7 Habits of Achievers in Life

People have different habits which they possess from different life phases. However, some habits can make or break your life. Here are some of the habits that are common in Achievers.


Being Proactive

Proactivity involves taking responsibility for one's reactions to experiences, choosing how to react, recognizing one's circle of influence, and focusing on the center of influence.


Setting Goals

Covey promotes achieving future goals, implementing principles, reviewing mission statements for effective life decisions, growth, humility, and creating twice before acting.


Start Prioritizing

Effective decision-making requires prioritizing tasks and working in chronological order to ensure no work is skipped out among planned tasks.


Thinking Like a Winner

Covey advocates for long-term resolutions through win-win relationships, valuing and respecting everyone, and promoting human interaction and collaboration through a character-based code.


Being Empathetic 

Empathetic listening fosters trust, openness, and positive problem-solving. Ancient Greek philosophy's Habit 5 emphasizes ethos, pathos, and logos as modes of persuasion.


Having Integrity

The ultimate habit is to continuously enhance one's influence in both personal and interpersonal spheres to keep integrity intact.


Sharpen the Saw

Covey's "upward spiral" model encourages personal growth, security, wisdom, and power through learning, commitment, and action to renew resources, energy, and health.