Life Skills  by the  World Health Organisation


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The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies 10 core life skills that are essential for promoting mental health and well-being, here are some of the skills.

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Self Awareness

This is the ability to recognize your emotions, thoughts, and values, it also includes understanding your strengths and weaknesses.

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It involves putting yourself in someone else's shoes and seeing things from their perspective.

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Critical Thinking

This is the ability to analyze information & situations objectively, it involves questioning assumptions, identifying biases etc.

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Creative Thinking

This is the ability to generate new ideas and solutions, it involves thinking outside the box & coming up with innovative approaches.

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Decision Making

This is the ability to weigh options and make choices that are in your best interest, it involves considering the potential consequences

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Problem  Solving

This is the ability to identify and overcome challenges, it involves developing a plan of action and implementing it effectively.

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Effective Communication

This is the ability to express yourself clearly and listen attentively to others, it involves both verbal and nonverbal communication.

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Interpersonal Relationships

This is the ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships with others, it involves building trust, resolving conflict etc.

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Coping with Stress

It involves relaxation techniques, time management, and seeking support from others.

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Coping with Emotions

It involves expressing your emotions in a constructive way and dealing with difficult emotions in a healthy way.

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