5 Ways to Say 'I Don't Know' in Job Interview

Orange Lightning

In job interviews, phrases like "I'm unfamiliar but eager to learn" or "Could you clarify that?" show honesty and adaptability, here  are some things to know.

I’m not very familiar with that concept, but

Be honest when you're unfamiliar with a topic, and avoid pretending to know it.


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That’s an interesting question

Use the rephrased question to find a related area you can confidently address.


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I’m so glad you asked about this

Emphasize your eagerness to learn when you encounter a question about a gap in your knowledge.


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I haven’t had much exposure to that with my previous employer

Show your enthusiasm for the resources and support the new employer offers.


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One of my strengths is being able to identify the best resource

Position yourself as a collaborative problem solver who knows how  to get things done.


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