1
General Essay
Three Questions Each Of 50 Marks150
Paper 2
History, Culture and Geography of India and Andhra Pradesh
15 questions each of 10 marks150
Paper 3
Polity, Constitution, Governance, Law and Ethics
15 questions each of 10 marks150
Economy and Development of India and Andhra Pradesh
15 questions each of 10 marks150
Paper 5
Science and Technology
15 questions each of 10 marks150

APPSC Group 1 Interview

The candidates clearing the main examination will get called for the interview round, which consists of 75 marks. Hence, the candidate’s overall knowledge gets tested by the interview panel. Lastly, the students who will qualify in the interview round will get shortlisted for the merit list and final recruitment.

APPSC Group 1 Exam Syllabus

The APPSC exam syllabus is an important aspect for the candidates appearing in the exam. The syllabus helps the students to plan their studies and the next course of action. As a result, it facilitates the candidates to crack the APPSC exam with ease.

APPSC Preliminary Syllabus

Paper 1 – General StudiesPaper 2 – General Aptitude
Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International RelationsScience and Technology
History and CultureGeneral Mental and Psychological Abilities
GeographyCurrent Events of Regional, National, and International Importance
Indian and Andhra Pradesh Economy and Planning

APPSC Mains Examination Syllabus

Subject PaperImportant Topics
English (SSC level)Essay Letter Writing Press Release Report Writing Writing on Visual Information Formal Speech Precis Writing Reading Comprehension English Grammar Translation
Telugu (SSC level)Essay Elaborate thought of Verse/Poetic Precis Writing Comprehension Formal Speech Statement Preparation Letter Writing Debate Writing Application Writing Report Writing Dialogue Skills Translation Telugu Grammar
Paper 1 – General Essay (Degree level)Three Essays of about 800 words each
Paper 2 – History, Culture and Geography of India and Andhra Pradesh (Degree level)History and Culture: India and Andhra Pradesh Geography: India and Andhra Pradesh
Paper 3 – Polity, Constitution, Governance, Law and Ethics (Degree level)Indian Polity and Constitution Public Administration and Governance Ethics in Public Service and Knowledge of Law (Civil, Criminal, Labour, Cyber, Tax Laws)
Paper 4 – Economy and Development of India and Andhra Pradesh (Degree level)Major Challenges of the Indian Economy Resource Mobilization in Indian Economy and AP  Government Budgeting in India and AP Inclusive Growth Agricultural Development in India and AP Industrial Development and Policy Industrial Policy of the AP Government Infrastructure in India and Andhra Pradesh
Paper 5 – Science and Technology (Degree level)ICT Current Affairs Environment Development v/s Nature Space, energy, etc.

APPSC Group 1 2024-25 Result and Cut-Offs

APPSC Group 1 Result 2024-25

On the APPSC’s official website, the APPSC Group 1 results for each phase will be made public. Candidates can use these steps to check their results:

  • Visit the APPSC’s official website.
  • Find the link to examine the results for the relevant phase (interview, mains, etc.).
  • Enter the necessary information by clicking the link, including your roll number and birthdate.
  • Once the information is submitted, the outcome will be visible on the screen.
  • Candidates may download and print their results for their records.

APPSC Group 1 Cut-off

The official website will disclose the cutoff scores for the APPSC Group 1 exam concurrently with the results or separately. Various groups, such as general, OBC, SC, ST, etc., have cutoff scores. The number of openings, the level of exam difficulty, and the applicants’ performance are considered when determining the cutoff marks.

Here is an illustration of the cutoff score from the prior year for your reference:

CategoryCutoff Marks  

APPSC Group 1 Salary Structure

The table for the APPSC Notification for Group 1 Exam 2022 includes the positions and their salaries.

