Easy Ways to Improve Your CIBIL Score


Financial strides as Timely payments, controlled credit use, and diverse accounts sculpt a higher CIBIL score, unlocking opportunities ahead.

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Pay Bills on Time

Timely payment of credit card bills, loan EMIs, and other dues is  crucial , as Late payments negatively impact your credit score.

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Keep Credit Utilization Low

Maintain a low credit utilization ratio, ideally below 30% of your available credit limit.

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Check Credit Reports

Monitor your credit report for errors or inaccuracies that might be affecting your score negatively.

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Credit Simultaneously

Each time you apply for a new credit card or loan, it generates a hard inquiry which temporarily lowers your score.

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Don’t Close Old Credit Account

Keeping old credit accounts open can positively impact your credit history's length, which is a factor in your score calculation.

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Diversify Your Credit Mix

Having a healthy mix of credit types, such as a combination of credit cards, loans , and retail accounts, can positively impact your score.

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Regularly Use Your Credit

Use your credit accounts periodically and make timely payments to demonstrate responsible credit behavior.

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