7 Ancient Universities of India

Orange Lightning

These universities played a significant role in preserving and disseminating knowledge, not just in India but across Asia, here are some to watch.


Nalanda University

Located in Bihar, it was a renowned center of learning, attracting students from various parts of the world.


Vikramashila University

This university specialized in Buddhist studies and Tantric teachings & was known for its rigorous academic discipline.


Vallabhi University

Situated in present-day Gujarat, it  was a prominent centre of learning, particularly in the fields of economics, political science, law and  medicine.


Odantapuri University

It was founded by the Pala dynasty  and served as an important centre for Buddhist learning, it is believed to have inspired the establishment of Nalanda.


Pushpagiri University

It is believed to have been contemporary with Nalanda and Vikramashila and was known for its contribution to Buddhist education.


Jagaddala University

The Pala dynasty & served as an important centre for Buddhist studies. It played a key role in the preservation and dissemination.


Sharada Peeth

A  prominent centre of learning  in Kashmir, it offers courses  in various subjects, including Sanskrit, grammar and philosophy.