6 Phrases Used That Are Subtle Signs of Narcissism

Checkout these phrases if you wanna know about the signs of narcissism. Try to avoid these phrases or check if someone around you uses them.


I deserve the best

It can sound empowering, but repeated often, it signals narcissism, entitlement over others.


I don’t care what others think 

It might seem confident, but when overused, it’s often a narcissistic way to dismiss criticism and avoid accountability. 


I knew that already 

It may seem like confidence, but repeated use signals narcissism, constantly trying to one-up others 


I don’t make mistakes 

Sounds like perfection, but it’s a narcissistic denial of humanity, avoiding flaws to maintain an image of superiority. 


I always win 

Might sound confident, but if it’s repeated, it often reveals a narcissistic need for dominance 


I don’t need anyone’s help 

Seem like independence, but when overused, it can signal narcissism, dismissing others’ value .