10 Books for Students to Improve Their Memory

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Reading strengthens the brain and improves brain functions like memory. Here are ten best memory improvement books, based on studies and their content.


Unlimited Memory

Kevin Horsley's book focuses on improving memory, focus, and information retention through strategies like attention mastery, breaking thinking patterns, and utilizing long-term memories.


Memory Improvement

Ron White's Memory Improvement offers 2,000-year-old methods to enhance memory by altering the brain's filing system, providing easy-to-implement strategies for remembering names and numbers.


The Memory Book

Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas' The Memory Book introduces an ancient memory system and speed reading method, promoting recall and reducing study time.


Power Foods for the Brain

Dr. Neal D Barnard's Power Foods is a book on memory enhancement, highlighting brain-boosting foods and discussing the potential risks of dairy, meat, alcohol, caffeine, and toxic metals.



How We Learn

Benedict Carey's "How We Learn" delves into the science of learning, highlighting the negative effects of study routines and suggesting alternative study conditions.

Make It Stick

Brown and Roediger III's book, Make It Stick, explores memory encoding and retrieval, effective study habits, and the benefits of different learning styles.


A Mind for Numbers

Barbara Oakley's book, A Mind for Numbers, underscores the importance of analytical and creative thinking in mastering intricate subjects like maths and science.


The Memory Illusion

Dr. Julia Shaw's Memory Illusion explores memory errors, how our brains can misappropriate others' memories and provides strategies to improve memory awareness.


Moonwalking with Einstein

Joshua Foer's book, Moonwalking with Einstein, follows his memory journey from average to winning the USA Memory Championship, using mnemonic tools, the PAO system, and mind mapping.


The Power of Discipline

Daniel Walter's book, "The Power of Disciple," highlights the significance of self-discipline in achieving goals, incorporating Navy SEAL secrets, Zen Buddhist practices, and motivational strategies.