Post NameSalary
Deputy Collectors in A.P. Civil Service (Executive Branch)Rs. 61,960- 1,51,370/-
Assistant Commissioner of State Tax in A.P. State Tax ServiceRs. 61,960- 1,51,370/-
Deputy Supdt. of Police (Civil) Cat-2 in A.P. Police ServiceRs. 61,960- 1,51,370/-
Deputy Supdt. of Jails (MEN) in A.P. Jail ServiceRs. 57,100- 1,47,760/-
Divisional /District Fire Officers in State Disaster Response & Fire ServicesRs. 57,100- 1,47,760/-
Asst. Treasury Officer/Asst. Accounts Officer in A.P. Treasury & Accounts ServiceRs. 54,060- 1,40,540/-
Regional Transport Officers in A.P. Transport ServiceRs. 57,100- 1,47,760/-
Mandal Parishad Development Officer in A.P. Panchayat Raj and Rural Development ServiceRs. 54,060- 1,40,540/-
District Registrars in A.P. Registration and Stamps Service          Rs. 57,100- 1,47,760/-
District Tribal Welfare Officer in A.P. Tribal Welfare ServiceRs. 57,100- 1,47,760/-
District B.C. Welfare Officer in A.P. B.C. Welfare ServiceRs. 57,100- 1,47,760/-
Municipal Commissioner Grade-II in A.P. Municipal Administration ServicesRs. 54,060- 1,40,540/-
Administrative Officer / Lay Secretary & Treasurer Grade.II in A.P. Medical and Health (Administration) ServiceRs. 54,060- 1,40,540/-
Assistant Audit Officer in A.P. State Audit ServiceRs. 54,060- 1,40,540/-
Deputy Registrar in A.P. Cooperative ServiceRs. 57,100 -1,47,760/-
Assistant Audit Officer in A.P. State Audit ServiceRs. 54,060 -1,40,540/-  

Preparation Tips

Preparing for competitive exams like the APPSC Group 1 requires a well-structured approach. To succeed, it’s important to focus on key areas such as understanding the syllabus, improving general knowledge, practicing previous papers, and maintaining physical fitness. By staying organized and disciplined in your preparation, you can increase your chances of performing well in the exam.

Some important tips to be followed by candidates are:

  • Know the curriculum: Become familiar with the thorough curriculum for each APPSC Group 1 test section. Make a study schedule and allot time for each subject as necessary.
  • Resources & Study Materials: Compile the necessary resources for your studies, such as books, websites, and test questions from prior years. Use study aids, reference books, and reliable sources to complete your research and preparation.
  • Take practice tests: Solve practice papers regularly to evaluate your progress and spot areas that need more focus. You’ll gain a better understanding of the format of the exam as well as enhanced time-management and problem-solving abilities.
  • Keep up with current events: Stay informed on current events, both domestic and foreign. To stay current on the most recent advancements, governmental initiatives, and significant events, frequently read newspapers, periodicals, and internet news portals.

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Frequently Asked Questions: (FAQ’s)

Q1. What does APPSC mean?

Ans. The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission, abbreviated as the APPSC, is responsible for organizing various competitive examinations to select candidates for state administrative jobs. As a result, it functions as both a governing body and the highest authority in the state’s government job market. To fill the 81 open positions in the state, the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission will soon hold the APPSC Group 1 exam.

Q2. Are the UPSC and APPSC exam syllabi the same?

Ans. The APPSC Mains Syllabus for Group 1 is exhaustive; nevertheless, it does not include any elective topics in contrast to the UPSC Mains. As a direct consequence of this, the format is dissimilar to that of the UPSC examination. However, the course outline for the APPSC examination is, more or less, the same as that of the UPSC examination for the common subjects that coincide with the UPSC examination.

Q3. Is there any APPSC notification for 2025?

Ans. The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released the official notification for the APPSC Group 1 posts, announcing the details and requirements for candidates interested in applying for these positions.

Q4. How many exams are there in APPSC?

Ans. Two of the APPSC examinations are given in the traditional pencil and paper format. The preliminary examination and the main examination are the two parts of this two-part test given by the APPSC. MCQs will be asked during the preliminary round. On the other hand, the primary test is a piece of writing that requires both description and subjectivity. Following successful completion of both examinations, applicants are then considered for further consideration in the form of an interview.

Q5. Is the APPSC Group 1 exam conducted every year?

Ans. Yes, the APPSC Group 1 exam is conducted almost every year by the Andhra Pradesh PSC. Therefore, the commission is responsible for the exams and filling out the job vacancies arising in the Andhra Pradesh Government.

Q6. What is the qualification for AP Group 1?

Ans. To qualify for APPSC (Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission) Group 1 exams, you need a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. 

Related Content

  • The APPSC Group 1 Mains Exam Schedule has been announced.
  • The Group-I Services Main Written Examination is scheduled from 3rd to 9th May 2025.
  • A total of 1,48,881 candidates registered for the APPSC Group 1 exam, with 72.5% of them appearing for the test.
  • The APPSC Group 1 Notification announced 81 vacancies across various posts.
  • The APPSC Group 1 selection process consists of a Preliminary Test, a Main Examination, and an Interview.