Must  Visit Book Stores Around The World 


Discover literary havens worldwide. From Shakespeare and Company in Paris to El Ateneo Grand Splendid in Buenos Aires, explore globally revered stores.


Shakespeare & Company

A legendary English-language bookstore that has hosted famous writers like Ernest Hemingway and James Joyce.


El Ateneo Grand Splendid

This bookstore boasts ornate architecture, with shelves set up among the grand interiors, making it a stunning and culturally rich place to explore books.


The Last Bookstore

This bookstore features a mix of new and used books, as well as a labyrinth made of books.


Libreria Acqua Alta

This quirky bookstore is known for its unconventional arrangement of books stored in boats, bathtubs, and gondolas to prevent flooding from the canals.


Livraria Lello

This bookstore is famous for its beautiful Neo-Gothic architecture, ornate wooden interiors, and a stunning staircase. 


Powell's City of Books

It is Claiming to be the world's largest independent bookstore, Powell's spans multiple floors and offers a vast collection of books. 


Livraria da Vila

This bookstore features bookshelves built into staircases and irregularly shaped rooms, creating a visually appealing and unique space.


Barter Books

This bookstore is famous for its cozy atmosphere, roaring fires, and shelves full of secondhand books that visitors can exchange.


Cook & Book

Cook & Book offers a unique dining experience amid books, with each section of the store representing a different literary theme.


Daunt Books

Daunt Books specializes in travel literature and has a charming ambiance that attracts book lovers.