6 Lessons from the life of Narayana Murthy

Narayana Murthy the co-founder of Infosys, is a renowned figure in the business world. His life offers valuable lessons, both for entrepreneurs and individuals pursuing success. Here are some lessons from his life:


Put the company's interests ahead of your own

Murthy has always been clear that the company's interests should come first, even above the interests of the founders. This is one of the key reasons for Infosys' success.


Be honest and transparent

Murthy is known for his honesty and integrity. He believes that transparency is essential for building trust and credibility.


Be frugal and live a simple life

Murthy is a frugal person who lives a simple life. He believes that it is important to avoid unnecessary extravagance.


Invest in people and their development

Murthy has always believed in investing in people and their development. He has created a culture of learning and growth at Infosys.


Be a lifelong learner

Murthy is a voracious reader and a lifelong learner. He believes that it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your field.


Give back to society

Murthy is a philanthropist who has donated generously to various causes. He believes that it is important to give back to the society that has given you so much.