Most Affordable Cities in The World


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Affordability can be relative depending on your lifestyle and income. However, these 10 cities are  considered the most affordable cities in the world to live in.


Karachi, Pakistan

Known for its bazaars and beaches, Karachi offers a low cost of living with affordable housing, transportation, and groceries.


Ahmedabad, India

This historic city in Gujarat, India offers a rich cultural experience at a reasonable cost.


Lahore, Pakistan

Lahore is the heart of Pakistani Punjab and is known for its Mughal-era architecture, food, and bazaars. It's a relatively affordable city to live in.


Chengdu, China

Chengdu city of China is known for its giant pandas, spicy cuisine, and laid-back lifestyle. It is also considered an affordable city.


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Malaysia's capital offers a mix of modern skyscrapers, colonial architecture, and vibrant cultural scenes.


Zagreb, Croatia

Zagreb offers a good standard of living at a lower cost compared to other European cities. It's known for its museums, baroque architecture.


Cape Town, South Africa

The city offers a variety of affordable housing options and a moderate cost of living, with stunning scenery, including Table Mountain and several beaches.


Lisbon, Portugal

The cost of living in Lisbon is lower than in many other Western European cities, with a rich history, delicious food, and friendly people.


Bucharest, Romania

Bucharest offers a good standard of living at a lower cost of living compared to other European cities.


Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai is a popular destination for digital nomads due to its affordability and good internet connectivity.