7 Movies To Learn English 

Orange Lightning

Learning English can be fun, and what better way to do it than through movies, here are some movies to watch.


Forrest Gump

This movie is a classic for a reason, as dialogue is clear and easy to understand, and the story is full of iconic lines.


The Shawshank Redemption

This critically acclaimed drama is another great choice for improving your English.


Jurassic Park

This action-adventure film is a great way to learn scientific vocabulary, The dialogue is clear and concise and the story is exciting


Toy Story

This animated classic is a great choice for learners of all ages, the dialogue is simple and easy to follow and the story is humorous.                                                                                                        


The Lord of the Rings

This epic fantasy trilogy is a great way to learn new vocabulary, the dialogue is rich and descriptive.


The Harry Potter Series

his fantasy series is another great choice for learners of all ages, the dialogue is clear and easy to follow.


Dead Poets Society

The movie features inspiring speeches and thought-provoking conversations about life and learning.