7 Foods That Seem Healthy But Are Unhealthy

Orange Lightning

Many foods seem healthy but are unhealthy due to hidden sugars, fats, and processed ingredients that reduce their nutritional value, here are some to see.


Multi-Grain Bread

Most multi-grain breads contain enriched wheat flour, not whole grains. Opt for breads listing whole grains as the first ingredient.



Flatbreads are dense and calorie- rich, often surpassing regular bread, Consider using romaine lettuce or open-faced sandwiches instead.



Flavoured and frozen yoghurts are high in sugar, choose plain Greek yoghurt and add fresh fruit for natural sweetness.


Energy Bars

Energy bars often resemble candy in sugar and calories, Opt for bars with simple, whole ingredients or skip altogether.


Crunchy Snacks

Packaged crunchy snacks are often calorie-dense with little nutrition, Replace with raw veggies and hummus or peanut butter.


Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is calorie-dense and easy to overeat, choose whole, fresh fruits like apples, oranges, or bananas instead.


Plant-Based Milks

Plant-based milks lack cow's milk's nutrient profile and can be sugary, Stick to cow's milk unless allergies  or aversions exist.