Little  Known Facts  About Lakshadweep


Lakshadweep, is a treasure trove unseen, harbors matrilineal societies, coral reefs, and ancient history amidst azure seas and hidden marvels.

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Smallest Union Territory

Lakshadweep is India's smallest Union Territory in terms of both land area and population. It comprises 36 islands, and only 10 are inhabited. 

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Matrilineal Society

The society in Lakshadweep follows a matrilineal system where property and family lineage are traced through the female line.

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Coral Reefs

The surrounding waters are home to diverse species of fish, sea turtles, and other marine creatures , coral reefs and abundant marine life.

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Restricted Access

A special permit from the government is required for tourists to visit, and the number of visitors is controlled to preserve the environment and local culture.

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Lakshadweep Language

The people of Lakshadweep primarily speak Malayalam and follow a culture that is influenced by Arab, Hindu, and Dravidian traditions.

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Eco-Friendly Practices

Efforts are made to conserve the environment, including a ban on plastic bags, restrictions on fishing methods to protect marine life, & promoting sustainable tourism.

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Biodiversity Hotspot

Despite its small size, Lakshadweep is recognized as a biodiversity hotspot. The region's flora and fauna include some  unique species .

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